
When the Wenchuan earthquake struck that year, I was looking for food for her in the sloping building, and she went home with me to meet her parents

author:The mystery of the sea blue

(This article is the original debut of the Mystery of the Sea Blue Headlines, and the infringement must be investigated.) )

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I create stories based on the life around me, and the plot is fictionalized, if there are similarities, please give me more advice!


My name is Chen Xiaoou, and I was born in 1983 in a rural area on the outskirts of Chengdu.

My parents only gave birth to one son, so they doted on me very much.

Although my parents only make a living from farming, and our family conditions are not very ordinary, my parents have tried their best to meet my food and clothing requirements since I was a child.

As the saying goes, mothers have many defeated children, and most of the children who are spoiled by their parents are not successful.

I may be the same, I can't read since I was a child, I only think about eating good and playing well all day long.

There were a lot of gadgets I bought at home, and even the language books I read, I tore up the origami airplane without thinking.

At school, I was also mischievous, often tying the braids of my female classmates in the front row to the chair, and seeing her want to get up, but couldn't stand up.

When the Wenchuan earthquake struck that year, I was looking for food for her in the sloping building, and she went home with me to meet her parents

Or deliberately put a broom on top of the classroom door, and look at the funny appearance of a classmate who was hit on the head by the broom when he opened the door.

Only once, the broom happened to fall on the head of the homeroom teacher who entered the classroom, and the teacher not only punished me for writing a review, but also asked me to invite my parents to the school.

I actually became a real unlucky person, I was scolded by my parents, and my classmates laughed at me gloatingly.

After graduating from junior high school, I naturally didn't get admitted to high school, and my parents asked me to go to a vocational and technical college, but I refused.

Because I'm not interested in those machines or anything at all, I was asked to learn to repair cars, CNC machine tools, doesn't that hurt my brain?

My dad had nothing to do, and said to me disappointedly: "Xiaoou, you are a boy, and you will be a man in the future, you have to earn money to support your family, for your wife and children, you don't have a skill, what do you want to rely on to eat?" ”

I smiled and said, "Dad, I also have a specialty, I like to eat, and I am interested in eating." ”

My dad said, "If you know how to eat, you have to be able to eat, or you can learn to be a chef, and if you become a spoon in the future, at least you won't be hungry." ”

I nodded hurriedly: "Okay, okay, I like to be a chef, wearing a chef's uniform and a white high hat, but I'm actually quite handsome." ”


My parents saw that I liked to learn how to cook, so they sent me to a chef school in the city.

In the chef school, there are some written things, and I only stayed in the school for 3 months, so I will return from my studies!

Then I went to work in a restaurant, but I did chores in the back kitchen.

Every day, after the chef finished stir-frying, he asked me to clean the kitchen and wash the pots.

The master was very strict with me, so that I had to wash their used iron pot every day like a new pot that I had just brought back from the supermarket.

I had to wipe it with a steel wool ball, and I had to wipe the iron pot inside and out, and the time I spent brushing those pots every day would not be less than two hours.

As an apprentice, the salary is also pitifully low, I remember that my first month's salary was only 200 yuan.

In order to prove their son's ability and filial piety to my parents, I bought mahjong mats for my parents and fathers, and spent 150 oceans on me, leaving only 50 yuan for myself pocket money.

However, seeing my parents' happy smiles, I was still quite proud.

At least, I've been using my parents' money all along, and I can finally repay my parents with my own hands, right?

When the Wenchuan earthquake struck that year, I was looking for food for her in the sloping building, and she went home with me to meet her parents

For many years to come, every summer, my mother spread a mahjong mat on the bed, and contentedly introduced to relatives and friends:

"This is my son's first month's salary, a gift for me."

Relatives and friends boasted: "Xiaoou, this child was naughty when he was a child, but now he is grown up, sensible, and knows how to honor his parents, and he will definitely be able to become a great weapon in the future!" ”

My uncle's son works as a chef in a big hotel in another province, and when I was 20 years old, I followed my cousin to travel north and south and have been learning to be a chef in other places.

My cousin has reached the level of a chef and actively participates in every hotel gourmet cooking competition.

He also carves vegetables and makes beautiful platters, so my cousin has always been the goal of my hard work.


It's just that I've always been a bit arrogant in my personality, my understanding is not enough, and my perseverance is not enough, so I can only learn a 70-point level in cooking.

So I was often reprimanded by my cousin, saying that I was too playful, not careful and attentive enough, so that I didn't know the essentials of cooking, and I didn't want to be a chef for the rest of my life.

