
I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

author:Tavern brown
The content of this article is stated from reliable sources, and it is repeated at the end of the article, please read it sensibly, for reference only!


"Who would have thought that I had been dancing for more than 20 years and would be famous for ALS."

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

How would you react if one day you were suddenly told that you were suffering from a disease that was paralyzed all over your body, that you could not take care of yourself, that you could not even move a finger, and that all you could do was move your eyeballs?

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

I believe that many people will feel hopeless, and this situation really happened to Ge Min. The most sad thing is that she used to be a dancer!

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

For Ge Min, who has been praised countless times for his beautiful movements, he must be more grief-stricken than ordinary people when they hear the news.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

And because she suffered from this disease, she not only lost her job, but also caused her husband to leave her, and her children were forced to be separated from her, leaving only her 76-year-old father to take care of her.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

The father's words are heartbreaking: "My daughter has ALS at the age of 34, and I dare not grow old at the age of 76." The white-haired man took care of the black-haired man, and the faltering figure made people cry when they saw it.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

So, how did Ge Min go from a dancer to an ALS? In the face of her aging father, what will she do?

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

A joke of fate

One day in 2016, Ge Min fell ill with a cold, and as before, he sneezed and had a runny nose, and his throat was sore and he couldn't make a sound. At first, she just thought it was a common cold that would get better soon, so she didn't care.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

But time gradually passed, and Ge Min found that he still couldn't make a sound, so he went to the hospital for consultation. It doesn't matter if she doesn't go, she was found to have ALS.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

The chance of getting this disease is very small, why did she encounter it? What's more, she's still a dancer!

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Ge Min, who heard the news, was undoubtedly like a thunderbolt from the sky. She knew very well what that meant, which meant that her dancing career was over forever and that she would never be able to stand on stage again.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

At first, ALS patients will only feel numbness in their limbs and difficulty breathing, but then it will gradually spread, and slowly, they will become a "frozen person" who can only move their eyes and cannot take care of themselves.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

After quitting her job, she returned to her hometown to recuperate with peace of mind, but when she was told that she had ALS, the doctor said that the chance of curing this disease was slim, and that she would have three to five years to live after suffering from it.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Ge Min's life fell to the bottom all of a sudden, and she even thought about ending her life. However, she used to be a positive and optimistic "stage elf".

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Angel on stage

Ge Min is born in the 80s and was born in an ordinary family in Nantong, Jiangsu, but her dancing talent was shown at a very young age.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

When she was in kindergarten, the teacher played music and played games with the children, only she showed an abnormal body rhythm with the rhythm, and Ge Min's parents, who found out about this situation, decided to send her to a dance class to practice dance, when she was only six years old.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Sent to a dance class to practice, Ge Min found her vocation at a premature age, she enjoyed the process of learning dance from the bottom of her heart, and also enjoyed the feeling of standing on the stage and being in the spotlight.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

So, when she was only 12 years old, she was admitted to a well-known dance academy in Shanghai, from Jiangsu to Shanghai, although it is not very far on the map, but for the twelve-year-old Xiao Gemin, it is already a long distance.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Only 12 years old, she took a big backpack and left home to study dance in Shanghai, and because the dance school is a closed boarding system, there are few opportunities to meet her parents.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

At the age of 12, it is the time to rely on his parents, but Ge Min is not afraid of hardships or difficulties because he loves dance. She often gets injured in the process of practicing dance, but Ge Min never cares, she always faces difficulties with a smile.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Soon, she graduated from school and was assigned to a song and dance troupe in Shanghai as a dancer, because of her excellent dancing level and positive and sunny personality, she was always surrounded by friends and happy laughter, whether it was classmates, teachers or colleagues, they liked her very much.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

