
The boat went to North Korea (275) Xiaomei borrowed flowers to offer "Buddha", thanks to the women's committee members' vision

author:Seafarer Big Brother
The boat went to North Korea (275) Xiaomei borrowed flowers to offer "Buddha", thanks to the women's committee members' vision

A peaceful picture of a meeting in the courtyard was created in my mind, especially this sense of rural imagery made me feel very harmonious. I used to have a meeting in my own country, when I had a meeting in the village, I thought it was very interesting, but now when I come to North Korea, I feel the rural life in the 70s and 80s again, and I have a lot of memories.

After Xiaomei motioned for everyone to sit down, everyone seemed to be very obedient, and no one communicated with each other, as if they were all waiting for Li Huizhu to continue, hoping to hear a good voice.

Li Huizhu continued: "Comrades, I hope that every villager can learn from the kindness of our villager comrade, who lives in the village, and can not only be praised for saving people, but also for being different in the village. ”

Li Huizhu is really from the city, and suddenly a new word came to me, so I didn't understand what it meant for a while. Jin Ergou was bold, stood up and asked Li Huizhu, "Comrade, you, you, you repeat what you just said, what are you talking about?" What does that mean? ”

Jin Ergou is a somewhat literate person, but he really didn't understand it at this time, and he didn't know what Li Huizhu was going to say. Out of curiosity, I stood aside and waited for her to continue. As a leader, it is normal for a city person to have some culture, but when you come to the village, you still have to say a little simple words so that the villagers can understand.

Xiaomei gave Jin Ergou a look, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with Jin Ergou's approach. In my opinion, Xiaomei's attitude is not good, and Jin Ergou is good for the villagers, so I also gave Xiaomei a look.

Li Huizhu is a reasonable person, and then explained, "Comrades, it is very good to be able to put forward my words if you don't understand them, so it is convenient for me to carry out my work here." What I mean is that if you have made contributions to the village, you can still be praised, for example, if you have a small innovation or invention in the village, which can bring development to the villagers and the society, and get effective returns, then you can also be praised. ”

I can probably understand that. I taught Xiaomei and the villagers to use our Chinese way of planting rice, which is an innovative way in the village. Besides, since the villagers learned the way I taught rice planting, the efficiency of the whole village has improved a lot, which is commendable, but I am a foreigner, so it is not worth mentioning.

Xiaomei continued: "Comrades, that's right, what our leaders say is the truth, you must use your brains more and think of a way, just like this Chinese friend of mine, taught us a new way of planting rice, and even taught us a new way of planting sweet potatoes, so that our sweet potato harvest is also good, and the efficiency is also improved." It's a pity that he is a foreigner, and if it were our villagers, he would have been commended. ”

"No, no, no, although I am a foreigner, I can be commended for my contribution to our country and our countryside." Li Huizhu continued, "Comrade President, such a friend is worth making, and everyone should study more, Comrade Xiaomei, as a foreign friend, I am also here today, do you want to express it." ”

Xiaomei didn't understand what she meant, I probably thought of Li Huizhu's thoughts, so I approached Xiaomei and whispered, "Xiaomeier, what Li Huizhu means, don't you understand?" ”

Xiaomei was a little bolder, and replied very simply, "Oh, don't worry, I will repay this friend of mine well, but this has nothing to do with the villagers in the village, and my own affairs will definitely be dealt with." ”

It seems that Xiaomei really didn't understand what Li Huizhu meant, which made Li Huizhu a little disappointed.

The women's committee member who had just been removed suddenly stood up and said what I wanted to say, and I don't know why she acted like this, maybe out of help to Xiaomei, maybe she wanted to make up for it, so Xiaomei said, "Comrade Xiaomei, the leader gave you such a good hint, don't you understand?" I think you are too ignorant, the leaders have worked hard for us to get benefits, and everyone is not working today, everyone said that they want our leaders to eat well in our village? ”

When the women's committee member said this, Xiaomei suddenly understood. Li Huizhu listened quite politely, and said, "Yo, you're polite, you're all right." ”

In fact, Li Huizhu just wanted the village to invite her to dinner and express her gratitude. Fortunately, at this time, the villagers in the village didn't know that the women's committee member was removed by Xiaomei, otherwise the women's committee member would not be qualified to stand up and speak.

Xiaomei also understood, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "That's right, come on, come on, the weather is good today, everyone is in the club, in order to express our gratitude to the leader, our club held a thank-you party." Comrade Jin Taocheng, today you will be the host, and the villagers in our village will help to complete it. If you have rice at home, you can take rice, and if you have meat, you can't do it, and if you don't have anything at home, you can bring dishes and chopsticks. ”

In the villages of North Korea, the conditions are relatively poor, there are no restaurants, and there is no market, and if you want to hold a banquet, you have to ask the whole village to raise money. This time, I believe everyone is willing, after all, Jin Taocheng's incident has benefited the whole village.