My cousin trained people, he was more fierce than my parents, and he didn't save me face at all, but he was the boss in the kitchen, and I could only keep my head down and be disciplined by him.

In 2006, my cousin brought about 10 kitchen staff to a restaurant in Wenchuan County to contract the kitchen, and I followed my cousin to stay in Wenchuan.

When the Wenchuan earthquake struck that year, I was looking for food for her in the sloping building, and she went home with me to meet her parents

Our daily work is very busy and monotonous, and early in the morning, we have to report to the back kitchen to prepare the dishes of the guests at noon and evening.

I was mainly responsible for cooking cold dishes, and my cousin was very strict with us, although everyone was an old buddy who had been with him for a few years, but if we had the slightest inappropriateness, he would shout and reprimand people.

"We are dealing with all the customers of the restaurant, as long as there is a problem with one dish, it will affect the reputation of the entire restaurant!"

"You must be careful and careful, careful and careful, you are not allowed to make mistakes for me, if anyone acts sloppily, don't blame me for not admitting my six relatives!"

I like to joke, my cousin will always blame me, saying that I can't make a big deal if I am a child, and if I want to start a family and get a wife in the future, it must be enough!

Human nature is like this, and I didn't take my cousin's words to heart, and I still lived happily.

I've been in this world for a while, and now happiness is the most important thing, why should I live so seriously like my cousin?

Although the salary I earn is not high, isn't it enough for me to eat and dress and provide for my parents' living expenses?

I am such a boy who does not demand much from himself and lives in the present, so that in the two or three years in Wenchuan, I have turned 25 years old, and no girl has ever looked at me.


One day in '08, after finishing work at the hotel at noon, we went back to the dormitory to rest.

This is the house that the owner of the hotel rented for us, on the sixth floor, I was lying on the bed playing with my phone, so I didn't feel sleepy.

Suddenly, I heard a "boom" on the hillside near the building, as if rocks were rolling down.

There are no trees on the hills, the soil is very loose, and talc often rolls down.

So I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, I just thought that it was the same as before, because the soil was soft after the rain, and when the rocks from the top of the mountain rolled down, there was a roaring sound.

But with a loud bang, the whole building began to shake, and I was shocked, and the instinct for survival made me roll over and get out of bed, lift my shoes, and rush downstairs......

My ears were full of the sound of the earth shaking, and the stairs under my feet were also swaying, and I had only one thought in my heart:

God, I don't want to die in a foreign land, so leave me alive!

I almost rolled and jumped, and ran down the stairs in three steps and two steps, surrounded by the exclamations and cries of people......

The houses next to them were all crumbling, and some of them collapsed directly, raising up bursts of fog and dust.

When the Wenchuan earthquake struck that year, I was looking for food for her in the sloping building, and she went home with me to meet her parents

I only felt trembling all over, my heart was pounding, and the excitement and confusion of escaping after the catastrophe were all experiences I had never experienced.

Although there were crowds of people all around, I was still scared and moved to the edge of our restaurant.

At this time, I realized that the hotel building had tilted in this tremor, and most of our hotel employees had gathered in the open space in front of the hotel, panicked, not much better than me.

My cousin was also in the crowd, and when he saw me, his pale face was slightly colored:

"Stinky boy, I'm afraid you'll die of sleep in the building, and you don't know how to run out! Good thing you still know to get out! ”

I showed a reluctant smile and said, "If you don't die in a big disaster, there will be a blessing in the future, right?" ”

Due to the continuous aftershocks around us, we could only spontaneously run to the highest level of the county, and dodge the fatal impact of the aftershocks in the open space of the square.

Beside us, there were several waitresses from the restaurant, they were girls, and they were even more frightened and panicked, and they couldn't speak incoherently.


A girl next to me was slumped on the floor, and she burst into tears:

"My parents, grandmother, and brother are all in the old house on the mountain, I wonder if they ran out? I'm going back to them......"

The cousin glared at her and said, "It's an extraordinary time, you still dare to run around?" Except for this open space, we are not safe around us, so let's not leave for the time being, gather together, and take care of each other. ”

The girl's name is Wang Xiujiao, she is a native of Wenchuan, she is just in her early 20s, and she works as a waitress in our hotel.

Because Xiujiao has to go to the back of the kitchen every day to serve food, we all know each other, and I used to love to make jokes about her.

She is also very generous, often from home to bring some walnuts, peaches and other local products for us to try, and the relationship between everyone is not bad.

In the face of great calamity, anyone will worry about the safety of their loved ones, right? But the chaotic situation at that time also made it impossible for us to run around, and we still had to ensure our own safety first.

