
A war in the Middle East may be coming! Iran: Lebanon will suffer a "devastating blow" with "all-out aggression"

author:Transcript of Xiao Sun's war
A war in the Middle East may be coming! Iran: Lebanon will suffer a "devastating blow" with "all-out aggression"

Iran's mission to the United Nations has issued a stern warning that a full-scale Israeli military aggression against Lebanon would trigger a devastating war.

While the Israeli military claims not to seek war with Allah in Lebanon, it has also made it clear that it is prepared for a possible conflict.

A war in the Middle East may be coming! Iran: Lebanon will suffer a "devastating blow" with "all-out aggression"

On 26 June, the Israeli army carried out an airstrike on the Lebanese village of Shuba, triggering a local clashes.

On the 28th, the situation escalated, and the Israeli army and Allah renewed fierce fighting in the Lebanese border area.

A war in the Middle East may be coming! Iran: Lebanon will suffer a "devastating blow" with "all-out aggression"

Allah not only fired rockets and drones into Israel, but also took other retaliatory actions, triggering a tough counterattack by the Israeli army.

Over the past decade, tensions between Israel and Lebanon in the Middle East have continued to escalate, turning into an exchange of rockets, artillery shells and drones.

A war in the Middle East may be coming! Iran: Lebanon will suffer a "devastating blow" with "all-out aggression"

The Israeli military approved plans for a ground offensive against Lebanon, a decision that has sparked widespread concern and concern in the international community.

Several countries have called on their citizens to evacuate Lebanon, while the United States has stepped up its military presence in the region to prepare for a possible evacuation mission.

A war in the Middle East may be coming! Iran: Lebanon will suffer a "devastating blow" with "all-out aggression"

The backdrop to the crisis dates back to October last year, when skirmishes escalated and threatened stability in the Middle East.

The international community fears that the situation may deteriorate further, and awareness of the strategic importance of the region has intensified.

A war in the Middle East may be coming! Iran: Lebanon will suffer a "devastating blow" with "all-out aggression"

Lebanon and Israel have a long history of bitter grievances, especially in the geographically intertwined border areas, where frequent conflicts have become the norm.

In recent days, some extremist groups and militants have been operating frequently in the border area, firing rockets into Israel, and Israel has responded with heavy artillery fire.

A war in the Middle East may be coming! Iran: Lebanon will suffer a "devastating blow" with "all-out aggression"

Each exchange of fire complicates the situation and makes peace elusive.

The Israeli side has strengthened its military deployment along the border, significantly increased its defense forces, and even activated part of its reserves.

A war in the Middle East may be coming! Iran: Lebanon will suffer a "devastating blow" with "all-out aggression"

People in Lebanon are also nervously waiting for the situation to unfold, and many families have begun to stock up on supplies in preparation for a possible war.

The two governments have also expressed their stance on defending its territorial sovereignty on the one hand, and on the other hand, it has also called for more support and understanding from the international community.

The Lebanese government, on the other hand, is trying to keep the situation under control, hoping to avoid the outbreak of all-out war and trying to resolve the issue diplomatically.

A war in the Middle East may be coming! Iran: Lebanon will suffer a "devastating blow" with "all-out aggression"
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