When she worked in the song and dance troupe, because she often ran all over the country, Ge Min would definitely go to see the local places of interest whenever she went, and developed the habit of recording and traveling, which was also a manifestation of her love for life.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Later, on the one hand, he realized the importance of academic qualifications, and on the other hand, he also wanted to continue to improve himself, so Ge Min chose to suspend the work of the song and dance troupe and applied for a bachelor's and master's degree at the Beijing Dance Academy.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Her choice allowed her to be a student again, and she also met true love here. After graduating from the Beijing Dance Academy, she was already a master's degree, and chose to marry her true love and have children, and because she already had a family, she no longer worked in a song and dance troupe, but found a job as a dance teacher in a local school.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Although the salary is not as high as the previous job, fortunately, the working hours are stable, so that Ge Min has time to spend with her children and husband.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

But fate seemed to play a joke on her, and when she was 34 years old, she was told that she was suffering from ALS, and her muscles would gradually atrophy, and not only would she not be able to take care of herself, but it would be difficult to even move a finger.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

When Ge Min said goodbye to the school students with the support of her family, she cried, crying very sadly, because she knew that this farewell was not only a farewell to her classmates, but also a farewell to her career as a dancer.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Fight the disease

She returned home to recuperate, and under the leadership of her family, she sought medical advice everywhere, tried many methods but did not get better, her wallet deflated day by day, and her condition deteriorated day by day. Her husband finally couldn't hold on to this situation anymore and chose to divorce her and take the child away.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

This is undoubtedly another major blow to her, her mother is not in good health, and the only thing left with her is her gray-haired father, who watched her father falter, but for the sake of her daughter, she still insisted on taking care of her daily life.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

In fact, from the time she was told ALS to now, she has been in a low state, and even thought about dying, but now looking at her father in front of her, she feels that she can't be so depressed anymore. After all, there are still people who haven't given up on her.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

So she bought an eye control device, typed with the only movable eyeball in her body, and created a public account called "Bingyuge", providing a platform for ALS patients across the country to share and exchange themselves.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

ALS patients from all over the world are communicating here, and after a long time, Ge Min wants more people to see these contents and let more people care about ALS people.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Not only did she type hundreds of thousands of words with her eyeballs, but she also completed difficult things such as printing and publishing. At this time, many media and publishing houses also noticed this positive and optimistic ALS girl, and after seeing her deeds, many people were encouraged and moved, and even Guangming Daily was willing to publish the book for her for free.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

The title of the book is "Because of Love, So Persistence". In addition to this book, she has also published a number of books such as "Love is a Cycle" between 2019 and 2024.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

She recorded her and her patients' state of mind through writing, showing a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, and everyone was shocked by this girl who wrote with eyeballs, shocked by her strong vitality and indomitable attitude to life!

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76


"There is always a wind rising, and life does not give up." This is a sentence from the cover of Ge Min's book.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Now, she faces life with an optimistic attitude, not only healing herself, but also everyone around her, including her gray-haired father.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Although the 76-year-old father still has to take care of her as always, who is now 42 years old, the father feels much more comfortable looking at his daughter's positive and optimistic attitude.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

It stands to reason that ALS can live for up to three to five years after being diagnosed, but Ge Min has now been eight years since the diagnosis, and his father's greatest wish is to hope that his daughter will continue to live well.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

At present, we can still see Ge Min's brave fight against the disease and active life on the Internet, and the story of Ge Min, a frost dancer, will continue.

I cried when I saw the story of Ge Min, a person with ALS! At the age of 34, he turned back into a "baby", and his father did not dare to grow old at the age of 76

Seeing this, what do the officials think of Ge Min, the frost dancer? Welcome to actively leave a message in the comment area to discuss.


Information source: Smile hard and write with eyeballs "Frost Dancer" on the public welfare stage 2024-03-30 07:23

World ALS Day|Dancer Ge Min: From a stage elf to an ice and snow goddess, she has been fighting in "anti-freezing" for 7 years Jinan Times 2023-06-21 22:34

The second half of the life of "Frost Dancer" Ge Min Shangguan News 2023-06-21 06:01

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