
The Council condemns the continued attacks by the Houthis on merchant and commercial vessels

author:Global Village Observations
The Council condemns the continued attacks by the Houthis on merchant and commercial vessels

Security Council members voted on a resolution condemning Houthi attacks on merchant ships on June 27, 2024.

The Security Council adopted a resolution on Thursday reiterating its demand that the Houthis immediately cease all attacks on merchant and commercial vessels and immediately release the merchant vessel Galaxy Leader and its crew.

The resolution was adopted by 12 votes in favour, with 3 abstentions. Russia, China and Algeria abstained.

Avoid escalation

Houthi attacks on merchant ships began late last year, in what the group said was an act of solidarity with Palestinians in the wake of Israel's military offensive against Gaza.

The resolution reaffirms respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the littoral States of the Red Sea and reaffirms the leadership role that the countries of the region can play in promoting peace and security in close cooperation with regional and subregional organizations.

The resolution re-emphasized the need to address the root causes, including conflicts and breaches of maritime security that generate regional tensions, in order to ensure a prompt, efficient and effective response, and in this regard reaffirmed the need for all Member States to fulfil their obligations to implement the targeted arms embargoes imposed by the relevant Council resolutions.

The resolution urges caution and restraint to avoid further escalation of the situation in the Red Sea and in the region as a whole, and encourages all parties to intensify diplomatic efforts to that end, including continued support for dialogue under the auspices of the United Nations and the peace process in Yemen.

The Council condemns the continued attacks by the Houthis on merchant and commercial vessels
The Council condemns the continued attacks by the Houthis on merchant and commercial vessels

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