
Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

author:Nongnong Cultural Society
Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone
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Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

On December 2, 2015, in the studio of a TV station in Taipei, there was silence mixed with suppressed emotions. "Kangxi is Coming" is recording the last episode of the show, Cai Kangyong and Xiao S are standing on the familiar stage, their eyes showing reluctance and sentimentality.

They may not have imagined that just six years later, the partners who had fought side by side would take such a different path in life.

Cai Kangyong is still radiant and his career is thriving; But Xiao S fell into the whirlpool of public opinion, and his career was full of crises. What led to a dramatic turn in the fortunes of this golden pair? Let's trace the origins of this saga and uncover its mysteries.

In 2004, Taiwan's variety show industry ushered in a revolution. The birth of "Kangxi is Coming" is like a fresh whirlwind, sweeping the entire Chinese entertainment industry.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

At the beginning of the show, producer Cai Kangyong showed his unique vision and strongly recommended Xiao S as the co-host. This decision not only set the tone of the show, but also gave Xiao S's career wings to take off.

On the night of the premiere, Xiao S shocked the audience with his unique hosting style. In the face of the highly respected writer Li Ao, she showed jaw-dropping boldness. When she sat on Li Ao's lap without scruples and discussed sensitive topics with her, Li Ao's rare embarrassed expression allowed the audience to see the unknown side of this "madman".

Although Xiao S's actions are risky, they just capture the psychology of the audience and lay a distinct personality for the show.

Xiao S's open-mouthed mouth and Cai Kangyong's steady and wise form a wonderful contrast, and this unique chemistry makes "Kangxi is Coming" quickly become a guarantee for ratings.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

The show not only attracted a large number of loyal audiences, but also became a platform for many celebrities to participate. Each episode is full of unexpected surprises that will keep the audience coming back for more.

In the next ten years, "Kangxi is Coming" has always maintained a high level of word-of-mouth and ratings. It was not only an entertainment program, but also a cultural symbol of the era.

For many audiences, "Kangxi is Coming" is a testimony of their youth, a laugh every night, and a topic of heated discussion with friends.

The success of the program lies not only in its innovative format, but also in the tacit cooperation between the hosts. Cai Kangyong's profound knowledge provides depth to the show, while Xiao S's outspokenness adds vitality to the show.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

The interaction between the two often makes the audience laugh and at the same time provokes deep thought.

The influence of "Kangxi is Coming" goes far beyond the scope of the entertainment industry. It has changed the audience's expectations of talk shows and also redefined the role of the host.

This show has become an indispensable part of countless people's lives, and each episode of it is a wonderful audio-visual feast, which makes people look forward to it and have endless aftertaste.

Xu Xidi, whose stage name is Xiao S, stepped into the showbiz at the age of 15 and can be called a representative of "precocious youth". formed the ASOS group with her sister Da S, and they emerged in the Taiwanese entertainment industry, and even extended their tentacles to the Japanese music scene.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

In 2002, the group ASOS was shortlisted for the Most Popular Group Award in the Chinese Music Chart, competing with the hot Mayday, F4 and SHE at that time, which shows its great influence.

However, compared to his singing career, Xiao S seems to be more interested in hosting work. In 1998, she began to host "Entertainment 100%" and worked for 8 years.

But what really made her famous was the stage of "Kangxi is Coming". Here, Xiao S's sharp, sharp, and unreasonable hosting style has been fully utilized and won the love of the audience.

Her open-mouthed and bold remarks often catch guests and audiences off guard, and it is this unique charm that makes her unique in the variety show industry.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

However, under the glamorous surface, Xiao S's life is not all smooth sailing. In 2004, she met Xu Yajun and quickly fell in love. At first, the two of them saw each other perfectly: Xu Yajun thought Xiao S was very ladylike, and Xiao S thought that Xu Yajun was dignified, smart and stable.

It's a pity that reality quickly gave the two of them a blow in the face.

After marriage, Xu Yajun's series of behaviors made Xiao S fall into the whirlpool of public opinion. From the use of artificial flavors to pass off as natural flavors in the bakery he invested, to the investigation of suspected violations of the "Securities and Exchange Law", to the frequent visits to nightclubs and the "Haitian Feast" scandal, Xu Yajun's negative news has continued one after another.

Every time, Xiao S had to stand up to defend her husband and was under huge pressure from public opinion. Her once confident smile was gradually replaced by exhaustion and helplessness.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

After "Kangxi is Coming" was suspended, Xiao S's career development encountered an unprecedented bottleneck. She tried to participate in multiple shows, but the response was mediocre and far less brilliant than before.

The difficulties in life are also difficult to hide, and there are even rumors that she suffered domestic violence. Although Xiao S denied it many times, under the questioning of her friends, she vaguely admitted that she had been beaten.

This woman, who used to shine in front of the screen, endured unimaginable pain in private.

Xiao S, who used to be active and generous, now often drinks alone late at night and expresses "truth to words" on social platforms. In those words, we seem to be able to see her inner struggle and helplessness.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

More worryingly, she needs medication to fall asleep, which undoubtedly reflects her poor mental state.

