
A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

author:Cher Tea Party

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A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

Edit: Cher Tea Party

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

Recently, Israel has carried out frequent air strikes on Iran, Syria, Lebanon and other regions, resulting in many civilian and military casualties, as well as serious damage to buildings and military installations.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

This series of actions has undoubtedly once again pushed the situation in the Middle East to the forefront, and has also made the international community worried about peace and stability in the region.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

Although Israel has not publicly acknowledged military strikes against Iran and other countries, according to eyewitness accounts and media reports, Israel is everywhere. Some of the photos that have come to light show Israeli F-35 stealth fighters carrying out precision strikes against military targets inside Syria.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

According to reports, President Assad's personal guard was severely damaged in the airstrike, and hundreds of people were injured; Two power stations in the Olmaya area, near the Lebanese border, were also severely damaged.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

Lebanon has also been targeted by Israel. As a result of the shelling, two Lebanese servicemen were killed and one civilian was injured. The Government of Lebanon expresses its strong outrage and condemnation of this.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

The main target of Israeli air strikes is Iran. In the western Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor, an Iranian weapons depot was destroyed and three servicemen were killed; Several senior Iranian military officers were also killed in the strike.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

What is even more shocking is that a large Iranian aviation facility was burned in an air strike, several aircraft in the hangar were damaged, and the economic losses were huge.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

In the face of such a devastating blow, the Iranian government strongly condemns this series of "unprovoked attacks and deliberate destruction" by Israel and calls on the international community to work together to stop Israel's unilateral military action.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

A spokesman for the Iranian government lamented: "We have suffered irreparable losses. All this is because of the impulse to use force on the part of Israel and its disregard for peace in the Middle East. "

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

On social media, many netizens strongly condemned Israel's actions. "This is a blatant act of aggression and a grave violation of international law!" Some netizens wrote, "It is outrageous that Israel justifiably undermines the sovereignty of other countries and harms innocent civilians!"

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

"As a powerful country in the Middle East, Israel should contribute to regional peace and stability, not add fuel to the fire." Another netizen believes that Israel's actions are tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall, which will further aggravate the contradictions and antagonism in the Middle East.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

Pro-Israel netizens strongly supported Israel's military strikes, saying, "Only a preemptive strike can contain Iran's growing power." Otherwise, sooner or later it will be bullied by Iran in turn. "

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

"Iran has always been a destabilizing factor in the Middle East, covertly supporting terrorist groups and sparing no effort to expand its foreign influence." Some analysts said, "Israel's move is motivated by a real need for self-defense." "

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

Surprisingly, netizens from Jordan, Egypt and other Arab countries also joined the discussion. "Iran is the root cause of the scourge in the Middle East, with its brutal religious beliefs and its rejection of peaceful coexistence." Some Jordanian netizens wrote.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

This remark immediately aroused strong dissatisfaction from Iranian netizens, "You have been brainwashed by the Western Washington regime and have completely forgotten the friendship of brothers in the Middle East!"

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

"Stop waving the banner of Islam, the greedy Iranian regime does not represent true Islamic ideals at all." An Egyptian netizen retorted.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

It can be seen that there are still serious religious and cultural rifts in the Middle East, and there are also great differences in people's perceptions of Iran. Such differences and contradictions are also an important source of the continuation of the conflict in the Middle East.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

On the practical level, Israel's military strikes against Iran and its allies will undoubtedly further strain relations between the two sides and cast a shadow over the situation in the Middle East.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

The Israeli side believes that only by constantly suppressing Iran's extraterritorial influence can it fundamentally eliminate the threat to its own security. However, the use of force may not necessarily solve the problem permanently, but may lead to a serious vicious circle.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

In contrast, through peaceful means, such as diplomatic negotiations and political mediation, it may be more likely to achieve lasting stability. However, given the deep-seated suspicion and hatred between the two sides, it is likely that how to engage in dialogue is also a difficult problem.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

Israel's military strikes against Iran and its neighboring allies have once again pushed the situation in the Middle East to the forefront. This war without gunpowder will undoubtedly bring more suffering to the local people and will further exacerbate the instability and division of the region.

A scuffle broke out, and within 24 hours, Israel bombed 2 countries in a row, and half of the commanders of Iran's younger brother were S

We have reason to believe that only through dialogue and reconciliation can the Middle East region truly emerge from the haze of hatred and usher in lasting peace, development and prosperity. As members of the international community, we should all do our part to do our part.

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