
Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

author:Representative of Excellence
Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

In 1982, the broadcast of "Journey to the West" made Li Lingyu famous overnight. Her wonderful performance in the episode "Tianzhu Harvests Jade Rabbit", especially the singing and dancing of "Tianzhu Girl", won warm praise from the audience.

However, when the spotlight goes out and the camera stops turning, Li Lingyu makes a surprising decision: she secretly vows never to set foot in theater again.

This decision stems from an unspeakable contradiction between her and director Yang Jie. Whenever she recalls her experience on the set, Li Lingyu's brows are unconsciously locked, and her eyes are full of complex emotions.

She took a deep breath, as if she wanted to spit out all her grievances and unwillingness. However, fate always likes to joke, and this seemingly firm decision eventually became the biggest "misunderstanding" in her life.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

Li Lingyu never thought that she would walk from the stage of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe to the filming site of the TV series. This incredible journey began when director Yang Jie stumbled upon her photographs in Popular Film magazine.

In that photo, Li Lingyu is full of youth, and her eyes reveal her love for art. Yang Jie took a fancy to this girl full of aura at a glance, and immediately assigned Li Chengru to find her.

When Li Lingyu learned that she was selected to star in the episode "Tianzhu Harvests the Jade Rabbit" in "Journey to the West", she was both excited and apprehensive. This role seems to be tailor-made for her, because she often performed songs and dances with Asian, African and Latin American styles during her time in the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe.

However, the tension in front of the camera is unprecedented.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

On the first day of standing on the set, Li Lingyu's heart beat faster and her palms sweated. She took a deep breath and silently cheered herself up: "I can do it." With the director's "action", she began her first film and television performance in her life.

Surprisingly, Li Lingyu plays the triangle in this play: Princess Tianzhu, Jade Rabbit Jing and Sun Wukong's transformed princess. Each role requires different acting skills and emotional expression.

At first, she was a little jerky, but soon found her senses. Her dancing skills and musical talent were fully demonstrated in the performance.

Especially when singing the song "Tianzhu Girl", Li Lingyu's performance was amazing. Her clear voice and beautiful dancing posture seem to bring the audience into the palace of Tianzhu Kingdom.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

The whole set fell silent, and everyone was captivated by her performance.

Despite being her first foray into theatrical performance, Li Lingyu has shown extraordinary talent and potential. Her performance not only won the appreciation of the live staff, but also won the love of a wide audience after the TV broadcast.

This experience made Li Lingyu realize that she may have a broader space for development in her acting career. However, she didn't know yet that this was just the beginning of her theatrical career, and that there were many more challenges and opportunities ahead of her.

Li Lingyu, who was getting involved in theater for the first time, soon encountered unprecedented challenges. Standing on the set, she suddenly felt at a loss, and her eyes were full of unease.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

Director Yang Jie's stern voice kept ringing: "It's not right!" The expression is not in place! Do it all over again! Every time he shouted to stop, Li Lingyu's confidence was hit.

Because a scene could not show a convincing coquettish demeanor, Director Yang Jie was strongly dissatisfied. "Go home and practice in front of the mirror!" Yang Jie's words were like a sharp sword, piercing Li Lingyu's heart.

She bit her lip and held back her tears, feeling both aggrieved and unwilling in her heart.

Back at home, Li Lingyu stood in front of the mirror and practiced her coquettish expression over and over again. In the mirror, she is sometimes coquettish, sometimes playful, but she always feels that something is missing.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

There were tears in her eyes, but more of determination. She told herself, "I have to do it well."

When filming the scene where Sun Wukong transforms into a princess, Li Lingyu once again felt powerless. She fears that she will not be able to do it and will be reproached by the director again.

This time, she plucked up the courage and took the initiative to ask the six-year-old child for advice on how to perform a good monkey play.

Liuxiaolingtong patiently told her that she only needed to master a few key movements. He personally demonstrated several typical monkey movements, which Li Lingyu carefully observed and tried to imitate.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

Back at home, she pushed away all the furniture to make room for herself. She practiced the movements that the six-year-old boy taught her over and over again, until she knew each movement by heart.

Beads of sweat oozed from her forehead, but her eyes were full of determination.

The next day, when Li Lingyu stood on the set again, her eyes changed. It is no longer the previous apprehension, but full of confidence. With an "action" from the director, she began to perform.

Her movements are nimble and agile, and her eyes reveal mischievous and cunning, which perfectly interprets the image of a monkey transformed into a princess.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

When Director Yang Jie shouted "card", the scene resounded with warm applause. Li Lingyu breathed a long sigh of relief, and a relieved smile appeared on her face. She knew that she had finally crossed this difficult hurdle.

