
I was amazed by Feng Lin! Hosting Magnolia for the first time, the typhoon is steady, and the fairy beauty in the pink skirt does not lose its strength

author:Nanmu has a voice

Recently, the host star Feng Lin, the famous host Cao Kefan and Chen Chen of Shanghai Satellite TV, and the outstanding young actor Yu Shi co-hosted the 2024 Shanghai Magnolia Awards Ceremony.

Feng Lin, who hosted the Magnolia Award for the first time, not only had a steady typhoon and was generous, but also gave people a feeling of national peace and security.

Dressed in a pink skirt, with high buns, she is sweet and calm, as if she has injected a fresh force into this stage.

01 Ordinary background, but extraordinary dreams

Feng Lin was born in an ordinary family in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province in 1999.

His father was a fleet driver for the Haiyan County Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, and his mother ran a sewing shop.

I was amazed by Feng Lin! Hosting Magnolia for the first time, the typhoon is steady, and the fairy beauty in the pink skirt does not lose its strength

This ordinary family background did not pave a gorgeous path for her to grow up, but it gave her unlimited support and encouragement.

Feng Lin's parents are well aware of the importance of education, and they believe that only knowledge and hard work can change destiny. This belief has become a solid backing for Feng Lin on the road to pursue her dreams.

Feng Lin showed an extraordinary talent for languages from an early age, and her parents never hesitated to invest in education despite their limited financial resources.

Whenever she had the opportunity to participate in a recitation contest or speaking event, Feng Lin's parents would fully support her and encourage her to try it out.

In various recitation and speech competitions organized by the school, Feng Lin can always be seen active. Her voice is clear and fluent, and every time she speaks, she wins bursts of applause.

This experience not only boosted her self-confidence, but also allowed her to find her own light on stage.

When she was in the fifth grade of primary school, Feng Lin, as a representative, participated in the recitation performance of the party's dedication speech at the school's 90th anniversary celebration of the founding of the party.

I was amazed by Feng Lin! Hosting Magnolia for the first time, the typhoon is steady, and the fairy beauty in the pink skirt does not lose its strength

That event was of great significance to Feng Lin, because it was the first time she stood on the stage in the limelight, using her voice to convey her emotions and beliefs.

At that moment, Feng Lin felt that the language art she loved could produce such a powerful force. This sense of accomplishment and identity has strengthened her path in the future.

As John D. Rockefeller said, "Opportunity always favors the prepared mind." Feng Lin's growth trajectory is like a magnolia that grows silently, quietly blooming in the sun.

She has never given up the pursuit of her dreams because of the ordinariness of her family, but has gone all out to make herself better in every opportunity to learn and perform.

02 The pace of chasing dreams never stops

In 2018, he was admitted to the Communication University of China with excellent results, majoring in broadcasting and hosting. This decision is a continuation of her dream and the beginning of her struggle.

In this new environment, she met many of her peers who were also excellent, but also faced even more fierce competition. Feng Lin did not back down, she proved herself with her actions.

As the American writer Emerson put it, "The world gives way to those who have purpose and vision." "Feng Lin is such a person who has a clear goal and works tirelessly for it.

I was amazed by Feng Lin! Hosting Magnolia for the first time, the typhoon is steady, and the fairy beauty in the pink skirt does not lose its strength

After entering the university, Feng Lin's life became more fulfilling and busy. Not only does she have to deal with a heavy workload, but she also has to participate in various hosting and recitation competitions.

In order to improve her professional quality, she insisted on training pronunciation, breath and expression every day, and read a lot of literary works in the library to enrich her language skills.

At the same time, he also actively participated in the school's debate team and drama club, exercised his eloquence and on-the-spot adaptability through different forms of expression, participated in various lectures and trainings, and broadened his knowledge and horizons.

As the saying goes, hard work pays off. She rose to prominence in various hosting competitions and won several awards for her outstanding performance.

She spoke at the opening ceremony of the class of 2021 as a representative of the current students, set an example for the younger students, and also served as a reciter in various large-scale events, opening her glorious path in the hosting world.

I was amazed by Feng Lin! Hosting Magnolia for the first time, the typhoon is steady, and the fairy beauty in the pink skirt does not lose its strength

After graduating with a bachelor's degree in 2022, he went to Fudan University, and two years passed in a flash, and he was rated as an outstanding graduate by Fudan University, which drew a perfect end to his student days.

03 Shine on the stage and achieve brilliance

Feng Lin's hosting career ushered in a new peak after graduating with a master's degree.

With her steady typhoon and unique personal charm, she showed extraordinary hosting skills at the 2024 Shanghai Magnolia Awards Ceremony.

At the scene, she has a round voice, full pronunciation, a straight posture, and an elegant temperament. A pink skirt brings out her sweetness and atmosphere, and adds a sense of strength and firmness.

I was amazed by Feng Lin! Hosting Magnolia for the first time, the typhoon is steady, and the fairy beauty in the pink skirt does not lose its strength

Feng Lin's large-scale hosting experience is not limited to the Magnolia Awards ceremony, she also shines in the 2024 Film and Television Music Festival.

On the same stage with many well-known hosts, she has won unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders with her skillful hosting skills and natural typhoon.

Feng Lin once said that being able to listen to the original soundtrack live is an incomparable happiness and shock, and this experience makes her deeply feel the charm and meaning of hosting work.

At the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games Qualifying Series in Shanghai, as a host, Feng Lin challenged the whole English host for the first time, and performed with ease.

I was amazed by Feng Lin! Hosting Magnolia for the first time, the typhoon is steady, and the fairy beauty in the pink skirt does not lose its strength

Feng Lin's confidence and professionalism in the event made people see her unlimited potential on the international stage. Her language skills and on-the-spot adaptability were once again on full display.

Feng Lin's hosting experience also includes the May Fourth Medal awarding event. Her hosting style not only loses the vitality of young people, but also has traditional dignified and calm, which perfectly fits the spiritual connotation of May Fourth Youth Day.

After making a name for herself at domestic events, Feng Lin has also showcased her talent on the international stage.

During the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, she was one of the Beijing City Volunteer Image Ambassadors and torchbearers, and also served as the Chinese announcer for the Zhangjiakou Award.

I was amazed by Feng Lin! Hosting Magnolia for the first time, the typhoon is steady, and the fairy beauty in the pink skirt does not lose its strength

Feng Lin's starting point is very high, and there is a broader stage waiting for her to conquer in the future, I believe that she will be able to create more brilliance and bring more surprises and touches to the audience.

Feng Lin used her strength and charm to show the world the demeanor of a young Chinese host, and also paved a bright road for her future.


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