
In 1965, after Lu Xiaoman's death, her friends revealed a secret to her: her ex-husband was overly keen on sexual affairs and had excellent physical strength, so he could be greedy all night. Lu Xiaoman couldn't bear to be disturbed, so he insisted on leaving

author:Yan Dongsheng

In 1965, after Lu Xiaoman's death, her friends revealed a secret to her: her ex-husband was overly keen on sexual affairs and had excellent physical strength, so he could be greedy all night. Lu Xiaoman couldn't bear to be disturbed, so he insisted on divorce, and for this reason, he also suffered her future husband Xu Zhimo.

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The relationship between literati is always not as pure as that of coarse people, either there is a problem with this or that, and literati can create many creative products, but sometimes they are too pretentious.

Lu Xiaoman was popular in that era and was a famous courtesan, but her marriage was not free, she was arranged to marry Wang Geng, but the combination of the two is undoubtedly in the eyes of the outside world

Behind this seemingly perfect marriage, Lu Xiaoman faced personal helplessness, she had to give in and entrust her future to Wang Geng.

She didn't expect that Wang Geng's demand for husband and wife life was extremely strong, almost to the point of obsession. At the beginning of the marriage, Lu Xiaoman didn't pay much attention to this, she thought that this was just the natural manifestation of the newlywed Yan'er, but after a long time, Wang Geng's enthusiasm did not decrease, but became more and more intense.

Whenever night fell, Wang Geng couldn't wait to pull Lu Xiaoman into the room, greedy for joy all night, until dawn, her body gradually couldn't bear such frequent tossing, and she was also mentally tortured. Wang Geng has never considered her feelings in his married life, he only cares about his own satisfaction, and completely ignores whether Lu Xiaoman is willing or not.

The marital rift between Lu Xiaoman and Wang Geng deepened, and she began to go out frequently, participate in various social activities, and even spend the night at a friend's house, just to escape Wang Geng's endless needs.

Such an escape can only temporarily relieve her stress, but cannot solve the problem at the root. In the depths of Lu Xiaoman's heart, the disappointment in this marriage is getting stronger and stronger.

Lu Xiaoman's stomach never moved, and Lu Xiaoman's increasingly obvious resistance made Wang Geng also begin to reflect on the meaning of this marriage. In the end, after a fierce quarrel, Lu Xiaoman mustered up the courage to file for divorce.

Xu Zhimo, who has been silently paying attention to Lu Xiaoman, saw an opportunity. After learning the news of Lu Xiaoman's divorce, he immediately took action, expressed his deep love to Lu Xiaoman, and proposed to her.

At that time, Xu Zhimo was a literati and a romantic person, he only lived for 34 years, but there are many stories about him.

And his teacher is the famous Liang Qichao, who left a heavy trace on the teachers and students in that era, and is a figure that cannot be mentioned in that era. However, the marriage between Xu Zhimo and Lu Xiaoman was criticized by Liang Qichao, who thought that Xu Zhimo was inattentive.

But at that time, it was relatively free, and anything could happen.

In 1965, after Lu Xiaoman's death, her friends revealed a secret to her: her ex-husband was overly keen on sexual affairs and had excellent physical strength, so he could be greedy all night. Lu Xiaoman couldn't bear to be disturbed, so he insisted on leaving
In 1965, after Lu Xiaoman's death, her friends revealed a secret to her: her ex-husband was overly keen on sexual affairs and had excellent physical strength, so he could be greedy all night. Lu Xiaoman couldn't bear to be disturbed, so he insisted on leaving
In 1965, after Lu Xiaoman's death, her friends revealed a secret to her: her ex-husband was overly keen on sexual affairs and had excellent physical strength, so he could be greedy all night. Lu Xiaoman couldn't bear to be disturbed, so he insisted on leaving
In 1965, after Lu Xiaoman's death, her friends revealed a secret to her: her ex-husband was overly keen on sexual affairs and had excellent physical strength, so he could be greedy all night. Lu Xiaoman couldn't bear to be disturbed, so he insisted on leaving

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