
Liu Huan: I prefer to talk about cross talk, but I have become a big man in the music world, and now I have regrets because of my daughter's education

author:The realm of killing gods says entertainment

In 1963, Liu Huan was born in an ordinary family in Beijing. Since childhood, he has shown a strong interest in performing arts, especially cross talk. The young Liu Huan often imitated the performances of cross talk actors, making his family laugh.

His eyes flashed with his love for the art of cross talk, as if he had found his own direction in life. However, a twist of fate crept around when he was 18 years old. In 1981, Liu Huan was admitted to Beijing Broadcasting Institute.

I thought I would go on the road of cross talk, but I accidentally fell in love with music creation during college. This change made Liu Huan feel both excited and confused, and he began to think about his true direction in life.

When Liu Huan was in college, he began to teach himself music composition. Although he did not have a formal teacher, his talent and enthusiasm allowed him to progress rapidly. He began to experiment with his own compositions, focusing most of his attention on music.

Liu Huan: I prefer to talk about cross talk, but I have become a big man in the music world, and now I have regrets because of my daughter's education

At that time, Liu Huan's eyes flashed with love for music, as if he had found a new goal in life. July 1985 was an important turning point for Liu Huan. That year, he participated in the International Singing Competition in Nice, France.

On this international stage, Liu Huan showed amazing strength and finally won the crown. This victory not only strengthened his determination to pursue music, but also made him realize his potential in music.

From that moment on, Liu Huan resolutely devoted all his energy to the ocean of music. His eyes were full of vision for the future and a love for music. This teenager, who was once obsessed with cross talk, began his musical life journey.

From cross talk to music, although Liu Huan's transformation is unexpected, it just proves his multifaceted artistic talent. This experience also laid the foundation for his later achievements in the music industry, allowing him to become a well-rounded artist.

Liu Huan: I prefer to talk about cross talk, but I have become a big man in the music world, and now I have regrets because of my daughter's education

December 1987 was an important turning point for Liu Huan. At this year's Spring Festival Gala, Liu Huan took the stage and sang "Start Again". When he stood on the stage and sang "Start Again" with a soulful voice, the audience was deeply moved by his singing.

This song instantly detonated the audience, and also made Liu Huan jump from an unknown music lover to a new star overnight. After becoming famous, Liu Huan was not complacent, but worked harder to devote himself to music creation and singing.

He began to cooperate with many well-known singers, such as Han Hong, Mao Amin, Wei Wei, Jackie Chan, Na Ying, Daolang, etc. These collaborations have not only expanded Liu Huan's musical horizons, but also made his position in the music scene increasingly solid.

He wrote a series of popular songs, which spread all over the country and became classics in the hearts of countless people. At this stage, Liu Huan is not only a successful singer, but also an enterprising musician.

Liu Huan: I prefer to talk about cross talk, but I have become a big man in the music world, and now I have regrets because of my daughter's education

His eyes are full of love for music and vision for the future, and every time he takes the stage, he pours all his enthusiasm and interprets every song with his heart. His success is not only a demonstration of talent, but also the result of hard work and perseverance.

Liu Huan's musical path is getting wider and wider, and his singing voice and creative ability have been widely recognized. In 1997, the theme song he wrote and sang for the TV series "Water Margin" brought his fame to a new height.

This song not only became a classic, but also further consolidated Liu Huan's status in the Chinese music scene. From a cross talk lover to a big man in the music scene, Liu Huan's transformation seems to be accidental, but it is actually the inevitable result of his love for music and unremitting efforts.

With his talent and persistence, he wrote his own gorgeous chapter on the stage of Chinese pop music. Liu Huan's success is not only a personal victory, but also an important milestone in the development of Chinese pop music.

Liu Huan: I prefer to talk about cross talk, but I have become a big man in the music world, and now I have regrets because of my daughter's education

In 1988, Liu Huan and his wife Cui Juan tied the knot and opened a new chapter in their lives. After marriage, Liu Huan faced the challenge of how to balance family life in a busy music career.

Despite his busy schedule, he still tries to find time between his creations to spend time with his wife, and the two of them spend every important moment of their lives together. In 1992, Liu welcomed the most precious gift in his life - the birth of his daughter.

Liu Huan, a first-time father, is full of joy and a sense of responsibility. He stared at his infant daughter, his eyes full of tenderness. In order to commemorate this special moment, Liu Huan created the song "Everything is Still Deep Love".

This song is not only an expression of his love for his daughter, but also a spokesperson for many parents to their children. However, balancing family and career is not an easy task. Liu Huan often can't spend time with his family because of work, which makes him feel guilty.

Liu Huan: I prefer to talk about cross talk, but I have become a big man in the music world, and now I have regrets because of my daughter's education

He said frankly in an interview: "I hope to give my daughter more companionship and love, but there is always a lot of helplessness in reality." This contradiction and guilt have become a lingering regret in Liu Huan's heart.

Despite this, Liu Huan still tried her best to play the role of a good father and husband. He uses music to express his love for his family, and uses action to interpret responsibility and responsibility. In Liu Huan's heart, family is always his warmest harbor, the source and driving force of his creation.

Liu Huan once recalled on the show: "At that time, my daughter had just been born, and I actually didn't have any money, and I didn't have anything at home. This sentence expresses the hardships of his early career struggle, and also shows his cherishing of his family.

With the development of his career, Liu Huan is constantly adjusting his role. He tries to find time out of his busy schedule to accompany his daughter's growth and participate in her education. Although he can't be with him all the time due to work, he always puts his family in the most important place in his heart.

