
E-commerce giants fight, why is the last thing to fall? Is there any salvation for the real economy?

E-commerce giants fight, why is the last thing to fall? Is there any salvation for the real economy?

Who is the biggest e-commerce giant in China now? It's no longer Taobao, but Pinduoduo, which started with "a knife", Pinduoduo has become the world's first in the field of e-commerce, although this may only be temporary, but the actual situation is that the current Pinduoduo, its market value has surpassed Alibaba, 4 times that of

Liu Qiangdong never dreamed that he had worked hard for so many years to establish warehousing and logistics all over the country, but in the end he was left so far behind by the asset-light e-commerce company "Pinduoduo", which started selling low-priced products.

E-commerce giants fight, why is the last thing to fall? Is there any salvation for the real economy?

At present, the market value of Pinduoduo's U.S. stock market is $220 billion, while Alibaba's U.S. stock market value is only $198 billion, and's market value is less than a quarter of Pinduoduo's.

Pinduoduo made a net profit of more than 30 billion yuan in the first three months of this year, and Pinduoduo's profit has exceeded Kweichow Moutai's profit in the first quarter.

Other major e-commerce giants have started a price war in order to defend Pinduoduo, and even, which resolutely takes the mid-to-high-end route, has begun to bow to Pinduoduo, Liu Qiangdong has really no choice but to do this, if he does not compromise, he may be thrown farther away by Pinduoduo, until he loses his original territory.

In good conscience, among these current e-commerce giants, the last thing that should fall is, because at present, provides the most jobs, has more than 500,000 employees, while Pinduoduo only has 12,000 employees, and the number of employees on is almost 50 times that of Pinduoduo.

Unexpectedly,, which feeds more than 500,000 employees, lost to Pinduoduo, a company with 12,000 employees, and it didn't lose a little, what happened?

You may say, what does it matter to me that the e-commerce giants fight? was left behind by Pinduoduo and didn't affect my three meals a day, but you may have overlooked the chain reaction behind this.

E-commerce giants fight, why is the last thing to fall? Is there any salvation for the real economy?

First, how can brick-and-mortar businessmen live?

Pinduoduo's operation efficiency is very high, and the profit is also very high, but it is difficult for sellers who sell goods on Pinduoduo to make money, almost only being squeezed by the platform, and even many factories can't make any money, and even upside down.

Taobao, Jingdong and other e-commerce giants have been forced to retreat by Pinduoduo, and the offline real economy is even more difficult, with fewer and fewer customers, thinner and thinner profits, the closure of physical stores, and the transfer of transfers.

Pinduoduo has almost achieved the ultimate in efficiency, creating the highest profits in the industry with the least number of employees, if it is very successful from a business point of view, but Pinduoduo's business model is very destructive, and a company is full of depression.

Taobao no longer seems to be Pinduoduo's opponent, JD is an asset-heavy company, with a huge warehousing and logistics system behind it, and more than 500,000 employees have to rely on JD to support their families, who is still Pinduoduo's opponent now? Maybe it's only Tik Tok.

E-commerce giants fight, why is the last thing to fall? Is there any salvation for the real economy?

Douyin has gone abroad and is casting a net to the world, although Pinduoduo has also gone to sea, but the scale effect of Douyin is more obvious than that of Pinduoduo, and Douyin is supported by today's headlines, watermelon videos and other products, Douyin's ecological barriers are much stronger than Pinduoduo, not to mention that Douyin has not yet been listed, the possibility of Douyin after listing is unlimited, and I am afraid that only Douyin can kill Pinduoduo, and among all the e-commerce giants, I am afraid that only ByteDance can save the offline real economy.

First of all, ByteDance has the largest information flow platform in China "Toutiao", as well as the largest short video platform in China "Douyin", which grasps content with one hand and entertainment with the other, and has more profit margins.

Secondly, Douyin has provided free profit tools for everyone and diversified monetization entrances for all physical merchants, which can play a great role in promoting the revitalization of the real economy.

Second, what does the fall of mean?

If the price war continues, JD has no chance of winning in front of Pinduoduo, and if JD falls, it means that more than 500,000 people will lose their jobs, and behind the more than 500,000 employees are more than 500,000 families.

E-commerce giants fight, why is the last thing to fall? Is there any salvation for the real economy?

Objectively speaking,Among all the current e-commerce giants,Jingdong is the least likely to fall,Once Jingdong falls,Many families will be out of food because of this,For example, housing loans、Car loans may be cut off,Children at home may also encounter big trouble going to school,But for platforms like Pinduoduo,Even if it falls,The impact on the whole society is not great,On the contrary, it will give a way for physical businessmen to live,It will give a little profit margin to small and medium-sized sellers in e-commerce。

It is difficult to do physical business not because of e-commerce, but because there are platforms like Pinduoduo that fight price wars, and the more such platforms, the more difficult it is to do physical business.

Pinduoduo has essentially killed the middlemen, and the platform is directly connected with the factory, so small and medium-sized sellers do not have much profit at all, and those who do physical business may have a higher purchase price than the retail price of Pinduoduo, so how can physical merchants live?

Jingdong has been thrown farther and farther away by Pinduoduo, and it is a big question mark whether Liu Qiangdong can turn defeat into victory, but no matter how competitive the e-commerce giants are, companies like JD are the least likely to fall, if Pinduoduo forces Jingdong to fall, it is really the sadness of the times.

E-commerce giants fight, why is the last thing to fall? Is there any salvation for the real economy?

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