Li Huizhu was also very happy after hearing this, and continued, "Thank you very much, in the next few days, each of the villagers will increase their income by five points. ”

The villagers were very happy to hear this, and they left the courtyard one after another and returned to their homes to bring out their good things.

Xiaomei also asked me to go home and bring a lot of meat from my boat to the club. By the time we returned to the community, many of the villagers had already brought out rice and chopsticks.

As far as the eye can see, there are pickled pork, pig's trotters, pickled kimchi and rice, and some local wild vegetables. Jin Ergou took it out and turned out to be a river fish, which attracted my attention on the spot.

Of course, the things in the whole courtyard are the richest and highest in Xiaomei. However, I felt that I had done the right thing, and when I brought it to the club, I took it myself. In this case, whether it is the villagers or Li Huizhu, they will not think that Xiaomei is from her own family, but I brought it.

The villagers are very busy in the community, lighting fires, busy working, and chatting with Li Huizhu. Even the performance of the women's committee member is quite good, she does a lot of work alone, chopping wood in the corner, and she is considered a female man.

As far as the performance of the women's committee members is concerned, I don't think Xiaomei should be dismissed like this, and she should refer to it again, so I hope that when I leave the village, I must mention it to her again, so that I may be able to save a capable general.

There are no hard dishes in the village this time, but the beef and mutton brought by Xiaomei are good things. A table of dishes, there are wild vegetables, pickles, cucumbers, beef slices, etc., in my opinion, if it weren't for Xiaomei having something, I don't think there would be any dishes to serve.

Of course, in their eyes, there is no such thing as food, hospitality is a ritual, and whether there is food or not is another matter.

After everyone's efforts, a few dishes were served. The villagers are actually very sensible and know that there are not many dishes today, so many people deliberately said, "Yo, I still have some leftovers at home today, I should go home and eat them." ”

Xiaomei saw that many villagers were leaving, and said politely, "Yo, comrades, don't leave, eat together, eat together." ”

The polite Li Huizhu also shouted, "Come on, come on, let's eat together, what to eat." ”

In fact, in Li Huizhu's eyes, these things are not good things. People of her status have food in the city, but as a ritual, it is a reward after paying, which is a completely different psychology.

Of course, in this matter, I think Xiaomei can get such a return today, and she must thank the noble people for helping in the back, that is, the son of the eldest mother. If it weren't for the help of the eldest lady's son, I don't believe this would have been successful.

Therefore, during the meal, I deliberately said to Li Huizhu, "Comrade Li Huizhu, you have worked really hard, you must have broken your heart for this matter, as a foreigner, I would like to thank you for your help to Xiaomei." ”

At this time, Li Huizhu was not ambiguous at all, and said, "Many things are indeed not so simple when they are handled, especially in this matter, if it were not for the help of the son of a village lady, I believe it would be difficult to complete it with my ability alone." ”

As soon as Xiaomei heard this, her expression came. I think she probably understood this matter, and felt that the credit for this incident was Captain Li, and it was the eldest mother's son who helped her. Next, Xiaomei has a lot of things, and there are too many places to be a person outside the village.

Xiaomei politely said to Li Huizhu, "No, no, no, it is our leaders who care about the development of our village, so that I, the president, have been praised by the bureau above." The bureau was able to recognize me, and you have contributed a lot. Rest assured, in the next work, I will definitely make persistent efforts, hoping to bring more different development to the village, and also hope to lead the villagers to continue to look forward. ”

If you want me to say, there are not many people present at this time, and if Xiaomei takes out the sanitary napkins I gave to everyone at this time, Li Huizhu will definitely be very moved. I touched Xiaomei's underneath, and she immediately understood, ran to the office, and took out the sanitary napkin I asked her to bring.

This time the sanitary napkin played a very big role, Xiaomei personally sent five packs of sanitary napkins to Li Huizhu's hands, she showed that she liked it very much at the time, and she also knew that I brought it to Xiaomei, so she quickly thanked me.

This thing can be so popular in the local area, and it has really helped Xiaomei do a lot of things. The villagers all saw it, and no one spoke, because I once asked Xiaomei to send some to every household, and now when everyone sees it again, they won't think that Xiaomei is bribing others.

The villagers are actually very kind in the village, and Xiaomei dares to do this, and she has a bottom in her heart. Li Huizhu said, "Today's banquet is really good, I have eaten a lot. Then you continue to eat, I should also go back to the bureau, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with, I hope your village can create more glory. ”

Since Li Huizhu is leaving, Xiaomei is happy. In the village, in fact, whether it is the villagers or the president, what you don't want to see is that the leader has been in the company, otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble. Therefore, Li Huizhu said that she was leaving, Xiaomei and the villagers put down the chopsticks in their hands and watched her leave in person. #头条创作挑战赛##头条首发大赛##长文创作激励计划#

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