
What did "eating chicken" look like 6 years ago? After watching the game screen, I finally understand why old players miss it

author:Write and talk about games

Welcome to the "Peace Elite" "Elite Classroom" taught by Brother Tian~ Maybe because of the "Exciting Return" version of the emotional card, many old players have returned, but after returning, they found that the game has become different from what they imagined, and they still miss "thinking about the past", as if they can't get out.

As an old S1 player, I'm not afraid of everyone's jokes, in fact, even Brother Tian himself will think of the game experience of those years from time to time, especially the chicken mobile game 6 years ago.

What did "eating chicken" look like 6 years ago? After watching the game screen, I finally understand why old players miss it

6 years ago, the picture quality was full, and it was no worse than now!

Maybe in the eyes of many "budding new", there is no way to compare the chicken mobile game 6 years ago with now, even if you don't talk about the game skin, mode gameplay, just talk about a picture performance, after years of version iteration and a series of optimizations, although 6 years ago it was not "shoddy", but it is far from being comparable with now.

However, in fact, the screenshots of the game kept by Brother Tian himself came from the training ground of the "Exciting Battlefield" 6 years ago, when the game quality was full, whether it was resolution, extreme frames, shadows, anti-aliasing and other performances, they were comparable to the current version.

What did "eating chicken" look like 6 years ago? After watching the game screen, I finally understand why old players miss it

When he said this, Brother Tian suddenly remembered why many players like the setting of "smooth + extreme frame", not because their game equipment is not enough to support it, but because of the game habits in the early years, in the era of "exciting battlefield" at that time, the hardware configuration of game equipment is not very good, and if you want to ensure a smooth game experience, you must play with the lowest setting. Over time, even at the moment when the game equipment configuration is "excessive", many players of "Peace Elite" are also accustomed to "smooth + extreme frames".

In fact, judging from the current first-line configuration, it is not a continuous game for many hours, heat dissipation, power consumption, and frame rate are quite stable, so the picture quality can be completely improved to HD+.

What did "eating chicken" look like 6 years ago? After watching the game screen, I finally understand why old players miss it

The so-called "creative model" has been around for 6 years.

It is no exaggeration to say that for a long time, "Peace Elite" players have used "creative mode" as one of the main gameplay methods, and its popularity is second only to the classic mode.

Even in the current version, super body confrontation and subway escape are also one of the mainstream gameplay methods for many players.

In fact, in the "all-army attack" six years ago, there were already many "prototypes" of creative models, and the career system has begun to take shape.

What did "eating chicken" look like 6 years ago? After watching the game screen, I finally understand why old players miss it

However, such creative modes, creative props, vehicles and similar career settings, in the chicken mobile game 6 years ago, were regarded as "magic changes" by some players, which was not original and belonged to the type that did not follow the usual path, resulting in the "all-army attack" of the year falling into an infinite suspension, and the "exciting battlefield" was transformed into today's "Peace Elite".

What did "eating chicken" look like 6 years ago? After watching the game screen, I finally understand why old players miss it

There are no skins, but there are more discoveries to keep an eye on!

As we all know, there are countless skins in the current "Peace Elite" game, and various types are emerging in an endless stream, and the frequency of updates and returns is extremely fast.

Six years ago, the predecessor of "Peace Elite", "Exciting Battlefield", did not have a bond system, and the few skins came from the manual of the year, also known as the Season Pass. PS: PubgM still retains this name!

What did "eating chicken" look like 6 years ago? After watching the game screen, I finally understand why old players miss it

However, the fun of the game was much higher back then than it is today, and players will discuss whether the M416 with 8x mirror and 15x mirror existed, who the calendar girl in the rainforest was, and what were the hidden secrets of the easter eggs on the island......

It's a pity that time is gone, and all that has been left for veteran players over the years is endless memories, so even if the "Exciting Return" version has arrived, it still can't make veteran players empathize, and from time to time they will miss what it looked like 6 years ago.

Well, that's all for the "Elite Class" of "Peace Elite", thank you for reading, and we'll see you in the comment area next.

PS: Usually the manual lottery will be opened from time to time, only draw fans who have followed, and you can send a private message to Brother Tian if you follow, and you will reply when you see it!

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