
Well-known music critics talk about Sun Nan: greasy, chicken thief, unworthy of being a national team singer!

author:Old Mo

The eighth issue of "Singer 2024" is known as the best episode of this season's show!

The reason is: all the players are in the best condition, and the eight immortals have their own magical powers!

But one guest couldn't be happy because he got the worst result since the competition - fifth place!

Well-known music critics talk about Sun Nan: greasy, chicken thief, unworthy of being a national team singer!

This singer is Sun Nan, who has high hopes from the audience, so far, Sun Nan has sung a total of five songs on the stage of "Singer", except for the issue of the list, his rankings are: first, first, fourth, fifth!

You must know that Sun Nan had withdrawn from the recording of "Singer" before, on the grounds that there was no hope of winning the championship, and for this reason, he was complained by netizens that he wanted to complete self-redemption, and the only way was to win the championship, but judging from the current state, this goal is difficult to achieve!

Well-known music critics talk about Sun Nan: greasy, chicken thief, unworthy of being a national team singer!

In this episode of the program, Sun Nan sang Alan Tam's classic song "Wordless Gratitude", which was also interspersed with Zhao Chuan's "To Everyone Who Knows My Name"!

Plastic Cantonese and broken sound, two big flaws, led to Sun Nan's poor ranking this time!

Well-known music critics talk about Sun Nan: greasy, chicken thief, unworthy of being a national team singer!

On June 29, well-known music critic Ding Taisheng updated his social account and commented on the performance of all the contestants in the eighth issue of "Singer 2024" in the form of a video!

At the beginning of the video, Ding Taisheng gave the ranking of the players in his mind, namely the first Fan Xiya, the second Chantimo, the third Na Ying, the fourth Huang Xuan, the fifth Tan Weiwei, the sixth Wang Sulong, the seventh Sun Nan, and the eighth Yuan Yawei!

Ranked Sun Nan in seventh place? I believe that many people will think it is incredible after hearing this ranking, right?

Well-known music critics talk about Sun Nan: greasy, chicken thief, unworthy of being a national team singer!

Ding Taisheng's explanation is: I don't know if Sun Nan will collapse this season, the longer he stays on the stage, the easier his true level will be highlighted, to put it mildly, the easier it is to show the stuffing, Sun Nan sings Cantonese in this issue, his Cantonese level is not as good as Fanxia who sings Chinese, and he also sings Cantonese and Chinese mixed with singing, and after finishing it, he also rubbed Zhao Chuan's songs in, the whole hodgepodge, which is a common routine in singing competitions in previous years!

In Ding Taisheng's opinion, this is a very chicken thief practice, and Sun Nan should not use it on the stage of "Singer"!

Well-known music critics talk about Sun Nan: greasy, chicken thief, unworthy of being a national team singer!

Then Ding Taisheng talked about Sun Nan's singing skills:

He sings too badly, sticky, oily, greasy and crooked, the sweetness is beyond the standard, and the sound is broken in the middle, in fact, for so many years, hasn't Sun Nan sung like this? After finishing such a singer, he was praised as a national team singer, which is a great misfortune for the national team and a great misfortune for the public's aesthetics!

It can be seen from this passage that in Ding Taisheng's heart, Sun Nan is not worthy of the reputation of "national team singer" at all, he sings too greasy!

Well-known music critics talk about Sun Nan: greasy, chicken thief, unworthy of being a national team singer!

The question is, Sun Nan is as bad as Ding Taisheng described? Is he really the misfortune of the national team singer?

First of all, Sun Nan's singing skills are obvious to all, from timbre to vocal range, from pitch to articulation, there are no flaws, it can be called a singing machine, and his comprehensive strength is definitely worthy of being a national team singer!

But having singing skills doesn't mean you can get good grades!

Well-known music critics talk about Sun Nan: greasy, chicken thief, unworthy of being a national team singer!

"Singer 2024" is a competition program after all, and the audience wants surprises, if the contestants perform the same as the previous one in each issue, or even worse than the previous one, they will naturally not pay for it!

Sun Nan sang five different songs, but there was almost no difference in the way he handled them, and some netizens once sighed: Everything he sings is like "Salvation"!

Well-known music critics talk about Sun Nan: greasy, chicken thief, unworthy of being a national team singer!

Therefore, if Sun Nan wants to get a good result in the finals, he needs to put more effort into the arrangement, stop in the comfort zone, and indeed not make mistakes, but it will cause aesthetic fatigue to a large extent to the audience, what kind of trade-offs he will make, we will wait and see!

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