Liu Huan: I prefer to talk about cross talk, but I have become a big man in the music world, and now I have regrets because of my daughter's education

In Liu Huan's story, we see a true portrayal of a successful artist struggling to balance career and family. His experience tells us that success is not only a career achievement, but also a love of life and cherishing of family.

As her daughter grew up, Liu Huan began to think deeply about education. As a successful musician, he naturally hopes that his daughter can inherit his musical talent. However, Liu Huan did not force her daughter to study music, but advocated all-round development and gave her daughter the space to choose freely.

However, as time went on, Liu Huan had some regrets about his way of education. He began to reflect on whether he should be more persistent and give more musical edification to his daughter when she was young.

In an interview, Liu Huan expressed some regret: "Now that I think about it, maybe I should be more persistent and let my daughter have a more systematic study in music." This sense of regret reflects Liu Huan's sense of responsibility as a father and his concern for his daughter's future.

Liu Huan: I prefer to talk about cross talk, but I have become a big man in the music world, and now I have regrets because of my daughter's education

There is a reflection on the past and an expectation for the future in his eyes. Despite this, Liu Huan still respects her daughter's choice and hopes that she can find her own path in life.

When talking about her expectations for her daughter, Liu Huan said: "I hope she can become a thoughtful, high-quality, and well-cultivated person. This not only shows his love for his daughter, but also his wisdom as a father.

Liu Huan's educational philosophy and reflection provide us with a perspective for thinking: in the process of cultivating children, how to balance the cultivation of professional skills and all-round development? How to respect children's interests and give appropriate guidance at the same time? There may be no standard answers to these questions, but Liu Huan's experience provides us with valuable references.

In 2008, Liu Huan's life encountered a major challenge. He was diagnosed with a severe cervical spine problem, and the news was like a bolt from the blue, causing Liu Huan to fall into a dark trough.

Liu Huan: I prefer to talk about cross talk, but I have become a big man in the music world, and now I have regrets because of my daughter's education

Doctors told him that it was a chronic disease that required long-term treatment and that it might affect his singing career. Faced with this blow, Liu Huan felt frustrated and helpless at first.

However, he quickly adjusted his mindset and decided to face it positively. The doctor told Liu Huan that his cervical spine problem was caused by long-term head movement, which needed to be maintained every few years, and the treatment cycle was as long as 16 years.

In order to alleviate her condition, Liu Huan began to receive treatment and at the same time adjusted her work rhythm. During this period, Liu Huan often couldn't sleep because of cervical pain, but he never gave up.

He performed less publicly and devoted more to his creations. Liu Huan said in an interview: "Although there are physical limitations, music creation is not affected. I will continue to create with my heart and bring good works to the audience.

Liu Huan: I prefer to talk about cross talk, but I have become a big man in the music world, and now I have regrets because of my daughter's education

Liu Huan's strength and optimism have infected the people around him. His wife, Cui Juan, and daughter gave him great support and encouragement. Accompanied by his family, Liu Huan gradually came out of the haze and regained the balance of life.

Despite the health challenges, Liu Huan still maintains her love for music. He said: "It's troublesome, let's record it, this thing is out of music, I don't know if I can sing it next time."

Although this sentence is humorous, it also reveals his cherishing of the music career and his concern for the future. This health crisis not only did not defeat Liu Huan, but made him cherish life more and cherish every moment of music creation.

He learned to continue to pursue his musical dreams as much as his body allowed. Liu Huan's experience tells us that even in the face of difficulties and setbacks, as long as we maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, we can find a new direction in life.

Liu Huan: I prefer to talk about cross talk, but I have become a big man in the music world, and now I have regrets because of my daughter's education

Today's Liu Huan is already a musician who has experienced vicissitudes. Looking back, his eyes shimmered with complexity. From a cross talk lover to a big man in the music world, from young and vigorous to mature and steady, Liu Huan's life has experienced too many ups and downs.

In an in-depth interview, Liu Huan said frankly: "There are many accidents in my life, but every step has made me grow. He is no longer obsessed with the way he was educated in the past, but cherishes every moment he spends with his family even more.

Although he couldn't perform as often as before due to health problems, Liu Huan did not give up music creation. "Music is a part of my life and I'm going to keep making it," he said.

Looking forward to the future, Liu Huan's eyes are still full of hope. He hopes to create more moving works, and at the same time, he is looking forward to seeing his daughter find her own direction in life.

Liu Huan: I prefer to talk about cross talk, but I have become a big man in the music world, and now I have regrets because of my daughter's education

Liu Huan said: "As a father, my greatest wish is to see my daughter healthy and happy, no matter what path she chooses. "Liu Huan's story is a story about dreams, perseverance and growth.

From the cross talk stage to the music hall, from a young father to a life coach, Liu Huan uses his own experience to explain what real success is - not only career achievements, but also love for life and cherishing his family.

Today, 59-year-old Liu Huan is still active on the music stage. "I may be able to sing better now than I used to because I'm more insightful," he said. This sentence not only reflects his dedication to music, but also shows his deep understanding of life.

Liu Huan's experience tells us that there will inevitably be regrets and setbacks in life, but the important thing is how to face and surpass. He proved with his actions that as long as he maintains his love for life and the pursuit of his dreams, he can perform a wonderful chapter on the stage of life.

Liu Huan: I prefer to talk about cross talk, but I have become a big man in the music world, and now I have regrets because of my daughter's education

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