
Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded

author:Two ancestors

[Exclusive Entertainment Tracking] Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang's family dinner was full of warmth, and the rumors of obtaining the certificate aroused heated discussions! The studio quickly clarified!

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded

A second ago, the paparazzi exposed the picture of Xu Yiyang and Huang Zitao's family eating! In the next second, some netizens broke the news that the two had already received their certificates! Finally, the reporter connected to Huang Zitao's studio! The studio responded!

Let's take a look at the dinner scene!

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded

During the dinner, Xu Yiyang and Huang Zitao sat aside! Huang Zitao wears a white baseball cap and a small white vest! Show his big flower arms! Dry rice man, it's so fragrant! Huang Zitao took care of Xu Yiyang carefully and personally served vegetables for him!

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded

And Xu Yiyang also seems to get along well with Huang Zitao's family, not only dressing casually and naturally, but also affectionately sandwiching meat for Huang's mother, the scene is happy, as if indicating that the relationship between the two is extraordinary.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded

Netizens ridiculed: If you eat with Huang Zitao! I can eat several more bowls of rice myself!

Netizens broke the news!

However, this seemingly ordinary family gathering has become extraordinary due to a bombshell - some anonymous netizens were shocked that Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang have quietly obtained their certificates in Beijing and officially become husband and wife!

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded

This news was like a depth charge, which instantly exploded in the fandom and the media circles, and all kinds of blessings and speculations poured in.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded
Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded

Before Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang recorded a variety show, it was also revealed that Huang Zitao proposed to Xu Yiyang! Later, I don't know!

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded

In the face of this sudden storm of public opinion, Huang Zitao's studio reacted quickly!

In the face of the rumors of "obtaining a certificate", an authoritative media platform clearly called Huang Zitao's studio: the studio said that the so-called "obtaining a certificate" is pure nonsense!

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded

The agent used five consecutive "nos" in the interview, firmly denied this statement, emphasizing that such news is false rumors, and imploring the public to treat them rationally and not to believe rumors.

Looking back on the past, Huang Zitao once talked about his love attitude in the live broadcast!

said "Why do artists have to make it public when they fall in love", netizens questioned whether this is a response to love in the air?

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded

Despite this, whether it is the sweet interaction between him and Xu Yiyang in the show or the frequent sharing of the same frame in private, the relationship between the two has become the focus of public attention.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded

The exposure of this family dinner undoubtedly pushed the relationship between the golden boy and girl to the forefront again.

For this wave of operations, netizens have different attitudes!

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded

Some people expressed their understanding and respect for the privacy of artists, believing that even if they really achieve positive results, it will be a matter of course; There are also fans who are anxious, hoping that the two can give a clear answer as soon as possible and end this guessing game.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang were photographed having dinner with their families: the two of them were revealed to have received their certificates! Huang Zitao responded

Some netizens said with a smile: "I won't be surprised if they announce their marriage directly, after all, after so many years, it's time to give an explanation." ”

In this emotional vortex where it is difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood, the true emotional state of Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang is still a mystery.


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