From the peak to the bottom, Xiao S's experience is like a roller coaster. She used to be radiant, but now she is trapped in the quagmire of life, which cannot but be said to be a great irony.

Xiao S's story is like a mirror, reflecting the cruelty and reality of the entertainment industry. Her ups and downs are not only a turning point in personal fate, but also a microcosm of the changes of the entire era.

From her experience, we see the sweetness of fame, but also the bitterness of the trough. This period of ups and downs in life may become a warning for those who come after you, or it may inspire people to think deeper about life.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

Cai Kangyong is a versatile all-round artist. In addition to being a well-known host, he is also an accomplished designer, actor, director, screenwriter, and writer.

In every area, he can perform well. This kind of diversified talent allows him to still find a broad space for development after "Kangxi is Coming" is suspended.

In "Kangxi is Coming", Cai Kangyong showed his outstanding hosting talent. He has a keen grasp of the atmosphere and is quick to take control of the situation even when the situation is chaotic.

His insight and extraordinary emotional intelligence often lead guests to open up and show their true side. For example, in an interview with Jackie Chan, Cai Kangyong only used the sentence "Is it hard to make a movie?" It touched the heart of this hard-blooded guy and brought him to tears.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

This ability comes not only from his rich experience, but also from his deep understanding of human nature.

In addition to hosting, Cai Kangyong also has outstanding performances in other fields. He has been involved in the scriptwriting of several films and games, including Jet Li's famous work "Kung Fu Emperor Fang Shiyu".

These experiences not only broadened his horizons, but also allowed him to become more sophisticated in his writing.

Cai Kangyong's literary creation is even more fruitful. In 2011, with a royalty income of 4.5 million yuan, he ranked 10th on the list of rich Chinese writers, surpassing Jia Pingwa, Yu Dan and other literary giants.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

This achievement not only proves his strength in the field of writing, but also demonstrates his ability to transform knowledge into wealth.

After "Kangxi is Coming" was suspended, Cai Kangyong quickly found a new stage. He hosted "Wonderful Story" is very popular, and he is also actively involved in other variety shows.

In contrast, Cai Kangyong's development trajectory can be said to be smooth sailing, fully demonstrating the true meaning of "knowledge is wealth".

Cai's success is a testament to the importance of knowledge and diversity. His experience tells us that in the ever-changing entertainment industry, continuous learning and self-improvement are the keys to invincibility.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

It is this attitude of constantly enriching himself that allows Cai Kangyong to be comfortable in all fields and become a real "all-round artist".

In December 2015, the suspension of "Kangxi is Coming" was like a sudden storm, which instantly changed the career trajectory of Xiao S and Cai Kangyong. This turning point, like a fork in the road of fate, pushed the two in completely different directions.

For Xiao S, the end of "Kangxi is Coming" means losing the most important stage. Without this familiar show, her exposure has dropped significantly, and even her media attention is not as good as her husband outside the circle.

Despite her efforts to participate in other shows, the results were never satisfactory. The troubles in her life also made it difficult for her to devote herself to her career development. Gradually, Xiao S seems to have become an "unemployed woman", and the former glory seems to be only memories.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

Her situation is embarrassing. The once radiant and open-mouthed little S is now often alone, drinking late at night to drown his sorrows, and confiding his thoughts on social platforms.

More worryingly, she needs to rely on drugs to sleep, which undoubtedly reflects her poor mental state.

In contrast, Cai Kangyong's development is like a fish in water. The suspension of "Kangxi is Coming" only lost a familiar stage for him, but it did not have a significant impact on his career.

He quickly found a new space for development in "Wonderful Story" and won the love of the audience. At the same time, he also actively participates in other variety shows and maintains a high exposure.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

What's more, Cai Kangyong's diverse talents provide him with more development possibilities. Whether it is continuing to host the show or creating literary works, he can be handy.

This diversified development has allowed him to maintain a stable position in the rapidly changing entertainment industry.

The suspension of "Kangxi is Coming" is like a demon mirror, reflecting the gap between Xiao S and Cai Kangyong in terms of long-term accumulation. This turning point not only changed the career trajectory of the two, but also showed us the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement in the entertainment industry.

The curtain call of "Kangxi is Coming" is like a silent test, revealing the gap between Xiao S and Cai Kangyong in terms of long-term accumulation. Xiao S relies on his own unique hosting style, while Cai Kangyong has deep knowledge and diverse professional capabilities.

Kangxi "left", Xiao S was deeply trapped in public opinion and almost lost his job, how could Cai Kangyong be alone

It is this gap that led to the very different fate trajectories of the two after the show was suspended.

The lesson of this story is that in the ever-changing entertainment industry, a single talent may be short-lived, and continuous learning and accumulation is the key to being invincible.

As Cai Kangyong showed, the precipitation of knowledge and ability will eventually shine brightly in a long career. This is not only a revelation for artists, but also a piece of advice for everyone who strives for success.

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