
Tang Guoqiang or Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? Put the two together, the difference is really big

author:Mio Kano


In the 80s, some very good actors shined on the screen, and their appearance was also able to impress the audience at a glance. And the appearance of the two "actor-level" male stars Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who were popular at that time, also became the male stars who attracted the most attention of the audience on the screen.

Tang Guoqiang's facial features are very deep, coupled with his thin figure, which makes him shine on the screen, and some people even think that Tang Guoqiang is better than Zhou Lijing, who had a wider and more brilliant star journey at that time, and some people think that although Zhou Lijing is not as dazzling as Tang Guoqiang, he is better.

So what are the characteristics of both of them that make them have their own strengths?

Tang Guoqiang, who stood out.

Tang Guoqiang can be said to be an "actor-level" actor in the Chinese film industry, his fame and acting skills are naturally needless to say, in fact, Tang Guoqiang is definitely a "actor-level" actor with strength and qualifications.

Because the more excellent the actor, the more he has a noble temperament that is difficult to ignore, Tang Guoqiang's temperament was already very popular when he was still a "handsome boy".

Tang Guoqiang or Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? Put the two together, the difference is really big

Tang Guoqiang's appearance has some special embellishments on his face, his eyes are very narrow, and the glasses with double eyelids have a very deep outline, so Tang Guoqiang's eyes are very convincing and can outline his emotions.

And Tang Guoqiang's eyebrows are long and thick, like a betel nut shell, and the tips of his eyebrows are very upturned, such eyebrows are very three-dimensional, coupled with his divine eyes, Tang Guoqiang's eyebrows exude a positive and positive sunshine atmosphere.

Tang Guoqiang or Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? Put the two together, the difference is really big

And Tang Guoqiang's nose bridge is tall and straight, and relatively thin, so it looks very thin, which is also very in line with the "elegance" that people in the Jiangnan area say, so Tang Guoqiang's appearance and temperament have a kind of polite and polite temperament.

And in addition, Tang Guoqiang is very good at dressing up, so he also had the feeling of an "idol" star at that time.

But Tang Guoqiang's temperament is not only this.

He is also a veteran actor, so he is very good at acting.

Tang Guoqiang or Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? Put the two together, the difference is really big

As a senior actor, Tang Guoqiang has long refined his superb acting skills, and these acting skills and experience are the main reasons why Tang Guoqiang has won word of mouth and become popular.

Because Tang Guoqiang's performance on the set is always very outstanding, he broadcasts Yao and he blends in with his role very well, revealing some of his personal charm from time to time, he loves the type of character very much, and he is also very good at acting.

Tang Guoqiang or Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? Put the two together, the difference is really big

And Tang Guoqiang is also very good in terms of popularity, his handsomeness, and the facial features on his face are also very deep, these are the reasons why Tang Guoqiang is becoming more and more popular in his acting career.

Tang Guoqiang is also very good at being a person, so he has a very wide network in the circle, because Tang Guoqiang's acting experience is very "rich", so he will be involved in the performance experience of many actors.

Tang Guoqiang or Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? Put the two together, the difference is really big

Therefore, Tang Guoqiang is very willing to learn with the actors and is very tolerant, which is also the reason why Tang Guoqiang is very popular in the circle.

And Tang Guoqiang is also very talented, he also wrote a popular book "Thinking of Shenqi" at the end of the 20th century.

Because Tang Guoqiang has a good foundation in acting skills and connections, he has gone farther and farther in his acting career, and his popularity is getting higher and higher.

Zhou Jie, who has outstanding strength.

is also the most influential actor in the 80s, Zhou Jie and Tang Guoqiang.

Zhou Jie has a different kind of handsome toughness.

Zhou Jie's face is relatively wide, his cheekbones are very high, he has deep eyes, and a decent nose bridge, which is very three-dimensional, and these appearance conditions are very in line with people's preferences for "tough guy" male stars at that time.

Tang Guoqiang or Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? Put the two together, the difference is really big

And Zhou Jie's appearance and figure are very distinctive, but they are not characteristics that can be recognized at a glance, so Zhou Jie's appearance is relatively "low-key", but it is precisely such characteristics that make Zhou Jie's appearance very attractive.

He has a very good face and great hope, so people think he is very "upright" and "bold" when they look at him.

And Zhou Jie is also very good in acting, so he can stand out and become popular all over the country in the 80s.

And Zhou Jie is still a very real person, although he is very popular in his acting career, he has not changed himself.

He still maintains his consistent style, so this also makes Zhou Jie very popular with everyone.

But Zhou Jie is not as good as Tang Guoqiang in his acting career, and most people are not as famous as him, but as a senior actor, he can be said to have a successful career and a happy family, and he is also a "double harvest".

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Jie, although they have different personalities and principles, their acting skills are very similar, they both rely on their own strength step by step to get to today, so they are both very "dedicated" big names.

The glory of Tang Guoqiang.

