
also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

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also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food


"County Party Committee Compound" I believe many friends have seen it, in which Hu Ge and Huang Lei are both cadres, this role is easy to act, but it is not easy to act, but it is not very good to act.

Although both of them are from professional classes, Huang Lei may be slightly better than Hu Ge in all aspects, and maybe before the broadcast, everyone is looking forward to Huang Lei's performance.

Both of them play the role of the secretary of the county party committee, but they receive completely different evaluations, what is the reason for such a difference?

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

Different styles

Speaking of Mei Xiaoge played by Hu Ge, I have to admire his accurate grasp of the role.

Starting from the details, Hu Ge used his eyes and micro-expressions to vividly present the inner world of Mei Xiaoge, a young cadre.

Whether it is the calm confidence when holding a meeting, or the affinity when going to the countryside for research, Hu Ge has just the right handle.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

Looking at Lu Qingshan played by Huang Lei, it has caused a lot of controversy.

Many viewers reported that Huang Lei's image did not match the stereotype of the traditional county party secretary.

His body shape, coupled with his perennial frowning expression, gives people a sense of exhaustion, and he seems to lack some of the temperament that a leader should have.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

This contrast does make some viewers feel uncomfortable.

But if you think about it carefully, does the secretary of the county party committee in real life have to be a pot-bellied and majestic image?

Huang Lei's performance may be breaking this inherent impression and showing the audience a more down-to-earth and fireworks image of grassroots cadres.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

Although this attempt is controversial, it has to be said that it is also an innovation.

Comparing the performances of the two actors, it is not difficult to see that the way they portray their characters is very different.

Hu Ge's Mei Xiaoge became more and more plump as the plot progressed, showing the wisdom and courage that the county party secretary should have.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

And Huang Lei's Lu Qingshan gives people a feeling of calm and restraint but slightly weak.

This difference may stem from the performance styles of the two actors.

Hu Ge is good at introverted and delicate performances, while Huang Lei's performances are relatively exposed.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

The two styles have their own merits, but when it comes to portraying the role of the county party secretary, Hu Ge's way seems to be more favored by the audience.

In fact, the style we see will be different, but Huang Lei is an old actor, and many people will be very impressed by him......

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

Impression of the carved board

Huang Lei's image in variety shows in recent years has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which has more or less affected the audience's acceptance of him in the drama.

In contrast, Hu Ge is more likely to fully immerse the audience in the character.

Hu Ge and Huang Lei have their own characteristics in "The Courtyard of the County Party Committee".

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

Although the audience responded differently, both actors were trying to break through themselves and try new interpretations of their roles.

When it comes to acting, Hu Ge and Huang Lei are both powerful in the circle.

But in "County Party Committee Compound", the performance of the two has caused completely different reactions.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

Hu Ge's performance style is restrained and delicate, and the Mei Xiaoge he portrays gives people a feeling like a spring breeze.

The body language is not exaggerated, and the expression change is just right, which makes people feel that this is a real county party secretary.

On the other hand, Huang Lei's performance is relatively exposed, and some viewers feel that the traces of his acting skills are a bit heavy.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

But then again, every actor has his own way of acting, and Huang Lei's slightly exaggerated performance style can also have a good effect in some cases.

It's just that when playing the role of the county party secretary, it may not quite meet the expectations of the public.

Interestingly, the audience's praise for Hu Ge's performance was not one-sided.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

Some people feel that the Mei Xiaoge he portrayed is too young and lacks the majesty that a leader should have.

But more viewers believe that Hu Ge is a good interpretation of the image of young cadres in the new era, both vigorous and steady.

Huang Lei's performance caused more controversy, and some viewers bluntly said that his performance made people play, and it felt like watching Mr. Huang instead of the county party secretary.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

From the extreme man gang to the longing for life, the audience has too much impression of "Huang Xiaochu", which affects the judgment of his performance in the main drama.

Actors should not be bound by their stereotypes, and experimenting with different types of roles is the only way for an actor to grow.

Huang Lei's performance in this drama may be an attempt by him to break through himself.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

Hu Ge is better at depicting details, and a look and an action can convey rich information.

Huang Lei, on the other hand, pays more attention to the creation of the overall atmosphere, and although his performance sometimes seems a little hard, it also adds a unique charm to the character.

