
Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

author:DJ Yaqing

In the 80s, the high-value "handsome boys" who emerged on the screen were indeed endless.

We can count many names in one breath - Zhang Guomin, Lu Jun, Tang Guoqiang, Zhu Shimao, Bao Xun, Guo Kaimin, Wang Weiping, Ma Xiaowei, Chi Zhiqiang, Liang Tongyu, Lin Qiang, Zhou Lijing, Yan Shikui, Zhang Tielin, Sun Chun, Chen Rui, etc.

But after more than 40 years, when we look back, we will find that the two most influential male stars among them at that time were Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

There are too many similarities between the two of them, such as they are super invincible and handsome, they have a good relationship with the opposite sex, they both have a spirit of not admitting defeat, and their acting skills are also outstanding among male stars of the same generation, and there are countless representative works that they have taken.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

So for so many years, among the majority of fans, the topic of who is the "first handsome in the film industry in the 80s" has never stopped.

So in your opinion, who is better between the two of them? Who's better?

In fact, to answer this question, you only need to look at the two of them together, and the difference between them will be clear at a glance.

First, the comparison of appearance

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing are considered peers. Tang Guoqiang was born on May 4, 1952, and Zhou Lijing was born on December 1, 1954. In other words, Tang Guoqiang is only two and a half years older than Zhou Lijing.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

Tang Guoqiang grew up in the beautiful coastal city of Qingdao. This place has beautiful mountains and rivers and outstanding people, and has given birth to many movie stars. Although Zhou Lijing is originally from Shaoxing, Zhejiang, he was born in Beijing and went to school in Beijing.

In terms of appearance, the two of them belong to the 360-degree handsome guy type.

Tang Guoqiang's first feeling is that he has the word "handsome"? He has a handsome face, thick eyebrows, affectionate eyes, bright as stars, soft facial lines, and a sunny and warm smile.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

Zhou Lijing is handsome and invincible. The lines of his face are more defined, and his facial features are well matched. The slender eyebrows and bright eyes all show a firm manhood. And the delicate double eyelids add a soft charm. He has a straight nose and unique lips, which are unforgettable at a glance. No wonder when including the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy, his image score will be a full score.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

I've seen a photo of Zhou Lijing in the same frame with French movie star Alain Delon, and I think Zhou Lijing is not inferior to Alain Delon in any way.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

In terms of figure, Tang Guoqiang has a well-proportioned figure, and he has gained a little fortune after middle age, but his body shape has always been well controlled.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

Zhou Lijing was tall and slender when he first entered the film industry, but the tendons and flesh on his body were obvious. After reaching the age of 40, because of the need for filming, he strengthened his fitness and developed a strong physique. Among a group of male stars of the same age, it is particularly eye-catching.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

Tang Guoqiang's temperament is sunny and elegant, which makes him look heroic whether he plays a soldier or a scholar, whether he plays a prince or an emperor. This can be seen from his performance in many film and television works.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

And Zhou Lijing's temperament is relatively more resolute and tough. Therefore, he mostly jumped on the screen as a "tough guy", and never disappointed us every time.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

2. Talent comparison

The main reason why Tang Guoqiang embarked on the road of acting is that he is handsome and versatile. When he was in elementary school, he was elected as the head of the school's children's theater troupe, and he also served as a member of the cultural and sports committee for a long time in middle school, and often performed with his classmates in various places, and his recitations were already very popular at that time. So in 1970, as soon as he graduated from middle school, he was favored by the Qingdao Repertory Theatre, which was almost a natural thing.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

Zhou Lijing, on the other hand, was greatly influenced by his family. His father, Zhou Zhou, was an actor in the General Political Repertory Troupe, and he was exposed to it since he was a child, which made him interested in acting. In addition, his image is also very outstanding, so in 1972, he was also selected by the Gansu Repertory Troupe, which came to Beijing to recruit actors.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

Coincidental or not, you say? Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, both of whom became actors when they were 18 years old, were lucky to "escape" from "going to the mountains and going to the countryside".

Since then, the trajectories of the two have been similar. They worked very hard when they were students in the repertory troupe, and they were handsome, had bright voices, and had good congenital conditions, so they quickly became the pillars of the younger generation of the troupe after completing their studies.

