
Sunshine Hydrogen Energy/Perry Hydrogen Energy/Mainland Hydrogen Production/Mingyang Hydrogen Energy/Huaguang Halo Energy received electrolyzer orders

author:High-tech hydrogen fuel cells

This week's hydrogen energy and fuel cell blockbuster news includes: the release of the "Implementation Plan for the Guangzhan Hydrogen Energy High-speed Demonstration Project in Guangdong Province", the signing of 16 sets of hydrogen production equipment orders between Mingyang Hydrogen Energy and Junrui Green Hydrogen Energy, the announcement of the bid for the Songyuan Green Hydrogen Ammonia Alcohol Integration Project of China Energy Construction, the completion of the acceptance of 712 100kW hydrogen fuel cell stationary power stations, and the successful development of the first 4.5-ton hydrogen energy refrigerated truck in Liaoning by Dalian Jichong......

Gaogong Hydrogen Energy specifically selects 14 hydrogen energy and fuel cell industry trends, covering the financing of famous enterprises, signing cooperation, water electrolysis hydrogen production equipment, fuel cell vehicle operation, policy release, etc., the details are as follows:

1. The "Implementation Plan for the Guangzhan Hydrogen Energy High-speed Demonstration Project in Guangdong Province" was released

On June 25, the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued a notice on the "Implementation Plan for the Guangzhan Hydrogen Energy Expressway Demonstration Project in Guangdong Province", which actually refers to the Guangzhan Hydrogen Energy Expressway, which covers Guangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan, Jiangmen, Yangjiang, Zhanjiang, Maoming and other places, and radiates the Pearl River Delta region. This area is composed of Shenhai Expressway, Shanzhan Expressway, 207 National Highway, 228 National Highway and 325 National Highway. The purpose of launching this plan is to promote the construction of fuel cell vehicle demonstration city agglomeration in Guangdong Province, explore the large-scale commercial application model of fuel cell vehicles, and build a demonstration of zero-carbon logistics in Guangdong.

2. Financial funds for the development of hydrogen energy industry in Wuhan were issued

On June 20, the Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology issued the "Announcement of the Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology on the Audit Results of Financial Funds to Support the Development of the Hydrogen Energy Industry in 2024". According to the audit results, 10 enterprises were approved to support the development of the hydrogen energy industry with a total of 37.3314 million yuan of financial funds, including 18.6657 million yuan of municipal funds. Among them, Anjie Chudao Company received 11.79 million yuan, which is the largest subsidy amount.

3. Meijin Energy signed a strategic agreement on hydrogen energy industry

On June 25, Meijin Energy, Beijing Zhongyu Smart Energy Co., Ltd., and Huafeng Clean Energy Co., Ltd. held a strategic agreement signing meeting on hydrogen energy industry. From 2024 to 2026, the three parties will cooperate to build 9 integrated energy stations in Henan, Hebei and Shandong, build a hydrogen energy network covering Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, and Henan, and create a sustainable, low-cost, and high-quality hydrogen energy industry chain development path.

4. Mingyang Hydrogen Energy and Junrui Green Hydrogen Energy signed an order for 16 sets of hydrogen production equipment

On June 24, Mingyang Hydrogen Energy and Junrui Green Hydrogen Energy reached a strategic cooperation, and the two sides signed a strategic cooperation agreement to jointly promote in-depth cooperation in green hydrogen projects. The two parties agreed that Junrui Green Hydrogen Energy plans to purchase a total of 16 electrolyzer equipment from Mingyang Hydrogen Energy, of which each equipment/set produces no less than 1000Nm³/h.

5. China Energy Construction Songwon Green Hydroammonia Alcohol Integration Project Bid Publicity

On June 26, the notice of winning the bid for the procurement of electrolyzers of Songwon Green Hydroammonia Alcohol Integration Project was issued one after another, and a total of 6 electrolyzer manufacturers won the bid. The winning bidders are: Sunshine Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd., CSSC (Handan) Perry Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Hydrogen Times Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Electric Power Equipment General Factory Co., Ltd., Tianjin Continental Hydrogen Production Equipment Co., Ltd., and Wuxi Huaguang Environmental Protection Energy Group Co., Ltd.

6. Hulunbuir wind and solar hydrogen production project started

On June 26, the Hulunbuir Hydrogen Ventilation and Photovoltaic Hydrogen Production Integration Project officially started construction after being approved by the Energy Bureau of the Autonomous Region and completing the filing. The project is located in the Xertala project area of Hulunbuir Economic and Technological Development Zone, with a new 300MW photovoltaic base and energy storage hydrogen production and storage device, which can produce 486 million kWh of green electricity and 8,942 tons of green hydrogen annually after the completion of the project, which has an important demonstration role in optimizing the energy consumption structure of the Economic Development Zone and realizing the green and low-carbon development of the park.

