
"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

author:Brother Chen chats about the world
"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals
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"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

In 2000, on a sunny afternoon, Ding Yongdai walked leisurely through the familiar streets. Suddenly, a stern shout broke the silence. He turned to see a policeman pointing at him with a trembling finger, his eyes full of vigilance and fear.

In an instant, Ding Yongdai suddenly realized that this policeman was his partner in "The End of the Road 1997". In the play, Ding Yongdai played the cold-blooded killer Bai Baoshan, and his acting skills were so realistic that the law enforcers in reality had a conditioned reflex.

When the police realized their mistake, Ding Yongdai had mixed feelings. This experience not only proved his extraordinary acting skills, but also made him think deeply: as an actor, how to find a balance between artistic expression and real life? This question has become a topic worth thinking about in his career.

In the spring of 1958, an ordinary family in Inner Mongolia ushered in a new life. Ding Yongdai, a name with his grandfather's expectations, was destined to embark on a different path in life.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

Like many Shandong boys, Ding Yongdai has a cheerful personality and loves sports. In the vast grasslands of Inner Mongolia, football has become his most loyal partner. As a young man, Ding Yongdai devoted most of his spare time to training, and his talent and hard work were quickly appreciated by his coaches, and he was even seen as a potential candidate for the national team.

For Ding Yongdai at that time, becoming an excellent football player was his biggest dream.

However, fate always likes to play tricks on people. In a crucial match, Ding Yongdai suffered a serious sports injury. This accident not only made him miss his dream of being a football player, but also left him in a deep state of confusion and loss.

In the days after the injury, Ding Yongdai seemed to have lost the direction of his life, and the whole world was shrouded in haze.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

In order to get out of the predicament, Ding Yongdai began to try all kinds of new things. By chance, he walked into the cinema. The charm of the Indian film "The Wanderer" fascinated him.

Subsequently, he watched classic films such as "Manhunt" and developed a strong interest in the performing arts. He began to imitate film scenes in school theatrical performances, and although he did not have any professional training, his talent and enthusiasm won warm applause from the audience.

However, the road to being an actor has not been easy. After graduating from high school, due to his special historical background, Ding Yongdai was unable to continue his studies. In order to ease the burden on his family, he had to enter the sand screening factory to become an ordinary worker.

Working 9 hours a day and earning a meager income, Ding Yongdai did not give up his pursuit of art. He also tried his hand at a variety of professions such as masonry and electrician, but his heart always longed for a bigger stage.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

In 1980, the god of fate finally smiled at Ding Yongdai. His return to Inner Mongolia coincided with the enrollment of the Inner Mongolia Art School. With the encouragement of his parents, Ding Yongdai plucked up the courage to take the exam.

When he received the acceptance letter, it was as if he saw a new chapter in his life slowly unfolding.

Walking into the door of the Inner Mongolia Drama Academy, Ding Yongdai felt extremely excited. Here, he not only found like-minded friends, such as Kang Honglei, who would become a well-known director in the future, but more importantly, he was finally able to devote himself to the performing arts he loved.

From the football field to the screen, Ding Yongdai's life has experienced an unexpected turn. This journey not only shaped his tenacious character, but also laid the foundation for his future success in the entertainment industry.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

As he later said, "Every setback in life is designed to make us more real and moving on stage."

The moment he stepped into the Inner Mongolia Drama Academy, Ding Yongdai seemed to have found the true direction of his life. He is hungry for learning, striving for excellence in every link, from the fundamentals of acting to character building.

Soon, this former football teenager grew from an inexperienced newcomer to a leader in the academy.

Ding Yongdai's drama "Heaven, Earth and People" not only caused a sensation in the school, but even attracted the attention of leaders in Beijing's literary and art circles. This experience undoubtedly gave him great encouragement and planted the seeds of hope for his future acting career.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

However, the path of art is never easy. As poor students, Ding Yongdai and his classmate Kang Honglei were often trapped by life. Once, in order to taste the coveted roast chicken, the two actually pretended to be a middleman who resold steel and defrauded a free dinner.

Although this experience was a bit embarrassing, it also exercised their on-the-spot adaptability and accumulated valuable life materials for future performances.

After graduation, Ding Yongdai entered the Inner Mongolia Repertory Theatre as he wished. Here, he has participated in many dramas such as "Garland Under the Mountain" and "The King of Fighters".

Every time you take the stage, it is a challenge and a growth. Gradually, Ding Yongdai's name began to be known to more audiences.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

The real turning point came in 1993. This year, the TV series "Heavenly Road" starring Ding Yongdai won the Feitian Award, the Five First Project Award and the first prize of the whole army.

These honors are not only an affirmation of his efforts, but also allow his acting career to enter a new stage.

However, what made Ding Yongdai really popular was the TV series "The End of the Road 1997" broadcast in 2000. In this work, he played a creepy character - the murderer Bai Baoshan.

In order to perfectly interpret this role, Ding Yongdai has made unimaginable efforts. He not only delved into Bai Baoshan's criminal record, but also conducted an in-depth analysis of his life experience.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

Ding Yongdai's performance is so realistic that many viewers find it difficult to tell whether the Bai Baoshan he plays is more real, or the real Bai Baoshan.

It is this near-perfect interpretation that leads to the surprising scene at the beginning of the article, in which even former police colleagues are bewildered by his performance.

This experience made Ding Yongdai deeply aware of the responsibility of an actor and the power of art. He realized that a good actor must not only be able to portray the character, but also know how to keep an appropriate distance from the character in real life.

However, after becoming famous, Ding Yongdai did not rest on his laurels. Faced with an influx of offers, he made a decision that many people did not expect - he refused to continue to play a similar role as a criminal.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

Although this decision may cost him some opportunities to become popular, Ding Yongdai firmly believes that a true actor should be able to handle a variety of different types of roles.