However, compared with Zhou Lijing, Tang Guoqiang debuted from the film earlier. In 1974, he and the young actor Li Tiejun of the same troupe participated in the election for the role of the actor Li Xiangyang in the remake of the film "Guerrillas of the Plains" by Changying Studio. In 1975, he was selected by Jing Mukui, a native of Shandong Province of Bayi Factory, and played the role of the actor Yu Hualong in the movie "South China Sea" directed by Director Jing, and began to emerge in the film industry.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

The Gansu Repertory Theatre, where Zhou Lijing is located, is located in the northwest, and there are not many opportunities for "electrocution". And even if sometimes a film crew will send him an invitation, the unit is unwilling to release him. This has naturally become a kind of "constraint" for Zhou Lijing, who has the "ambition of the bird". So he thought of the path of "entrance examination". Fortunately, in 1978, Beijing Film Academy resumed enrollment, and he hurriedly registered. Although his age at that time was actually beyond the admission standard, because his image was too outstanding, he was finally admitted with a perfect score for his image.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

At that time, when Zhou Lijing walked into the door of Beijing Film Academy and became classmates with Fang Shu, Zhang Fengyi, Xie Yuan, Liu Jia, Zhang Tielin, etc., Tang Guoqiang was already well-known in the film industry. And in this year, he got a chance to "soar into the sky", that is, to play the role of the actor Zhao Yongsheng in the movie "Little Flower" filmed by Beijing Film Studio.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

At that time, Tang Guoqiang had just finished filming the movie "Walking in Front of the War", and his figure was a little fat, but in order to get this role, he immediately stepped up his workout, and in only one week, he lost weight. Zhang Zheng, the director of the movie "Little Flower", was very satisfied with this, so among the candidates for actors, Tang Guoqiang's name was circled.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

As a result, after the film "Little Flower" was released in 1979, it became "a little flower that announces the spring of Chinese films" in the new era, and immediately caused a huge sensation, and the three young leading actors in the film, Tang Guoqiang, Chen Chong and Liu Xiaoqing, also became the most dazzling movie stars in the Chinese film industry.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

Tang Guoqiang, who appeared in this film, has red lips and white teeth, and a fair face, just like a beautiful man in a painting, I don't know how many viewers' eyes have been blinded. It was also reminiscent of the "cream cake" that was rarely seen on the market at that time, so everyone called him "cream cake".

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

But Tang Guoqiang is obviously very repulsive to this title. Because of this, his acting path is completely limited to a certain fixed mode, and in the long run, he will definitely be "a dead end".

In addition, at that time, there was a "tough guy wind" in the film industry, and those "cream boys" full of "sweet" flavors were being abandoned by the audience. So for a while, Tang Guoqiang was very painful and wanted to try his best to change this situation.

As soon as Zhou Lijing entered the university, he was trained as a future "No. 1 student". He has a very tough temperament, so as soon as he appeared on the screen, he appeared as a "hard-core boy", like Zheng Bing in "Young Friends", Xinan in "Our Field", etc., which basically highlight his handsome and strong side, which is very consistent with the image of the "perfect boy" in the audience's hearts, so it is very popular.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

In 1984, Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, two handsome guys in the film industry in the 80s, had a chance to have a positive PK. Both of them, at the same time starred in the same character in the same famous novel. That is Zhao Mengsheng in Li Cunbao's novel "Garland Under the Mountain".

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

Tang Guoqiang participated in the film version, directed by the famous director Xie Jin. Zhou Lijing participated in the TV drama version, directed by Shandong TV director Teng Jingde.

After both works met the audience, they both had a huge impact. The current Douban score of the film version is 9.5 points, which is known as a "masterpiece". And the drama version is also shot simple and touching, and now has a Douban score of 8.9 points, which is better than many film and television works.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

The performances of Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing have also been recognized by the audience.

Tang Guoqiang boldly broke through his acting skills in the film version of "Garland Under the Mountain", and successfully created an iron-clad image of a soldier, which not only expanded his acting career, but also reversed his image in the eyes of the public.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

Zhou Lijing won the title of the second Golden Eagle Award for his sincere and moving performance.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

All of a sudden, both of them became representatives of the "most handsome male star" in the minds of the audience.

In fact, at that time, Zhou Lijing's recognition in the minds of the people seemed to be higher than Tang Guoqiang, because his performances in the movie "Life" and the TV series "New Star" were widely praised by the public. The images of Gao Jialin and Li Xiangnan created by him are also full of flesh and blood, with distinct personalities, which left a very deep impression on us.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

The changes in the acting careers of the two seem to have distanced themselves from the late 80s.