Tang Guoqiang has been very "beautiful" over the years, and in 2007, he won the Magnolia Award for Best Actor.

In 2010, he was named the most popular TV drama star in 40 years.

At the same time, Tang Guoqiang is also an actor with both virtue and art, so he is also known as a "glorious actor" and "love ambassador".

Tang Guoqiang or Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? Put the two together, the difference is really big

And he is also an excellent leader of the "patriotism" and "rule of law concepts" propagated by the government.

Tang Guoqiang is also very active, in addition to being very active in the domestic film and television industry, he has also won many awards in the international film and television industry, which can be said to be very dazzling.

Tang Guoqiang has been vigorously helping some people in need, so Tang Guoqiang is also known as the "father of comrades" because of his "support" in the rights and interests of same-sex couples.

It can be said that Tang Guoqiang is very successful in his acting career, and he is also very caring and well-known to everyone.

At the same time, Tang Guoqiang is also very harmonious in the family, he and his wife have been married for 35 years, which can be said to be a very remarkable achievement.

Zhou Jie's misfortune.

But Zhou Jie's family life was not as happy as Tang Guoqiang, but brought him very painful memories.

Zhou Jie's father used to be a very talented painter, so Zhou Jie can be said to have an artistic pedigree and follow his father's generation.

Zhou Jie's father was a very famous painter in the 60s, a "famous" painter at that time, a very outstanding art teacher, and a very noble Chinese painting writer.

Tang Guoqiang or Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? Put the two together, the difference is really big

But Zhou Jie's father and mother are also a couple with opposite fates.

Zhou Jie's mother is a "strong woman", who often plays the role of breadwinner at home, laying a very good "foundation" for the children.

However, Zhou Jie's father and mother have great differences in the concept of life, because his father is an artist, so he attaches great importance to art and the quality of life, often dissatisfied with the family's economic situation, and very irritable with his wife and children.

And her mother often has to "bear" the "burden" of the family, so she works very hard and is very self-motivated, but she does not obey the "arrangement" of fate, so the "steps" of progress are average, which is also the reason why Zhou Jie's father is very dissatisfied.

He felt that living with his wife was simply a "subversive tradition" and a great insult to him, a "great painter", and although his mother tried very hard to make up for these "regrets", because his father preached with his children all day long that "learning to paint is the responsibility of the family" and so on.

So the children are also very unbearable in the eyes of the father, he always thinks that his children are not as good as their generation, very "spoiled".

This also made Zhou Jie's father have a lot of requirements for his "cultivation and cultivation", so he also learns from the children like a "strict teacher", but this makes the children very distressed, their father is very harsh, and he is simply a "freak".

Tang Guoqiang or Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? Put the two together, the difference is really big

When they grew up and they were constantly "ravaged" by their father, they were also very rebellious, especially Zhou Jie, who could no longer just passively "bear", so he also began to "go against his father".

This made Zhou Jie's father very angry, he always "pumped" Zhou Jie out and "punished" him, which made Zhou Jie very hurt.

Tang Guoqiang or Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? Put the two together, the difference is really big

Zhou Jie's father's ideals have not been realized, so for him, his children are also a "big failure", so Zhou Jie has been very rebellious since he was a child, and he is also very insistent on himself.

His own life, so he also attaches great importance to his "individuality and independence".

Therefore, Zhou Jie's father is more "floating" and "twisting", and Zhou Jie himself is a very "persistent" person, so although the two are very consistent in concept, they are very "incompatible" in personality, so this also makes the old couple divorced.

Zhou Jie's father left home, and Zhou Jie's mother continued to live with her children.

In 1977, when Zhou Jie was 15 years old, his mother went to Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province to visit the children's grandmothers, and it was summer vacation, so she decided to take the children out to play.

Their family was very happy in Zhoushan, but this happy time did not last long, at that time Zhou Jie's mother was very "bold" and cheerful, so she joked with her friends, and quarreled with her friends, talking and laughing, but who expected that this would become the last time she played with her friends.

They were watching the sea on the boat with their aunt at the time, and Zhou Jie's mother's hand was beside him, so they drove the boat back again and went to the hospital to see the injury.

Who expected that the captain of the fleet was a great monk dressed in yellow, which surprised everyone.

Moreover, Zhou Jie's mother is a devout Buddhist, so she is also very "happy" to see the monk and respects him very much.

But this "monk" who saw the injury was a "fake and shoddy" person, he wanted to be "evil", but later he shot at the son who had injured her mother many times, causing Zhou Jie's mother to die soon after.

They didn't know the cause of Zhou Jie's mother's death at the time, but people didn't believe that any "monk" would go out to save people, so this matter was "dusted".

And Zhou Jie's mother doesn't threaten others, so this makes things even more confusing.

And Zhou Jie's father was very sad and angry, he was bent on "avenging" his wife, so he began to investigate, but he didn't get any news, so he began to suspect that several of his party comrades did it, and they had a perfect "alibi".

Tang Guoqiang or Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? Put the two together, the difference is really big

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