
Mountains and seas for thousands of miles "medical" line - medical assistance forces light up the health road of the people in Huanxian County

author:Huanxian financial media

On June 27, when the first rays of sunlight in the morning had not yet fully sprinkled the earth, Wu Chao got up early, as a member of the Tianjin Aid Gansu Medical Support Team, this was the last day he and his teammates worked in Huanxian County. Walking into the department of Huanxian Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, he greeted everyone one by one with a smile, and then changed into the familiar white coat and started this special day's work.

Wu Chao is the attending physician of the functional department of Tianjin Nankai District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and in June 2023, he came to Huanxian County as the leader of the sixth batch of Tianjin group-type assistance technical talents for a one-year medical assistance work. Wu Chao is the deputy director of the endoscopic ECG room, responsible for assisting the director of the department in handling daily business and management.

Mountains and seas for thousands of miles "medical" line - medical assistance forces light up the health road of the people in Huanxian County

In the past year, in view of the relatively weak foundation of young doctors in the department and the lack of experience in difficult and complex cases, Wu Chao has carried out business training and skill teaching in a planned manner, carried out more than ten academic lectures and exchanges, and led one apprentice. He organizes "weekly discussions, monthly trainings"

The activities have significantly improved the clinical diagnosis and treatment level, reporting standardization and diagnostic accuracy of the department. He has also established a good cooperative relationship with the local medical team, and has received more than 3,000 outpatient, emergency and inpatient patients, participated in three roving free clinics, and went to the countryside twice to treat more than 200 local patients. Due to his outstanding work performance, he was rated as "Outstanding Grassroots Communist Party Member", "Excellent Supporting Physician" and "Outstanding Individual for Counterpart Assistance" by the Huanxian County Party Committee and County Government and Huanxian Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital respectively.

Mountains and seas for thousands of miles "medical" line - medical assistance forces light up the health road of the people in Huanxian County

Approaching the end of work, in the pediatric ward of Huanxian Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, patients are often seen waiting in line. "Dr. Ai is about to get off work, I don't know if I can still see a doctor today?" The doctor Ai referred to by the patient is Ai Mingmei, a TCM pediatric expert from Tianjin.

Since coming to the hospital in June last year, Ai Mingmei has overcome difficulties in language and diet, and quickly devoted herself to the daily consultation of pediatric TCM outpatient clinics and wards. After a period of clinical observation, she gradually grasped the incidence and needs of local patients, combined with the characteristics of the department, and immediately led the teaching to carry out traditional Chinese medicine treatment projects such as acupoint application, traditional Chinese medicine external washing, and pediatric massage.

"Through the free clinic, I deeply feel the growing demand for TCM services from the local people and the imperative to vigorously develop TCM at the grassroots level." Ai Mingmei said that in order to actively promote the appropriate technology of traditional Chinese medicine and cultivate a group of retained traditional Chinese medicine talents for the local area, she has not only taught students in the way of mentoring and apprenticeship, but also carried out training on appropriate techniques of traditional Chinese medicine for grassroots doctors, participated in remote network medical consultation for rural revitalization and remote consultation with experts in Nankai District, and at the same time, conducted video training for grassroots doctors according to the content of the "village good" health assistance textbook, participated in department management, and jointly discussed the future development direction of pediatrics and introduced new technologies Promote acupuncture point application characteristic treatment" 1 item. Due to her outstanding work, she was awarded the "Excellent Supporting Physician" in 2023 and the "Women's Dedication Award for Supporting the Development of Huanxian County" in March 2024.

Mountains and seas for thousands of miles "medical" line - medical assistance forces light up the health road of the people in Huanxian County

Looking back on this year's assistance work, Ai Mingmei feels that it is "very meaningful", not only making contributions to the development of traditional Chinese medicine in Huanxian County, solving some practical problems for local patients, but also gaining experience and growth.

"After coming here, I have been looking at the patients every day, empathizing with their suffering, deeply touched by their kindness, and deeply feeling the necessity of helping the patients in the western region...... "These are the words written in the diary by Sheng Kun, a helping doctor.

Since sitting in the outpatient clinic of the acupuncture department of Huanxian Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sheng Kun has to receive more than 10 patients every day. He gave full play to the characteristic therapies such as acupuncture, manual massage and small acupuncture knife of traditional Chinese medicine, especially the "one belt and many regular rounds", face-to-face, hand-in-hand guidance of acupuncture, pressing, moxibustion and other techniques, which were unanimously recognized by doctors and patients.

In order to allow young doctors to apply new theories of Chinese and Western medicine to clinical work as soon as possible, Sheng Kun will explain specific clinical cases during each ward round. He also regularly organizes academic lectures for department staff, learns the latest medical guidelines together, and discusses difficult clinical cases.

Sheng Kun told reporters that it was the second time he came to Huanxian County to work, the first time was in 2019, when the traditional Chinese medicine hospital was still in the old hospital. "The new hospital has a large area and many beds, and the conditions are much better in all aspects. This time, I took the initiative to come to Huanxian County, in addition to wanting to see the new hospital, mainly because I wanted to do something practical for the local people." His greatest wish is that when the assistance work is over, the young doctors he teaches will grow up as soon as possible and continue to provide services with advanced diagnosis and treatment technology.

Mountains and seas for thousands of miles "medical" line - medical assistance forces light up the health road of the people in Huanxian County

Similarly, after Yu Huifeng arrived at the rehabilitation department of Huanxian Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he used the knowledge he learned to make a correct diagnosis of the disease and identify the cases by combining it with actual cases, which further improved the diagnosis and treatment level of grassroots medical staff. At the beginning of March this year, he had to return to Tianjin for surgery due to retinal detachment. After less than 2 months of rest after the operation, he returned to Huanxian County to continue working. "After all, aiding Gan is a rare opportunity in life, and it must have a beginning and an end, and you can't give up halfway." Yu Huifeng said.

Mountains and seas for thousands of miles "medical" line - medical assistance forces light up the health road of the people in Huanxian County

Compared with the county seat, the conditions of the township health center are lagging behind in all aspects. However, Li Xinjun, a doctor in Nankai District, Tianjin, is not afraid of hardship. As soon as he arrived in Huanxian County, he took the initiative to ask to work in a grassroots hospital. After being sent to Hongde Town Health Center, 25 kilometers away from the county seat, he actively carried out new pain treatment projects adapted to local conditions, so that many patients with neck, shoulder, back and leg pain, lumbar intervertebral disc herniation and knee arthritis could be treated nearby. He also actively carried out guidance and teaching work, so that many doctors mastered the lumbar paravertebral and sciatic nerve block pain removal treatment, which developed into a characteristic project of Hongdezhen Health Center.

East-West Collaborative Medical Assistance is a cross-regional relay of love, and countless touching stories are constantly being staged in the process of helping. Regardless of the hardships of the long journey, medical experts from the eastern part of the country went deep into the grassroots hospitals of Huanxian County to carry out free clinic activities, they patiently inquired about the condition, carefully diagnosed, and used exquisite medical skills and services to relieve the pain of the patients, but also brought hope and warmth. Not only that, but they also pass on their professional knowledge and clinical experience to local medical staff without reservation through teaching and training. Although the one-year assistance work is over, there are "medical teams that cannot be taken away" in the vast land of Huanxian County.

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