
Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Is there really that much good for muskmelons?" Li Ming was walking with his family in the park when he suddenly heard two elderly people discussing the benefits of muskmelons. This discussion not only attracted Li Ming's attention, but also boosted his curiosity.

While the family was enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of the weekend, Li Ming's thoughts were always haunting the melon matter. He recalls that his family often buys this seemingly ordinary fruit, which has been endowed with many health myths. However, it is not clear to him whether the benefits of these circularies are scientific and whether they are really suitable for everyone.

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

Unfortunately, just a few days after this family outing, Li Ming's youngest daughter suddenly felt abdominal pain. The family rushed her to the hospital. While waiting for the inspection, Li Ming thought of the discussion about the melon he had heard in the park earlier.

So, he decided to take the opportunity to consult a doctor to see what the professionals think of the melon. He asked straight to the point: "Doctor, I heard that muskmelon is particularly good for health, especially for kidney function. Is this true? ”

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

The old doctor smiled and shook his head, motioned for Li Ming to sit down, and then began to explain: "Muskmelon is indeed rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and potassium, which are good for health. However, not everyone is suitable for eating melon. ”

Dr. Lao went on to elaborate: "Patients with kidney disease need to strictly control their potassium intake because their kidneys are not able to process excess potassium efficiently, which can lead to abnormal potassium in the blood and even life-threatening. Therefore, if the kidney is insufficient, foods high in potassium, such as muskmelon, should be avoided. ”

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

Li Ming listened very carefully, and he did not expect that the muskmelon, which had always been considered a healthy food, could actually pose health risks in some cases. He asked, "So, how should we choose our food?" Do you have any good suggestions? ”

The old doctor nodded and began to give advice from a nutritional point of view: "For ordinary people, a balanced diet is the key. However, if there are specific health problems, such as kidney disease, you need to be more careful. I recommend that you understand the nutritional content of any food before consuming it, especially those that have a direct impact on your health. ”

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

Through this conversation, Li Ming gained a deeper understanding of the health effects of muskmelon and other foods. He thanked the doctor for his patience and decided to be more cautious in his food choices in the future, especially for his family's dietary arrangements.

In modern people's dietary concepts, fruits are often regarded as a symbol of health, and melons are loved for their sweet taste and rich nutrition. However, for patients with kidney failure, the seemingly harmless fruit of cantaloupe can become an "invisible killer" of health.

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

First, patients with renal failure have significant limitations in metabolic function, especially potassium metabolism. Muskmelon contains a high potassium content, and the kidneys of a normal human body are able to excrete excess potassium through a regulatory mechanism to maintain the balance of potassium concentration in the blood.

However, in patients with kidney failure, kidney function is weakened and excess potassium intake cannot be excreted effectively, which can lead to hyperkalemia, a life-threatening condition. Hyperkalemia can cause cardiac arrhythmias and, in severe cases, cardiac arrest. The water content in muskmelons is high, and in general, foods high in water are a challenge for people with kidney failure.

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

Because of the insufficiency of drainage caused by kidney failure, excessive fluid intake can increase the burden on the heart and kidneys, which may cause water intoxication, manifested by edema, high blood pressure, and even heart failure.

Although melon contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and some B vitamins, these are necessary for normal body functions. Because some vitamins need to be metabolized by the kidneys in the body, excessive vitamins can lead to toxic effects when the kidneys are insufficient.

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

So, how should patients with kidney failure enjoy muskmelon safely? First of all, controlling the amount of food consumed is key. It is not recommended to consume it regularly or in large quantities. Consider eating melon as an occasional dessert and not eat more than one small piece to reduce the impact on potassium levels and water in the body.

Secondly, patients with kidney failure should consume it on the first or second day after dialysis treatment before consuming cantaloupe, as dialysis can help remove excess potassium and water, thus reducing the impact on the internal environment.

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

Communicate with your doctor or dietitian to adjust the type and amount of food according to your kidney function and blood test results to ensure safe consumption. Finally, when choosing food, patients with kidney failure should try to choose foods with low potassium content and moderate water, such as apples, blueberries, etc., while avoiding those foods with high potassium content, such as bananas, oranges, etc.

With a reasonable diet adjustment, you can not only maintain a balanced nutrition, but also avoid unnecessary health risks. In the dietary management of patients with kidney failure, every seemingly small choice can have a long-term impact on health.

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

Comprehensive consideration of the nutritional value and possible health risks of food, as well as close communication with medical professionals, is an integral part of the dietary management of every patient with kidney failure. In this way, they can enjoy food even when life is full of restrictions, while protecting and promoting their health.

In order to maintain the health of the kidneys, in addition to controlling the intake of high-potassium foods, there are two common vegetables that need to be eaten with caution, which may not be thought of by many people. They are spinach and beetroot, respectively.

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

First of all, spinach is a highly nutritious green leafy vegetable, rich in many vitamins and minerals such as iron, vitamin K, vitamin A, and folate. However, spinach is also a high oxalic acid food, which combines with calcium in the body to form calcium oxalate, which is a common cause of kidney stones.

The high content of potassium in spinach is also a concern for patients with kidney disease. For this group of people, even though spinach has numerous health benefits, intake should be strictly controlled.

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

Then there's beetroot, a root vegetable that is considered a blood tonic because of its iron and antioxidant content. Beetroot contains a lot of nitrate, which under certain conditions can be converted into a substance called nitrite.

For these two vegetables, people with healthy kidneys should take some special measures to reduce the potential risk when eating them. Although this method does not completely remove oxalic acid, it can reduce its content to a certain extent, thereby reducing the risk of kidney stone formation. For beetroot, moderate consumption is key, and it is best to cooperate with the guidance of a doctor.

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

From a broader perspective, the key to kidney health is balance and moderation. While enjoying the benefits of natural foods, it's crucial to understand the ingredients of foods and how they affect your body.

With smart choices and moderate intake, we can maximize the health benefits of food while avoiding potential risks. Spinach and beetroot, while healthy, should be treated with caution for people with renal insufficiency. In this way, everyone can satisfy their appetites while maintaining the best condition of their body.

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

This attention to dietary details, while seemingly tedious, is an important part of a long-term healthy lifestyle.

What do you think about kidney failure? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables


[1] Luo Jing. Relationship between changes in IL-13, FGF23 and SOST levels and vascular calcification in hemodialysis patients with chronic renal failure, Journal of Southwest Medical University, 2024-05-24

Is the melon an "assassin" of kidney failure? Doctor's advice: If you want to have a healthy kidney, eat less of these 2 vegetables

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