
It's known as the Vegetable Champion and contains key ingredients that kill cancer cells! Can eating really fight cancer?

author:Pharmacist Wang's Cardiovascular Lecture Hall

There is a vegetable that, although it looks like a tumor, is the "anti-cancer vegetable" in the eyes of many people, and it is broccoli.

Actually, I didn't know how good broccoli was before, until I went to a friend's house for dinner, and there was a plate of broccoli on the dinner table. So I talked to my friend's family about this broccoli, but I didn't know if I didn't talk about it, and I was shocked when I talked about it. Friends said that their family had to make a plate of broccoli to eat almost every day, and they had eaten it in various ways for many years.

Why is the family so fond of broccoli?

Later, my friend's mother said that this broccoli is the "champion" of vegetables, not only with high nutritional value, but also anti-cancer. In these days, everyone wants to try any anti-cancer method, in case it works! It doesn't hurt to eat it anyway.

My friend's family's love for broccoli makes me wonder: can this broccoli really fight cancer?

It's known as the Vegetable Champion and contains key ingredients that kill cancer cells! Can eating really fight cancer?

1. Can broccoli fight cancer?

It has been shown that the glucosinolates contained in broccoli can be decomposed into indole-3-carbinol (I3C), and the substance can inhibit a key enzyme, thereby protecting tumor suppressor genes and playing a normal tumor suppressive effect.

To put it simply, under normal circumstances, there will be tumor suppressor genes in cells to help resist the production of cancer cells, and at the same time, there is an enzyme that can interfere with the action of tumor suppressor genes, and the active ingredients contained in broccoli can inhibit the activity of this enzyme, and then activate tumor suppressor genes to kill cancer cells!

Looking at it this way, this broccoli can fight cancer, and it's really not nonsense!

However, relying on research to speak is unreliable after all.

  • 1. Although mouse experiments have a certain reference value, they are different from human experiments after all, as long as they are not really used in clinical practice, no matter how much research evidence can only be "for reference only".
  • 2. The study uses I3C treatment, not broccoli, if you want to achieve the effect of treating cancer, then according to the effective dose of I3C, converted to broccoli, a person has to eat thousands of catties every day, which is obviously impractical.
It's known as the Vegetable Champion and contains key ingredients that kill cancer cells! Can eating really fight cancer?

That is to say, broccoli is good, but counting on eating it to fight cancer, the effect may not be ideal, of course, if it is just to prevent cancer, you can eat more, but don't just eat broccoli, after all, I3C is not only found in broccoli, such as cabbage, cauliflower, kale, sea green and other cruciferous vegetables, all contain this ingredient.

In fact, not only broccoli, but also about sweet potatoes against cancer, garlic against cancer, eggplant against cancer, etc., similar news is overwhelming. What I want to say is that the ones that can be on the list must be very healthy ingredients, but one of the dietary principles for cancer prevention is to ensure that the food is varied, and it is not worth recommending only one thing to eat. According to the recommendations of the mainland dietary guidelines, as long as you ensure that you eat 300-500g of vegetables every day, it is a healthy diet.

2. Note: The invasion of cancer cells is inseparable from diet!

It is undeniable that the current high incidence of cancer is closely related to people's poor eating habits. There is no way, there are too many temptations to eat, and if you can't control your mouth, it is easy to have problems.

It's known as the Vegetable Champion and contains key ingredients that kill cancer cells! Can eating really fight cancer?

1. Metabolic abnormalities caused by wrong diet: Long-term intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods will lead to abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism, produce some toxic and harmful metabolites, and then promote abnormal proliferation and carcinogenesis of cells.

2. Risks caused by improper diet: liking meat but not vegetables, intaking more fat and less dietary fiber will reduce the peristalsis speed of the intestines, resulting in the retention of harmful substances in the intestines, which will stimulate intestinal cells and induce carcinogenesis for a long time.

3. Choose foods with carcinogenic risks: including alcohol, betel nut, overheated food, etc., as well as some foods that produce carcinogens due to added additives or too long storage, such as moldy and rotten food, barbecue, processed meat, pickled food, smoked food, etc., carcinogens such as aflatoxin, nitrosamines, etc. may directly damage the DNA of cells, induce gene mutations, and cause cells to become cancerous.

4. Damage to the digestive tract caused by irregular diet: Irregular diet can easily cause gastrointestinal disorders, resulting in abnormal gastric acid secretion, and then damage the gastric mucosa, and in the process of long-term repeated damage and repair, gastric mucosal cells may undergo genetic mutations, increasing the risk of cancer. In addition, the state of overstarvation and satiety can also damage the stomach, causing inflammation, erosion and even ulcers of the gastric mucosa, which are all precancerous lesions of gastric cancer.

It's known as the Vegetable Champion and contains key ingredients that kill cancer cells! Can eating really fight cancer?

3. If you want to prevent cancer, you can eat like this!

In conclusion, many cancers occur in relation to diet. In fact, it is impossible for people to eat whole grains without getting sick, but eating correctly and eating well can at least ensure that they do not get seriously ill, which is the ideal diet and living state.

1. Pay attention to the choice of ingredients: If you want to prevent cancer, the most important thing is to improve the body's immunity, which requires us not to be picky eaters, and ensure that vegetables, fruits, whole grains, staple foods, milk eggs, meat, beans and other ingredients should be available. In addition, you can eat more anti-inflammatory foods, such as blueberries, turmeric, etc., and supplement more high-quality proteins, such as milk, beans, eggs, etc., which are good for cancer prevention.

2. Pay attention to correct cooking: cooking methods are also the key to determining the quality of food, if you want to eat healthy, it is best to cook it at home, eat less takeout, go to restaurants less, put less condiments when stir-frying, do light less oil, less salt, avoid frying, frying, roasting, pickling, etc., and eat raw as much as possible, so as to maximize the maintenance of the nutrients of the ingredients.

3. Pay attention to the way of eating: the correct meal must require three meals regular, regular and quantitative, breakfast must be eaten, dinner can not be saved, can not be hungry for a full meal, not to mention excessive dieting, overeating, etc., every time you eat, you should chew slowly, do not eat too full, eat seven or eight minutes full is just right, so that it is healthy.

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