
Study in Japan: Apply for a master's degree in chemistry at Kyoto University

author:Study Abroad in Teal

Take a look at studying in Japan with the Azure study abroad teacher: Kyoto University (English: Kyoto University), referred to as Kyoto University, is a world-renowned comprehensive research national university headquartered in Sakyo District, Kyoto City, Japan. In addition to being one of the seven Imperial Universities in Japan, it is also a member of the Japan SGU Program (Class A), the Academic Research Advisory Council, the Research University Enhancement Promotion Project, the Japan Marine Innovation Alliance, the Nuclear Energy Talent Development Alliance, the University Space Engineering Alliance, the former Imperial University, the Japan-Europe JANET, the Japan-Britain RENKEI, and the East Asian Research University Association.

Study in Japan: Apply for a master's degree in chemistry at Kyoto University

Kyoto University has a history of more than 100 years, and is ranked 27th in the world in the world in the 2024 QS World University Rankings by Subject.

Study in Japan: Apply for a master's degree in chemistry at Kyoto University

Intake: April 2025

Japan School: Research Student of Science, Kyoto University

School Introduction: Kyoto University is one of Japan's well-known national universities and one of the imperial universities, second only to the University of Tokyo, and is ranked 50th in the 2025 Kyoto University QS World Rankings, and 2nd in Japan)

Japan Program: Go to Japan for graduate school

School: One of the two non-domestic students

Major: Chemical Engineering and Technology

Japanese score: Japanese N2

Study in Japan: Apply for a master's degree in chemistry at Kyoto University

Kyoto University's Department of Chemistry is located in the Graduate School of Science. The research and education fields of chemistry are broadly diverse and multi-layered, and are divided into four main fields: theoretical and physical chemistry, inorganic and physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and molecular chemistry related to living organisms. It consists of 26 chemistry-related laboratories, including the Chemistry Classroom, the Institute of Chemistry, the Institute of Medical Biology, and the Institute of Complex Nuclear Science (Kumatori area).

Study in Japan: Apply for a master's degree in chemistry at Kyoto University

Unlike other universities in Japan, Kyoto University advocates a free and independent research and learning atmosphere, and advocates individualized development of students on the basis of "self-respect and self-respect". One of the characteristics of Kyoto University is that Kyoto University has student autonomy and an academic atmosphere where "those who have aspirations can learn and those who have no aspirations can enjoy themselves."

For example, every year during the graduation season, Kyoto University students play cosplay and dress themselves up as humanoid billboards, aliens, and other anime characters.

At the end of the article, Mr. He He will introduce the good universities for studying chemistry in Japan:

University of Tokyo

Kyoto University

Tokyo Institute of Technology

Osaka University

Hokkaido University

Nagoya University

Northeastern University

Kyushu University

Tokyo University of Science and Technology

University of Tsukuba

Waseda University

Keio University

Hiroshima University

Kobe University

Osaka Metropolitan University

Senka University

Kanazawa University

Hokuriku Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Okayama University

东Kyoto University

Wait a minute

There are still many schools to choose from, and if you want to know that you are suitable for the scope of application, you can inquire

The above is the study abroad in Japan introduced by Azure Study Abroad: Applying for a graduate student majoring in chemistry at Kyoto University? I hope it will be helpful to you.

Study in Japan: Apply for a master's degree in chemistry at Kyoto University

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