Tang Guoqiang can always meet the right role at the right time. For example, in 1990, he won the role of Zhuge Liang in the large-scale TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" filmed by CCTV. Once again, he demonstrated his ability to portray different types of characters. has realized the transformation from "handsome little student" to "powerful actor".

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

And Zhou Lijing was not so "lucky". Although during this period, he also continued to make film appointments and participated in many works. But several of them are follow-up works that cater to the market, and in the long run, they are very entertaining, but the preservation value is not high. In these works, Zhou Lijing seems to want to establish himself as China's "Stallone"? The toned body, the vigorous physique, and the explosive shape all amazed the audience. But after reading it, I forgot about it.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

And there are several roles in these plays, which are actually not suitable for Zhou Lijing's play. So he acted in a lot of movies, but he didn't achieve the goal of "promoting coffee".

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

In 1993, he played Chu Ning in the movie "Artillery Major", so he won the Golden Phoenix Award of the 5th China Film Performing Arts Society.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

However, at this time, Tang Guoqiang had already transferred from the Bayi Factory where he worked to the China Youth Art Theater, and since then he has embarked on the road of a special actor. He has gained more development opportunities, from the Jade Emperor in the new version of "Journey to the West", to Ying Zheng in "The King of Nanyue", from Li Shimin in "Zhenguan Long Song", to Zhu Yuanzhang in "Zhu Yuanzhang", and then to Yongzheng in "Yongzheng Dynasty...... Some people say that he has performed "up and down for 5,000 years" in Chinese history, and this is naturally not unreasonable.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

As for Zhou Lijing, as an actor with the same good looks, acting skills and strength, his subsequent development is obviously not as good as Tang Guoqiang. He has also starred in many excellent works, such as "The True Colors of the Police", "Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty", "Teahouse", and "Tibetan Secret", but the continuous exposure is not high. This probably has something to do with his job as an acting teacher at Beijing Film Academy, and it also has a lot to do with his own experience and personality.

3. Different personalities lead to very different fates in life

In fact, the biggest difference between Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing lies in their personalities.

Although Tang Guoqiang is not a typical E person, Zhou Lijing is an absolute I person.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

When he was studying in the No. 2 High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, he didn't like to socialize with people, he wore a "national defense green" every day, came to class with the bell, and didn't like to talk to people. So much so that by the time he graduated, many of his classmates didn't know what his voice was. So when I heard that he had become a drama actor who mainly spoke, my classmates were very surprised, and they all said that he was "a leopard".

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

When he was studying at the Beijing Film Academy, he was also very introverted and did not have much contact with people. This gives everyone the impression that they are "extremely arrogant". In the words of his classmate Xie Yuan, it is "walking with his head high and not squinting". Therefore, as soon as other male classmates saw him, they "gave way" one after another, which shows how powerful his aura is.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

Zhou Lijing has always known his introverted personality, so he said in an interview with reporters that in terms of interpersonal communication, it would be good to be able to pass.

Tang Guoqiang is different, he obviously can get along with the people around him wherever he goes, which makes his popularity seem particularly good, and whenever he encounters difficulties, the colleagues around him are also willing to help. For example, when he wanted to enter Bayi Factory, his colleagues in the same unit helped him think of a lot of ways to finally make his dream come true.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

The more easy-going personality makes it easier for Tang Guoqiang's network to expand, and naturally allows him to obtain more high-quality resources.

In contrast, Zhou Lijing has his own principles in everything. For example, why didn't he make many films in the later stage? In fact, the fundamental reason is that he is high and picky about the script - he doesn't accept shoddy plays, he doesn't accept plays with improper views, and he doesn't accept water injection dramas, and over time, he is "marginalized" by this circle.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

The difference in personality also makes them have completely different choices in the face of many changes.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing have both had two marriages.

In 1979, Tang Guoqiang married his first wife Sun Tao. After marriage, she gave birth to a daughter, Lily. But the marriage lasted only ten years before it ended in divorce. The divorce was initiated by Tang Guoqiang. Unexpectedly, on Chinese New Year's Eve in 1990, Sun Tao suddenly chose to commit suicide. This made Tang Guoqiang's image in the eyes of the public fall to the bottom in an instant.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

In 1993, Tang Guoqiang married Zhuangli, who was also an actor in Bayi Factory. The two co-starred in the TV series "In Cold Blood" in 1988. They married and had two sons. Zhuangli, who is 12 years younger than Tang Guoqiang, also served as Tang Guoqiang's agent. And as everyone can see, it is with the assistance of Magnificence that Tang Guoqiang ushered in the peak state of his acting career.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