7. 712 100kW hydrogen fuel cell stationary power stations have completed acceptance

On June 25, the 100kW hydrogen fuel cell stationary power station provided by CSSC 712 completed the project acceptance in the Gobi Desert in Northwest Gansu. As the most important part of China's shipbuilding "wind and solar hydrogen storage" demonstration station, the demonstration station uses wind and solar power generation, stores electric energy, uses water electrolysis to produce hydrogen, and finally uses hydrogen fuel cells provided by 712 to absorb hydrogen, and the entire production process is green and purely ecological.

8. The first commercial hydrogen fuel cell powered tour ship in China was delivered

On June 22, the Jiangxi Jiujiang Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Conference and the delivery ceremony of the "Xihai Xinyuan No. 1" hydrogen fuel cell ship were held in Lushan Xihai. The ship is equipped with the national hydrogen technology marine fuel cell system and the Shanghai Shunhua hydrogen supply system, which is the first hydrogen energy tourism business reception ship in Jiangxi and the first hydrogen-electric hybrid new energy high-end tourism business reception ship in China, which has positive demonstration significance for exploring the application of hydrogen energy technology in inland waterway ships.

9. Dalian Jichong successfully developed the first 4.5-ton hydrogen refrigerated truck in Liaoning

The 4.5-ton refrigerated truck equipped with an 80kW fuel cell system independently developed by Dalian Jichong was officially applied in Liaoning. The car adopts a domestic 260L*2 hydrogen system, with a hydrogen carrying capacity of 12.2 kg, and it only takes 4-5 minutes to fill hydrogen, and the range can exceed 400 kilometers. The average cost of hydrogen per kilometer is about 0.6 yuan, which is lower than that of fuel vehicles, and has good use economy.

10. PetroChina will build a large-scale green hydrogen project in Karamay

At present, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company is promoting the integration project of wind, solar, gas and hydrogen storage, and plans to use wind and solar to produce 34,000 tons of "green hydrogen" every year. The project uses photovoltaic power generation as the power source, integrates the production of "green hydrogen" and the application of hydrogen energy consumption, and serves petroleum and petrochemical production. The 34,000-ton production capacity of this project is planned to surpass the 20,000-ton green hydrogen production capacity project of Sinopec Kuqa, and is expected to become the largest "green hydrogen" production project in China.

11. Xinsichuang hydrogen energy has obtained tens of millions of yuan in financing

Recently, Suzhou Xinsichuang Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd. successfully completed tens of millions of yuan in financing, and this round of investment was jointly completed by Changzhou Detong Hexin Phase II Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Suzhou Wujiang Detong Digital Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership) under DT Capital. It is reported. Founded in 2020, Xinsitron Hydrogen Energy focuses on the R&D and application of hydrogen energy technology. On June 7, Taiwan's first integrated hydrogen production and hydrogenation station project undertaken by Xinsitron Hydrogen Energy EPC successfully passed the customer's on-site acceptance.

12. Hancheng Industrial received a new round of equity investment

On June 27, the industrial and commercial change information showed that Hancheng Industrial received equity investment, and the new investor was Hillhouse Venture Capital. Up to now, the company has completed 4 rounds of financing, and its shareholders include Lingang Science and Technology Venture Capital, Shanghai Free Trade Zone Fund, Mixed Reform Fund, Huifu Group and Betta Investment, in addition to the new Hillhouse Venture Capital.

13. The first hydrogen refueling station in Xiaogan City was completed

Recently, the hydrogen refueling station in Xiaogan Service Area of Hanshi Expressway in Hubei Province, designed and constructed by Shudao Equipment Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd., successfully completed the construction and filling and commissioning work, and confirmed that the hydrogen refueling station has reached the operation standard after on-site inspection, commissioning and certification by experts. The hydrogen refueling station is a first-class refueling and hydrogen refueling station, with a filling pressure of 35MPa and a daily hydrogen supply of 500kg.

14. Hunan: Promote the high-quality development of the hydrogen energy industry

On June 27, the Hunan Provincial Development and Reform Commission replied to the "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Hydrogen Energy Industry", which pointed out that special support for the development of the hydrogen energy industry will be increased. The second is to speed up the preparation of the implementation plan for the hydrogen energy industry in Hunan Province according to the hydrogen energy industry development plan and investment map, support and guide Hengyang and other cities and prefectures to improve the upstream and downstream industrial chain around the advantageous areas and shortcomings, and continuously improve the competitiveness of the industrial chain. The third is to support the Songmu Economic and Technological Development Zone to revise and improve the feasibility study text of the expansion area according to the opinions of departments and experts, and the follow-up will formally solicit the opinions of relevant departments directly under the provincial government and report to the provincial government for approval.

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