
Zhang Shuhao "clings to Ouyang Nini" appeared at Zhang Jie's birthday party! After the proposal, the first picture in the same frame was exposed

author:ETtoday Starlight Cloud

Reporter Gao Yufan/Comprehensive Report

After the artist Xia Ruzhi and Zhang Jie got married, they had a 3-year-old baby daughter "Sesame", who shared the daily life of the family through the community from time to time, and was loved by many people. In addition to inviting her family, she also found friends in the entertainment industry, and after the group photo was exposed, sharp-eyed netizens accidentally discovered Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao, which set off a discussion on the Internet.

Zhang Shuhao "clings to Ouyang Nini" appeared at Zhang Jie's birthday party! After the proposal, the first picture in the same frame was exposed

夏如芝PO出的庆生照惊现张书豪 (left 1), 欧阳妮妮 (left 2). (图/翻摄自Instagram/cherryhsia)

It can be seen from the post sent by Xia Ruzhi that the first picture is a warm photo of the family, 3 people wearing the same clothes, happy than YA in front of the camera, the photo slides back, and it is found that not only the family is present to celebrate, but even friends in the entertainment industry also appeared, with Huang He, Pan Yingzhu, and Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao, who recently announced the good news of a successful marriage proposal.

Zhang Shuhao "clings to Ouyang Nini" appeared at Zhang Jie's birthday party! After the proposal, the first picture in the same frame was exposed

Xia Ruzhi recently prepared a birthday surprise for Zhang Jie. (Photo/Retrieved from Instagram/cherryhsia)

In fact, Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao have been in a stable relationship for 5 years, and their relationship has come to fruition a few days ago, and Ouyang Long, Fu Juan, and two younger sisters were present on the day of the proposal. Interestingly, the day before the proposal, Zhang Shuhao called Ouyang Nana for help, and said nervously: "It's terrifying, I have more than 40 people, and both parents will go, because normal marriage proposals will not!"

Zhang Shuhao "clings to Ouyang Nini" appeared at Zhang Jie's birthday party! After the proposal, the first picture in the same frame was exposed

Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao's love has come to fruition. (Photo/Retrieved from Instagram/nanaouyang)

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