This arduous filming experience made Li Lingyu deeply understand the difficulty of the profession of actor. She understands that only through continuous practice and breakthroughs can she gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive industry.

Although the process was full of frustration and tears, she felt extremely relieved with every progress.

However, Li Lingyu didn't know that these difficult experiences were shaping her to become a better actress. Little did she know that this painful experience would become one of her most cherished memories in the future.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

In the years when Li Lingyu gradually became popular, she missed many extremely challenging roles. Whenever someone mentions Director Yang Jie, her body will unconsciously tense.

She chose to avoid everything related to director Yang Jie, with a trace of resentment and some unspeakable fear in her heart.

Li Lingyu often sits alone in front of the window, recalling everything on the set. Director Yang Jie's harsh criticism is still in her ears, and her heart is full of grievances and unwillingness. "Why be so strict? Why are you always dissatisfied with me? She often asked herself.

These questions were like a mess, tangled around her heart, and she couldn't let go.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

However, as time passed, Li Lingyu gradually realized that she might have misunderstood director Yang Jie. She began to think back to the details that had been overlooked: the warm smile of the director when he celebrated her birthday, the serious and focused look in his eyes when he guided her.

These memories sent ripples through her heart and made her revisit the experience.

Li Lingyu stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. She found that it was that difficult experience that shaped her to who she is today. Her eyes softened, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

She realized that it was time to let go of this resentment and re-examine her relationship with director Yang Jie.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

This complex emotional interweaving made Li Lingyu fall into deep self-reflection. She began to understand that director Yang Jie's strict requirements may stem from her extreme love for her work and high expectations for her actors.

But at that time, she was young and could not fully understand this kind of good intentions.

With the passage of time, Li Lingyu has a new understanding of the filming experience of "Journey to the West". She began to understand that it was those difficult moments and strict requirements that made her make great progress in her acting career.

Although there are still some knots in her heart, she is ready to face the past and re-evaluate that experience.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

In 2015, Jiangsu Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala became a turning point. The reunion of the crew of "Journey to the West" evoked the memories of many people. Li Lingyu was focusing on the rehearsal on the stage, and suddenly heard that Director Yang Jie also came to the scene and was looking for her.

This news made Li Lingyu's heart beat faster, her palms sweated, and the emotions accumulated over the years came like a tide at this moment.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Lingyu took a deep breath and resolutely rushed to the backstage. When she finally met Director Yang Jie, all the resentment and fear disappeared.

The two hugged each other tightly, tears rolling in their eyes, and the estrangement of years melted in this embrace.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

To Li Lingyu's shock, Director Yang Jie affectionately expressed his appreciation and love for her all along. These words were like a thunderbolt, shattering Li Lingyu's misunderstanding for many years.

She suddenly realized that she had been wrongly blaming Director Yang Jie and misunderstood her good intentions.

At that moment, Li Lingyu felt a burst of relief, and her eyes were full of apology and gratitude. She finally understood that Director Yang Jie's strict requirements for her only stemmed from her love for her work, and hoped that she could better interpret the role.

The knot in my heart for many years was untied in this unexpected reunion.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

However, fate is always full of drama. This reunion turned out to be the last meeting between Li Lingyu and director Yang Jie. When she learned the news of Director Yang Jie's death, Li Lingyu was grief-stricken.

She finally fully understood Director Yang Jie's good intentions, but she was no longer able to express her gratitude in person. This regret has become an eternal regret in Li Lingyu's heart, and it also makes her cherish the reconciliation brought by that reunion even more.

Time is like a song, Li Lingyu stood on the balcony, looked into the distance, and returned to the filming time of "Journey to the West". The grievances and unwillingness of the past have now turned into deep feelings and gratitude.

Her eyes were full of tenderness and emotion.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

At this moment, Li Lingyu finally fully understood the value of that difficult experience. She understands that it is Director Yang Jie's strict requirements that have created the classic image of the Jade Rabbit Essence.

"Journey to the West" not only gave her supreme glory, but also made her singing voice and image deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience.

At this moment, Li Lingyu completely let go of all resentment and misunderstandings. She is deeply grateful for everything "Journey to the West" has given her, and she is also grateful to Director Yang Jie for his strict requirements.

She understands that it was this experience that shaped who she is today and laid a solid foundation for her acting career.

Li Lingyu resented Yang Jie because of "Journey to the West" and vowed not to film again, but later she found out that she was wrong

Looking back, Li Lingyu's heart is full of complex emotions. That experience was both a painful grind and a precious asset. It not only allowed her to grow into an excellent actress, but also taught her to understand, tolerate and be grateful.

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