
When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

author:Tavern brown


At the Cabourg Film Festival held in France, Wang Fuli and Liu Xiaoqing, who are veteran actors, attended the event at the same time. The two of them, who are in their seventies, are still a beautiful landscape standing together, and their aura is not inferior to that of young people.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

As female stars of the same generation, they attend film festivals together, and they inevitably have to be compared with each other. Although Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli are both beautiful, some attentive viewers still found that Liu Xiaoqing's face was still a little unnatural.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

As a female star who lives under the camera every day, it is normal for people to love to do some medical beauty when they are young, but the "bane" planted when they are young will all be revealed when they are old.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

No, when the two stand together and compare, they can see that this makes people can't help but sigh, it's better to age naturally! Wang Fuli, who was very beautiful when she was young, is also beautiful and confident when she is old!

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

The content of this article is stated from reliable sources, and it is repeated at the end of the article, please read it sensibly, for reference only!

The "sense of science and technology" is bursting

At this film festival, Liu Xiaoqing was wearing a black suit, and the fabric looked very high-end. Older people will inevitably get out of shape and get fat, but the fit of this suit flatters her figure well and makes her look not particularly bloated.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Older people are generally not suitable for making tricks in their hairstyles, and Liu Xiaoqing has a good grasp of this, her hair naturally hangs down on the side of her face, which not only modifies her face shape but does not look heavy, and the hair behind her is tied into a low ponytail and hangs down at the back of her head, with a black suit, which looks more capable.

What is even more eye-catching is a string of jewelry around her neck, this big bead, it is difficult for people not to pay attention!

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

She also interacted with fans very cordially, among the fans, there are many elderly people of the same age as her, she not only greeted the fans, but also signed autographs, shook hands, and took pictures at the request of fans.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Liu Xiaoqing took a photo with these foreign old people, and you can also see how young she is.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

However, although Liu Xiaoqing was well-dressed, behaved generously, and had appropriate makeup, the audience still found a trace of "clues" on her face.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Liu Xiaoqing's face has a sense of "technology and ruthlessness", although her smile is very affinity, but the audience finds her smile very stiff and not natural at all.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

This is probably the fault caused by doing too much medical beauty when I was young, not only my smile is stiff, but even the corners of my mouth are a little crooked!

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Under this stiff smile, even the facial features that have been put on makeup do not look so beautiful. Because of the medical beauty pot, Liu Xiaoqing can't even make a big expression, which makes her smile look very strange.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Moreover, although the wrinkles on the face are "fooled" by facelifts and hyaluronic acid, as the years go by, it is a natural law that people gradually age, and even the most powerful medical beauty cannot resist this natural law.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

So there was this situation of Liu Xiaoqing: his face looked flat, but his ears were almost hanging to the corners of his mouth! This "technological face" is really a bit staggering.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

You must know that Liu Xiaoqing was a great beauty when she was young, she has acted in many works, and her superb acting skills and exquisite face have allowed her to create classic roles in the hearts of many people.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

The pursuit of her beauty has led her to pay great attention to the maintenance of her face. With the passage of time, it is estimated that he can't accept his aging appearance, Liu Xiaoqing has spent a lot of money on his face and has been doing medical beauty.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

is also because of this, she is also known as the "frozen age goddess" by the audience, and even when she is forty years old, she can still play a girl! Ordinary people don't say forty, even when they are thirty years old, they don't have the state of a girl.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

However, medical beauty can save a while, not a lifetime, no, Liu Xiaoqing, who is old, although his condition is indeed better than that of ordinary people, the medical beauty he has done on his face has been revealed: a stiff smile, crooked corners of the mouth, and loose earlobes......

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Even looking at her from the side, her jawline is so unnatural, the former "goddess of frozen age" still has not escaped the ravages of time, this face full of "science and technology" also makes people sigh! What is this medical beauty done?

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

However, looking at Wang Fuli standing next to her, it is really different, people can't help but sigh, this is too obvious! Seriously, it's better to age naturally!

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Grow old naturally, beautiful and confident

Wang Fuli and Liu Xiaoqing held hands and looked very good. Although Wang Fuli is one year older than Liu Xiaoqing, the contrast between the two standing together is very obvious.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that of course Wang Fuli smiles more beautifully, more confidently, and more naturally!

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

When Wang Fuli attended the film festival, she wore a black sequined long dress, which also well covered up the embarrassment of old age, coupled with a deep V neckline, which not only modified the figure, but also exposed the slender neck.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Wang Fuli is wearing a pearl necklace around her neck, which is not as eye-catching as Liu Xiaoqing, but it is deep and charming, and she wears a deep V black sequin skirt.

Moreover, Wang Fuli is still holding a small black handbag in her hand, which raises her temperament to a higher level!

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Wang Fuli's youthful point is also her hairstyle. Unlike Liu Xiaoqing, she did not hang down her hair to modify her face, but tied her hair high on her head, which can make her face smaller, and at the same time set off her more capable and temperamental.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Although she was not as beautiful as Liu Xiaoqing when she was young, she did not choose to do medical beauty, but relied on careful maintenance to fight against her aging appearance, which made her still beautiful and natural when she was old!

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Netizens have commented that Wang Fuli's beauty is natural beauty, it is the beauty of temperament, she smiles naturally, elegantly and generously! Even under the messages of netizens, Liu Xiaoqing also replied to netizens, agreeing with Wang Fuli's beauty.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Wang Fuli has a confident beauty on her body, she accepts her wrinkles and sagging, such a confident and generous state, who doesn't like it!

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Human beings' birth, aging, sickness and death are natural laws, and it is a natural phenomenon that everyone will have wrinkles and sagging when they get older. If you choose to do medical beauty to "fight" the law, although it can be glamorous for a while, it will be even more miserable in the end!

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was


The beauty of natural aging is the real beauty!

Wang Fuli, whether it is the state of appearance or the temperament of the whole person, gives people a comfortable and natural feeling, behaves decently, and is a typical oriental intellectual and elegant beauty.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

The real beauty does not lie in modifying the appearance, but in the generous acceptance of one's own appearance, so as to exude a confident temperament from the inside out, Wang Fuli has really done it.

When 73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli were in the same frame, they found out how obvious the gap between the technological face and the natural face was

Seeing this, what do you think of the comparison between Liu Xiaoqing and Wang Fuli? Welcome to actively leave a message in the comment area to discuss.


Information source: The 2024 Kabul Film Festival "China Day" is coming, and Liu Xiaoqing will be the guest of honor Beiqingwang 2024-06-18 15:45

Sino-French film and cultural exchanges "go both ways", Liu Xiaoqing and Tang Guoqiang attended the China Day of the Cabourg Film Festival in France Sina News 2024-06-18 11:21

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