They interpreted the role of the county party secretary in different ways, presenting the audience with two completely different leadership styles.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

This difference is precisely the diversity of the actors, and it also provides the audience with more space for thinking and discussion.

"County Party Committee Compound" is a TV series focusing on grassroots cadres, in addition to the two protagonists Hu Ge and Huang Lei, the performance of many actors is also eye-catching.

For example, the actors who play the heads of various departments, although they don't have many scenes, everyone plays their roles well.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

The wonderful performances of these actors have added a lot of highlights to the whole play.

It is precisely because of the addition of these outstanding actors that the overall evaluation of "County Party Committee Compound" can be so high.

This drama is not only a stage for Hu Ge and Huang Lei, but a big stage for showing the group portraits of grassroots cadres.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

Each character is lifelike, making the audience feel as if they have really walked into a county party committee compound.

However, some viewers pointed out that compared with big names like Hu Ge and Huang Lei, the performance of other actors is a little inferior.

But I think this view may be biased.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

It is not a simple comparison between actors, but to see who is more suitable for their roles and who can better promote the development of the plot.

From this point of view, the cast of "County Party Committee Compound" can be said to be quite balanced.

The protagonist is radiant, and the supporting characters have their own characteristics, presenting a harmonious and unified effect as a whole.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

This kind of benign interaction between actors is exactly the characteristics that a good TV series should have.

From the secretary of the county party committee to ordinary cadres, each character has its own characteristics and charm.

The success of this drama is not only due to the outstanding performance of Hu Ge and Huang Lei, but also to the joint efforts of the entire cast team.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

It allows us to see the true face of grassroots cadres and also gives us a deeper understanding of grassroots work.

This may be the biggest significance of this drama.

From the audience's point of view, the difference between Hu Ge and Huang Lei's performance in "County Party Committee Compound" is indeed quite big.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

Many viewers feel that Hu Ge's Mei Xiaoge is closer to the image of the county party secretary in their minds.

He is calm, capable, and relatable, giving people the feeling that I am willing to follow such a leader.

Some viewers feel that his image is not enough to be a leader, and he always looks sad, which makes people feel that the secretary of the county party committee always seems to be worried about various problems.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

But some viewers believe that Huang Lei's performance is more down-to-earth, showing the practical difficulties and pressures faced by grassroots cadres.

Truth be told, the contrast is actually quite interesting.

Hu Ge plays the kind of young and promising cadre in the new era, while Huang Lei plays more like an old cadre who has experienced the baptism of time.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

Both images are necessary to exist, and both reflect certain realities in real life.

Interestingly, although Hu Ge's performance was generally well received, some people felt that he was too perfect and seemed a little unreal.

After all, in real life, how can there be perfect people?

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

But from another point of view, the image created by Hu Ge may be our expectation of the ideal county party secretary.

As for Huang Lei's performance, although it is not small, it also has his supporters.

Some viewers said that Huang Lei's Lu Qingshan is very humane, making people feel that he is not a high-ranking leader, but a real person who will worry about life like ordinary people.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

This down-to-earth image is, to some extent, also appreciated by many audiences.

Hu Ge has created the image of a cadre in the new era, full of vigor and vitality.

Huang Lei's performance reflects more of the characteristics of traditional cadres, steady and experienced, but it is inevitable that he is a little tired.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

It is not simply to create a flawless leadership image, but to show the diversity of grassroots cadres through the contrast of different characters.

This diversity is a true portrayal of real life.

Whether it is Hu Ge's Mei Xiaoge or Huang Lei's Lu Qingshan, they all left a deep impression on the audience.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food

They interpreted the role of the county party secretary in their own ways, presenting the audience with different faces of grassroots leaders.

This diversity of character creation not only enriches the plot, but also provides the audience with more space to think.

also played the secretary, Hu Ge and Huang Lei compared, and I knew: What is God's appreciation of food


Whether it is the high-spirited new generation or the experienced old cadres, they are all contributing their own strength to the development of the grassroots, this drama is not only an excellent TV work, but also a true portrayal of the work at the grassroots level.

It allows us to see the hard work and dedication of grassroots cadres, and also gives us a deeper understanding of grassroots work.

This positive spirit is a powerful driving force for the development of our society.

The above is only a personal opinion!

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