I could only comfort Xiujiao and said: "Your parents are adults, they must know how to escape when they encounter danger, they must be fine." ”

When the Wenchuan earthquake struck that year, I was looking for food for her in the sloping building, and she went home with me to meet her parents

Xiujiao glanced at me and said with tears in her eyes: "My grandmother is old, she walks slowly, and I don't know if she has ...... when she runs out of the house."

I said, "With your parents here, they'll help your grandma run!" ”

Everyone squatted on the ground and watched the sky gradually darken, even though it was a May day, the night wind still felt a little cold on the body.

Our stomachs began to growl, but there was nothing to eat, no electricity, no cell phone signal, so we had to huddle together to keep warm, hungry and waiting for dawn.

The next day, we still didn't have anything to eat, so Xiujiao sat next to me and kept sneezing.

I asked her, "Is it cold?" ”

She shook her head: "It's okay, it's just that my stomach is empty and I'm very hungry." ”

I looked around and couldn't help but say to my cousin, "Let's go back to the restaurant and get something to eat, everyone is starving like this, it's not a solution!" ”

The cousin sighed and said, "The earthquake has not stopped, the hotel house has tilted, and it is dangerous to go back." ”

I said, "It's not very far from the hall to the back hall, there are food in the lockers and freezers, I'm running fast, I'll go back and get it!" ”

With that, I got up and ran to the hotel, but my cousin and two other male colleagues were worried about me, so they finally followed.


We ran to the door of the hotel and saw that the hall was already in a mess, and things were shaking everywhere, but the lockers placed on the inside of the hall had not yet fallen to the ground.

I was about to rush inside, but another aftershock wave came, and the hotel building was filled with dust.

My cousin yelled at me, "Xiao Ou, don't go in impulsively, it's too dangerous!" ”

I said, "You wait for me at the door, and I'll go to the locker and carry the food." ”

As I spoke, I rushed into the lobby of the hotel, ran to the locker, grabbed a grocery bag, and stuffed the ham sausage in the locker into the bag.

At this time, my cousin also ran in, and he and I packed the luncheon meat, dry cooked food, into bags.

We were all very quick to move, and one of us carried a large bag of food, and then quickly evacuated.

When I got to the door, I brought two more tablecloths with me.

The colleague waiting at the door laughed at me: "Xiaoou, it's time for us, do we still need to eat with a tablecloth?" It's really poor! ”

I glared at them, "What do you know?" At night, we sleep in the open air, and we can barely keep out the cold with a tablecloth! ”

After returning to the gathering place where everyone had fled, my cousin and I gave everyone the cooked food we had brought out of the restaurant to satisfy everyone's hunger.

When the Wenchuan earthquake struck that year, I was looking for food for her in the sloping building, and she went home with me to meet her parents

I handed Xiujiao two ham sausages, draped the tablecloth over her, and said with a smile: "How is it, aren't you cold or hungry now?" ”

Xiujiao threw a grateful smile at me, and together with everyone, they tore open the ham sausage and ate it.

At that time, because of the power outage, the communication was interrupted, and there was no communication with the outside world, we didn't know what was going on outside, and the people outside didn't know the situation in our county.

Most of the roads leading to the city were also damaged, and the vehicles were blocked, and it was only after many days that the rescue team barely cleared the roads and rushed to the city to rescue one after another.

Xiujiao has always been concerned about the safety of her family, and I said to her: "Don't panic, when the road over there is opened, I will accompany you home to have a look." ”

Xiujiao nodded at me gratefully: "Xiaoou, thank you for always being by my side, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do." ”


At noon that day, while resting next to a farmhouse, we saw rescue teams find two unfortunate victims, an elderly grandmother and her eldest son, from under the collapsed farmhouse.

Xiujiao cried out at that time, she took my hand, kept shaking and said, "Xiaoou, I want to go home, I'm so afraid that something will happen to my parents!" ”

But during that time, the roads were basically destroyed, and there were no vehicles back to the countryside at all, so I couldn't accompany Xiujiao back to find out.

However, later, the communication system was gradually restored, and Xiujiao finally called her brother and sister-in-law, and learned that on the 12th, their whole family was working in the fields, and Xiujiao's grandmother was in a dragon gate formation with others at the entrance of the village, and she escaped the catastrophe.

However, their houses have collapsed, and they are now living in relief tents, and the rescue team has delivered a lot of food, so there is no problem in life for the time being.

Knowing that her family had escaped safely, Xiujiao finally broke into tears and smiled, and her mood was much more relaxed.