And Zhou Lijing's first wife is a very good dancer named Fu Chunying. The two met in Lanzhou and fell in love with each other. And in 1981, the wedding was held, and after the marriage, a daughter Jin Jin was born.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

This marriage has also attracted much attention from the outside world. In order to support Zhou Lijing's acting career, Fu Chunying resolutely gave up her job in the Gansu Song and Dance Troupe and entered the Beijing Film Academy and became a physical teacher.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

But no one expected that one day after they got married for 13 years, bad luck suddenly fell from the sky, and two gangsters broke into their home and brutally killed Fu Chunying.

Of course, this incident dealt a fatal blow to Zhou Lijing. And some people who don't know the truth of the melon-eating masses have also pointed the finger at Zhou Lijing, which makes him even more speechless.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

Under these circumstances, it is impossible for his acting career not to be seriously affected. For a long time, Kyoto had no intention of filming during the week.

Later, a woman named Zhang Wei broke into his life. Zhang Wei's gentleness, thoughtfulness and empathy gradually melted the ice in Zhou Lijing's heart, and also rekindled his hope for life and regained his self-confidence. The two of them were thus married.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

After getting married, Zhou Lijing devoted more time to his daughter and wife. In his opinion, there is nothing more important than protecting his family.

However, in 2003, the appearance of another piece of news made the exhausted Zhou Lijing involved in verbal criticism again. It turned out that he was sued by his father Zhou Zhou on the grounds that "the son did not fulfill his responsibility to support his father".

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

According to the request of Zhou Lijing's father, Zhou Zhou, Zhou Lijing should pay alimony of 1,000 yuan per month, and need to pay 120,000 yuan of previous alimony and 10,000 yuan of compensation for mental damages. However, Zhou Lijing believes that although his father has a short temper and often beats and scolds his children, he has still fulfilled his obligation to support him. His father was a retired cadre, his monthly salary was higher than his own, and his medical expenses were fully reimbursed, so he did not agree to pay excessive alimony, and only promised to pay 100 yuan a month in alimony.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

Later, the court found out that what Zhou Lijing said was completely true, and held that Zhou Zhou's current income was sufficient to maintain his normal life, and the reason for demanding that his son Zhou Lijing pay a high amount of alimony was not sufficient, so the court did not support it. and sentenced Zhou Lijing to pay his father 100 yuan in alimony every month. And Zhou Lijing fulfilled his obligations at that time.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

But many people who eat melons still gave Zhou Lijing the hat of "disobedience and unfilial piety", and Zhou Lijing did not explain too much about this. His character has always been like this, just like Gogarin in "Life", burdened with some misunderstandings, suffering in his heart, but unwilling to tell.

Fourth, the comparison of the current situation of the two

Perhaps in everyone's opinion, Tang Guoqiang, who is now famous, has undoubtedly become a winner in life. With the help of his wife, he had smooth sailing in his career and a harmonious family. He also started as a director this year, and although the box office was not satisfactory, he finally fulfilled one of his dreams.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

Tang Guoqiang, 72 years old this year, should be regarded as the most familiar old drama bone to the audience. He has many titles, and in addition to being a famous performance artist, he is also quite accomplished in calligraphy, especially his calligraphy, which is in a class of his own.

Zhou Lijing is obviously much more low-key. It seems that he has not seen the audience for a long time. But he didn't go far. One is that his past works still make countless fans linger, and the other is that he still pays attention to the development of the film and television industry. It's just that he insists on himself too much, so he would rather live a simple life than show his face.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

In contrast, I personally appreciate Zhou Lijing's attitude more, not greasy, not kitsch, not ostentatious, not pretentious. He seems to disdain the approval of the world, and always maintains his own clarity and authenticity. In fact, people like this will have a hard time at any time, but they are sincerely admirable.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the first handsome in the film industry in the 80s? If you put the two together, the difference is huge

So, Tang Guoqiang and Zhou Lijing, who is the "first handsome man in the film industry in the 80s"? I guess everyone has the answer in their heart, right? If you talk about appearance alone, in fact, the two are comparable. When it comes to acting, the two people also have their own strengths. In terms of personality, Tang Guoqiang is obviously easier to gain everyone's recognition. But when it comes to personal charm and self-persistence, I think Zhou Lijing is even better. I wonder what you think? Welcome to express your views and opinions through the comment area. #长文创作激励计划#

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