
Ouch hey! Chuanxi recited affectionately to the accompaniment of Hansen's piano, and I got goosebumps all over my body when I heard it

author:Mushroom heads

Ouch hey! The romantic night of Milk Xi, walking with Hui, is full of poetry!

Speaking of which, last night, our Chuanxi is really eye-catching! In the melodious piano sound of Old Hansen, Ni Xi affectionately recited a song "Chongqing, Here Comes with Hui". Ouch, that scene is like coming out of Xu Zhimo's poetry collection, every sentence makes people feel goosebumps all over their bodies, as if they are in a romantic dream.

Ouch hey! Chuanxi recited affectionately to the accompaniment of Hansen's piano, and I got goosebumps all over my body when I heard it

Old Hansen, the prince of piano, his music is really both appropriate and pleasant. The sound of the piano and the recitation of Chuanxi are intertwined, like a pair of lovers made in heaven, telling each other's hearts in the moonlight. That picture is breathtakingly beautiful and romantic.

Ouch hey! Chuanxi recited affectionately to the accompaniment of Hansen's piano, and I got goosebumps all over my body when I heard it

The friends who walk with Hui are all talented! They not only cheered for Chuanxi's recitation, but also presented their talents on the spot. There are singing, dancing, and cross talk, which is really lively. In such an atmosphere, Chuanxi is even more like a fish in water, and he has played it to the fullest.

Ouch hey! Chuanxi recited affectionately to the accompaniment of Hansen's piano, and I got goosebumps all over my body when I heard it

Come on, let me copy a poem recited by Chuanxi for you, and you can feel this strong poetry: "Chongqing, you are a city in my heart, walk with Hui, we are pursuing that distant dream together." Your landscapes are picturesque, and your style is varied, which makes me intoxicated in your arms and unwilling to wake up. "Oh, this text is so beautiful that it makes people want to go to Chongqing and take a look.

Ouch hey! Chuanxi recited affectionately to the accompaniment of Hansen's piano, and I got goosebumps all over my body when I heard it

Chuanxi's recitation is really full of emotion, and every word is full of emotion. His affectionate eyes seemed to pull every listener into his world. This kind of Chuanxi really makes people have to love!

Ouch hey! Chuanxi recited affectionately to the accompaniment of Hansen's piano, and I got goosebumps all over my body when I heard it

The friends who walked with Hui were also brilliant, and they used their own ways to add countless colors to this recital. Such a team is really enviable!

Having said that, Caixi's recitation level really has Xu Zhimo's talent! His unique voice, coupled with his affectionate recitation, is almost as if Xu Zhimo himself is reciting for us. This kind of rumor is really impressive!

Ouch hey! Chuanxi recited affectionately to the accompaniment of Hansen's piano, and I got goosebumps all over my body when I heard it

Okay, okay, after all that, do you want to go to the scene to feel this strong poetry? It's a pity, last night's recital is over, but it's okay, we can look forward to Chuanxi's next wonderful performance!

Finally, I would like to ask you a question: What do you think of Chuanxi's recitation? Do you also think he has Xu Zhimo's talent? Let me know by leaving a message! Let's look forward to the next romantic night of Milk Hee!

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