
Jessica Alba's new film "Trigger the Alarm" topped the Netflix ratings list in its first week of release

author:Teacher Tang watches a movie

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Jessica Alba's new film "Trigger the Alarm" topped the Netflix ratings list in its first week of release

The new action film "Trigger the Alarm" starring Jessica Alba was officially launched on the Netflix platform last weekend, and easily topped the weekly ratings list of Netflix last week from its launch on June 21 to June 23. The film received a total of 25.7 million views and 45.9 million hours of views in the three days after its release.

Jessica Alba's new film "Trigger the Alarm" topped the Netflix ratings list in its first week of release

It's not surprising that the film was able to easily top Netflix's ratings list last week, as a new film, especially the new film in which Jessica Alba made a comeback starring after many years, it is naturally not a problem in terms of attractiveness.

Jessica Alba's new film "Trigger the Alarm" topped the Netflix ratings list in its first week of release

Compared with the popular ratings, the film's reputation is indescribable. At present, the film's reputation on the rating website Rotten Tomatoes can be described as quite sluggish: the media rated Rotten Tomatoes as fresh as only 22%, while the audience rated the popcorn index as low as 15%. It is also only 4.6 on IMDB.

Jessica Alba's new film "Trigger the Alarm" topped the Netflix ratings list in its first week of release

So just from the perspective of word-of-mouth, it is not an exaggeration to call the film a big bad movie. To sum up, the goddess of yesteryear is really old; As an action movie, there are too few action scenes, and the action scenes are also unattractive; In terms of plot, both the setting and the rhythm of the plot seem quite messy. So the film's poor performance in terms of word-of-mouth is also not surprising.

Jessica Alba's new film "Trigger the Alarm" topped the Netflix ratings list in its first week of release


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