
Creating a poetic space: an elegant choice for Chinese tiles

author:Datang Hesheng ceramics home

福寿如意·獭 (tǎ) see

Drinking water frightened apes, and seeing otters when sacrificing fish. The otter beast, the genus of the Western White Tiger, is small like a fox, blue-black, and has skin like wings. The otter is exactly the color of this otter beast

"The flower warbler carries butterflies, and the stream hustle and mouth otter takes advantage of the fish."

獭 (tǎ) can add an elegant and understated sense of luxury to an interior, symbolizing mystery, power, and wisdom.

Creating a poetic space: an elegant choice for Chinese tiles
Creating a poetic space: an elegant choice for Chinese tiles
Creating a poetic space: an elegant choice for Chinese tiles
Creating a poetic space: an elegant choice for Chinese tiles
Creating a poetic space: an elegant choice for Chinese tiles
Creating a poetic space: an elegant choice for Chinese tiles
Creating a poetic space: an elegant choice for Chinese tiles
Creating a poetic space: an elegant choice for Chinese tiles

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