This decision, although it may have affected his popularity in the short term, in the long run, it saved him from being typed. Ding Yongdai began to experiment with various styles of roles, from a police officer to a museum curator to an underground party member, and each attempt allowed the audience to see his multifaceted and malleable nature as an actor.

It is this persistent pursuit of art and the courage to constantly break through himself that allows Ding Yongdai to always maintain his unique charm in the fiercely competitive entertainment industry.

He proved with practical actions that real acting skills will never go out of style, and an excellent actor will never be defined by a single role.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

Behind Ding Yongdai's wonderful acting career, there is one person who has been silently supporting him, and that is his wife. In 1985, Ding Yongdai, who was in the initial stage of his career, returned to his hometown to visit relatives, and fate arranged an unexpected encounter for him.

It was a sunny day, and Ding Yongdai met a beautiful woman wearing red high heels on the street. As if favored by the god of fate, the eyes of the two met in the air, and a spark of love instantly sparked.

This feeling of love at first sight makes Ding Yongdai still excited when he thinks about it.

Fate is always wonderful. After getting to know her, Ding Yongdai was pleasantly surprised to find that the woman's parents had worked in the same repertory troupe as him, and she herself worked as a teacher in Beijing.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

This inexplicable connection made the relationship between the two heat up quickly.

Knowing that this marriage was not easy to come by, Ding Yongdai began a passionate and sincere pursuit. His sincerity and enthusiasm soon touched the heart of the female teacher. Soon after, the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Although the wedding at that time was simple and simple, Ding Yongdai's love for his wife was consistent and never changed.

Life after marriage is not all smooth sailing. As a fledgling actor, Ding Yongdai often needs to run around and work hard for his career. And his wife chose to be his strong backing and fully support his acting career.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

Not only did she take on most of the family responsibilities, but she also gave Ding Yongdai unconditional understanding and encouragement during his most difficult times.

It is with the support of his wife that Ding Yongdai can devote himself to his acting career without worries. Even at the peak of his career, he still stuck to his promise to his wife and became a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

In this environment full of temptations and challenges, Ding Yongdai has always maintained his loyalty to his wife, and his record of zero scandals in the past 37 years has made him a model husband in the eyes of many people.

Ding Yongdai often said: "My wife is all I have, and I am moved by her dedication, how can I fail her?" This sincere affection not only warmed their small home, but also won the respect and praise of the public.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

Time is like a song, time flies, and Ding Yongdai's exploration in his acting career has never stopped. In 2015, the actor, who is over half a hundred years old, shined again in the popular TV series "Langya Bang".

Ding Yongdai, who played the role of "Emperor Liang", conquered the audience and industry insiders with his superb acting skills.

In this role, Ding Yongdai showed the acting skills he has accumulated over the years. He succeeded in creating an image of an emperor with a complex personality and a rich heart. Emperor Liang is sometimes ruthless, and sometimes he reveals a warm side, and this contradictory but real character trait is interpreted by Ding Yongdai very well.

Especially when playing against Mei Changsu played by Hu Ge, Ding Yongdai's performance has reached the realm of perfection. From anger, shock to helplessness, and finally to discouragement, Emperor Liang's complex psychological changes are vividly portrayed by him, making the audience deeply immersed and unable to extricate themselves.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

Although Ding Yongdai was 57 years old when "Langya Bang" was broadcast, he may have missed the golden period of playing the leading role, but he did not stop because of this. Instead, he continues to be active on screen, constantly challenging a variety of different types of roles.

In the hit drama "An Home", Ding Yongdai changed his majestic image and played a feed king with a mineral water bottle in his hand. This down-to-earth character allows the audience to see another side of his acting skills.

In "Crossing the Yalu River", he incarnated as Marshal Peng Dehuai, who terrified the enemy, showing the courage and charm of a revolutionary leader.

Ding Yongdai's understanding and shaping ability of the role made him stand out in the group of "old drama bones". He is always able to accurately grasp the inner world of the characters, showing the complex characters through subtle expressions and movements.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

This dedication and love for acting has earned him widespread respect and recognition in the entertainment industry.

In Ding Yongdai's view, an excellent actor should not be limited by age. On the contrary, as the experience increases, the actor should be able to inject more life and persuasiveness into the character.

He often said: "The value of an actor is not to be popular, but to be able to move people's hearts." This kind of persistence and pursuit of art is the secret of Ding Yongdai's long-term prosperity in the entertainment industry.

By constantly breaking through himself and challenging different types of roles, Ding Yongdai has proved the value of "old drama bones" with practical actions. His experience tells us that real acting skills will not fade with the passage of time, but will become more mellow and more textured with the precipitation of the years.

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

With the emergence of excellent works such as "Mountains and Seas", industry insiders began to discuss whether the "spring" of good actors is coming. However, for veteran actors like Ding Yongdai, their talent and charm have never faded with the passage of time.

On the contrary, their performances are more mellow and more life-like.

In this era of focusing on traffic, Ding Yongdai used his strength to prove that real acting skills will never go out of style. His experience tells us that an excellent actor not only needs excellent acting skills, but also needs perseverance in art and love for life.

Ding Yongdai often said: "The value of an actor is not to be popular, but to be able to move people's hearts." This kind of persistence and pursuit of art is the real charm of him becoming an "old drama bone".

"Old drama bone" Ding Yongdai: He was recognized as a criminal because his acting was too realistic, and he spoiled his wife for many years without scandals

On the stage of the new era, Ding Yongdai continues to interpret the value of actors in his own way, bringing one wonderful role after another to the audience.

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