During that time, there were many victims in the city, as well as many rescue teams from outside, as well as many volunteers who organized themselves to help the victims solve their living problems.

When the Wenchuan earthquake struck that year, I was looking for food for her in the sloping building, and she went home with me to meet her parents

I said to my cousin, "I want to help with the volunteers in the city who need to cook for the victims." ”

My cousin said, "We are also victims of the disaster, there are aftershocks everywhere, don't run around, if something happens, I can't explain it to your parents." ”

I smiled and said, "Cousin, don't worry, I said that if you don't die in a big disaster, you will have a blessing, right?" ”

"Others come all the way to volunteer, I am strong and can cook, so I can help everyone do something good, and it can be regarded as a blessing for myself!"

Xiujiao was influenced by me and said, "Since my family is safe, Xiaoou, I will volunteer with you." ”

So, I volunteered with Xiujiao in the city, working every day to distribute relief food and various daily necessities to the people affected by the disaster.

There were well-wishers cooking for the masses, and we also stepped forward to help, and Xiujiao and I felt very relieved to see the victims serving the food we cooked, with a grateful look in their eyes.


More than 20 days later, my cousin found a big truck pulling goods and was willing to take people out of the disaster area, and my cousin immediately found me and asked me to hurry home with him.

Although I missed my parents very much, and my parents were looking forward to my return as soon as possible, I felt that my responsibilities were not yet completed while I was wearing volunteer clothes.

So I said to my cousin, "You guys go back first, just help my parents report that they are safe, I want to stay in Wenchuan for a while longer, and do more things to help the victims." ”

My cousin couldn't resist me, so he had to repeatedly tell me to pay attention to safety, and if the situation was more stable and I could get out, I would try to go home.

Watching my cousin leave, I was still a little lost in my heart, Xiujiao stood beside me and said to me:

"Xiaoou, I admire you a lot, I used to see that you were not serious, but now I have found out that your quality is quite high, you like to be helpful, and you are quite caring."

When the Wenchuan earthquake struck that year, I was looking for food for her in the sloping building, and she went home with me to meet her parents

I smiled and said, "You know, I was originally a good man, I was righteous, I like to be a hero, and now I am a volunteer, and I feel very proud to be able to help others, which is more important than earning money and going home." ”

Every day with Xiujiao to serve the victims, we get along more and more harmoniously, and the mutual dependence is also getting deeper and deeper.

It wasn't until a month later that I left the disaster area and went home to report to my parents that I was safe.

Xiujiao also went back to her hometown, but we were always on the phone.

The next year, when the disaster area was rebuilt, my cousin and I were again invited by the restaurant owner to return to Wenchuan County to work as chefs.

In fact, my parents did not support me to go back, because they felt that the geology inside was complicated, and they were afraid of another major natural disaster.

But I always thought about Xiujiao in my heart, and as soon as I returned to the restored hotel, I called Xiujiao and asked her to come out to work quickly.


So Xiujiao and I met again in the hotel, worked together, and began to be together every day, this time we were together, and we already had an intimate fit with each other.

A year later, we started talking about marriage, and I took her back to my hometown to meet my parents.

My parents were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths and said to me, "Stinky boy, you've been working outside and haven't come home, and we're worried about your marriage!" ”

"I can't imagine that your kid is quite powerful, and he actually brought a beautiful daughter-in-law back, great!"

I married Xiujiao back to my hometown from Wenchuan, and my parents suggested that we say:

"Xiao Ou, Xiujiao, you can settle down in your hometown in the future, don't run around anymore, otherwise we will always live in fear!"

Under the repeated persuasion of my parents, I did not follow my cousin out to make a living, but opened a small restaurant in the county seat of our hometown.

When the Wenchuan earthquake struck that year, I was looking for food for her in the sloping building, and she went home with me to meet her parents

I've finally become a chef, and even though I'm just a chef in our small restaurant, I'm proud of it.

Xiujiao became a cashier and waitress in the front hall of the small restaurant, and when the restaurant business stabilized, we hired two more waitresses.

Perhaps, I am a man without ambition, for more than 10 years, my wife and I have just silently guarded this small restaurant and lived an ordinary life.

But like most of our peers, we have children, go from the countryside to the county, buy a car and a house, not seek glory and wealth, but only seek peace and happiness in our lives!

I have seen too many lives and deaths since that catastrophe, and I especially cherish the stable days when my family is together.

I hope that there will be no more disasters in the world, families will be reunited, life will be stable, and everyone can smile and face the future life with optimism!


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