
China Telecom's 5G-A "enters the sea", and ship monitoring has an "artifact"

author:China Telecom

During the fishing ban period, the light rain was dripping, and hundreds of fishing boats were neatly moored in a corner of the sea area of Xiangshan Dongmen Island in Ningbo, Zhejiang.

"I found a fishing boat moving and went southeast." On the hillside next to the harbor, Ye Yu, deputy manager of the wireless network optimization center of China Telecom's Zhejiang Ningbo Branch, stared closely at the "synaesthesia computing and control integrated ship monitoring" system on the computer.

On the system, the warning of "target intrusion" is very prominent.

China Telecom's 5G-A "enters the sea", and ship monitoring has an "artifact"

"Synaesthesia Computing and Control Integrated Ship Monitoring" system

Rest assured, this is not a real "target intrusion", but Ye Yu and his colleagues are conducting a perception simulation test on the 5G-A synaesthesia integrated base station. This 5G-A synaesthesia integrated base station is a new type of base station deployed by China Telecom Zhejiang Ningbo Branch and ZTE in Xiangshan in May this year. Ordinary base stations provide communication services to citizens. The 5G-A synaesthesia integrated base station superimposes radar functions (perception capabilities) on this basis, which can perceive the position of surrounding objects and their movement trajectory. This is also the first 5G-A synaesthesia integrated base station in Ningbo for ship monitoring. Subsequently, China Telecom Zhejiang Ningbo Branch started the test in Xiangshan non-stop.

In the past, ship trajectory monitoring relied on GPS locators installed on ships, and once the locators were turned off, they could not be accurately located. The 5G-A integrated base station does not need to rely on the GPS locator, and emits electromagnetic waves through the base station to irradiate the detected object, and calculates the position and velocity of the object according to the reflected electromagnetic waves.

China Telecom's 5G-A "enters the sea", and ship monitoring has an "artifact"

5G-A synaesthesia integrated base station

Ships traveling at sea or berthing at port are greatly affected by sea waves, which may generate sea clutter, which affects the perception of the ship's position by the 5G-A integrated base station. "In other words, ocean waves also reflect electromagnetic waves, so our base station may not be able to figure out whether the reflected waves are from ships or ocean waves." Ye Yu said. To this end, he led the team members to cooperate with ZTE's experts to conduct repeated experiments to optimize the algorithm to filter out clutter interference caused by waves and other factors, and realize the perception of ship position, speed and trajectory in sea scenes.

China Telecom's 5G-A "enters the sea", and ship monitoring has an "artifact"

"Judging from the current test results, the monitoring trajectory of the 5G-A synaesthesia integrated base station is very consistent with the real-time GPS positioning trajectory on the ship." Ye Yu said that even in scenarios with low visibility such as heavy fog and heavy rain, data perception and joint analysis can be accurately carried out, and abnormal driving of ships and out-of-control faults can be detected in time. The 5G-A synaesthesia integrated base station also realizes the function of sinking computing power directly to the base station. When the 5G-A antenna "senses" the information, it transmits the information to the computing power board in the base station as soon as possible, and the computing power board relays the image rendering and trajectory calculation and depiction of the ship, and finally transmits it to the "synaesthesia, computing and control integrated ship monitoring" system. As a result, the whole process of ship perception can be completed locally, which not only improves the response speed, but also meets the demand that the data does not leave the local area.

In addition, the "synaesthesia computing and control integrated ship monitoring" system can also set up electronic fences, demarcate out the no-navigation area, dynamically monitor ships entering the no-navigation area without authorization and issue warnings, and realize all-weather, full-time, and all-area control. "Once a ship enters the no-sail zone we have demarcated, it will be the same as just now, and the system will immediately jump out of the warning of 'target invasion' to alert the staff." Ye Yu said.

According to Zhu Changyi, deputy director of the Information Center of Xiangshan County Fishery Bureau, the application of innovative technology of 5G-A synaesthesia integration to the perception scene of marine fishing vessels plays an important role in production safety and supervision in the fishery field, especially in marine fishery law enforcement and the prevention of collisions between commercial fishing vessels.

Ningbo Xiangshan Dongmen Island has a well-developed marine fishing and tourism industry, and whenever the fishing ban period ends, 10,000 fishing boats go out together. The complex navigation environment puts forward high requirements for ship driving and waterway monitoring. "After the end of the fishing ban period, we look forward to our 5G-A synaesthesia integrated base station 'showing its skills' and playing a greater role." Ye Yu was full of confidence.

In addition, China Telecom's 5G-A base station simultaneously solves the problems of difficult optical fiber and poor network coverage in the residences of island residents, and realizes the backhaul network coverage of large traffic on the island through the characteristics of millimeter wave large bandwidth, which significantly improves the speed and achieves 10 Gigabit speed experience.

In the future, the same 5G-A integrated base station can be used to monitor drones in the air, vehicles on the ground, and ships at sea at the same time.

The era of 5G-A integrated intelligence in all scenarios of water, land and air is not far off.

China Telecom's 5G-A "enters the sea", and ship monitoring has an "artifact"

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