
hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area

author:Haha laughs at Mi Spicy
hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area

The recent rainstorm in Shanghai is really on the hot search. It is said that it has rained in Guangdong for two months, and it is estimated that a rainstorm in Shanghai is about to catch up with the amount of two months here. The one under the rain is big, that fierce, even the star's mansion can't resist it, it's leaking [covering his face] This is not actor Chen Long complained, it was raining heavily outside, it was raining lightly at home, the balcony became a rain platform, and all kinds of basins at home had to be found to catch the water ☔️ [呲tooth] I always thought that the star lived in a mansion, but I didn't expect Mr. Chen to live in a dilapidated house, hahaha. Just when netizens ridiculed his brother that the umbrella in the house did not grow [witty], netizens with developed communications sent "good news", and Chen He's house also leaked [tears] [tears] [tears] [tears]

hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area

Hahahaha, after watching the excitement here, netizens went to Chen He's side to take a look, looking at the water curtain hole in his house, and joking while watching


hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area

Everybody's coming to see the excitement [snickering]


hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area

The following various kinds of [cover face] [cover face] of the decoration waterproof business

There is a warm reminder: Chen Long still has an umbrella at home

hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area

Laughing to death, haha, the power strips are all off


hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area
hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area
hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area

Internet celebrity punch in, take a shower directly, are you going to laugh at me, hahahaha [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]


hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area


hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area

The walls of my house under the continuous rain in Guangdong are moldy and the wooden boards are full of mushrooms, and when I see the star, I am also psychologically balanced [tears] [tears]


hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area

More houses are better [tears] [tears]


hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area
hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area

[laughing and crying] Huaguo Mountain Water Curtain Cave, worthy of the name [呲tooth][呲tooth]


hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area

Maybe the forest dog family is bigger [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]

Hahahaha. Celebrities are also ordinary people, and there are also the troubles of our ordinary people, take a look at their daily life, ridicule and ridicule, and it can also bring us different pleasures [呲tooth][呲tooth] [呲tooth] It's just this building, hey, the old problem, so expensive places still leak rain like that, the walls in the house are peeling off [tears] [tears] [tears] Maybe the truth is that people are villas, [tears] [tears] [tears] hey, my heart is unbalanced again, and then go and watch the video to balance [snicker] [snicker]

hugged with laughter, actor Chen Long's house leaked due to heavy rain, but I died laughing in Chen He's netizen comment area


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