
Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

author:Su Su micro reading
Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died
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Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

In the autumn of October 2020, an unremarkable video of a commercial performance sparked a heated discussion on social media about Siqingerile. In the video, the former "first Chinese female rock and roll" is still radiant, but he sings on a slightly humble stage.

This contrast immediately attracted various speculations and comments from netizens.

Some people praise her for maintaining her strength despite the vicissitudes of life, while others question whether she is already in trouble. Most notably, however, are the statements that attribute her achievements to the late musician Zang Tianshuo.

These words undoubtedly touched the most sensitive place in Siqingerile's heart, and reminded her of the past that she did not want to look back.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

In the face of the disturbing discussions, Siqingerile responded angrily on social platforms: "What does my past and future have to do with you? Behind this sentence, there seems to be a little-known love-hate story.

What kind of grievances and hatreds made this rock girl still controversial two years after Zang Tianshuo's death? Let's walk into Siqingerile's life and unveil the complex relationship between her and Zang Tianshuo.

Siqingerile's life story began in 1968 in the Xilin Gol League of Inner Mongolia. Born into an ordinary Mongolian family, her name means "light of wisdom", as if to foreshadow her future artistic life.

Despite her modest family, Sqingerile had a keen interest in dance from an early age, and dance became a way for her to escape from reality.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

At the age of 13, Siqingerile ushered in the first turning point in his life. She was successfully admitted to the dance major of Inner Mongolia Academy of Arts and began systematic dance training.

After graduation, she was assigned to the Hohhot Ethnic Song and Dance Troupe and became a professional dancer. However, working life is not as good as she imagined.

In the song and dance troupe, Siqingerile was often arranged as an alternate member and was ostracized by his colleagues.

Faced with such a predicament, Siqingerile did not choose to give up. Instead, she set her sights on the field of music. She began to learn bass and met a group of like-minded musical partners.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

This decision opened a new door for her life.

In 1994, Siqingerile and several friends formed the "Goshawk Band", including the singer Yang Kun, who later became famous. With a musical dream, they moved from Shenzhen to Beijing and renamed the band "Knight Band".

However, life in Beijing is far more difficult than they imagined. For two years, Siqingerile lived on millet porridge and cabbage, and even had to live in a humble warehouse.

Despite the hardships of life, Siqingerile never gave up on his musical dreams. She and her band members serve as accompaniments for well-known singers such as Man Wenjun and Man Jiang, and insist on moving forward on the road of music.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

However, the harsh reality eventually crushed the "Knights", and the band disbanded in 1998.

Although this experience was difficult, it laid a solid foundation for Siqingerile to continue his musical career. She has shown a tenacious personality and always believes that as long as she persists in her dreams, she will one day come true.

This dedication and love have become the driving force for her to continue to move forward on the road of music in the future.

From dancer to female rock vocal, Siqingerile's transition was not without its challenges. She has experienced hardships in life and setbacks in her career, but she has never given up her love for music.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

This experience not only strengthened her will, but also accumulated valuable experience for her future music career. The story of Siqingerile tells us that there is no shortcut on the road to chasing dreams, and only perseverance can usher in our own stage.

The year 1999 was a watershed year for Siqingerile. After many years in the Beijing music scene, she met Zang Tianshuo, a musician who had already made a name for herself.

This encounter, like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, stirred up ripples in Siqingerile's life.

Zang Tianshuo has gained a firm foothold in the Chinese music scene with the song "Friend". When he heard Siqingerile playing, he was immediately attracted by her talent. Zang Tianshuo did not hesitate to invite Siqingerile to join his band as a bassist.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

This was undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Siqingerile, who was still struggling on the fringes of the music industry at the time.

Under the guidance of Zang Tianshuo, Siqingerile's musical talent has been fully developed and displayed. Zang Tianshuo is not only an excellent musician, but also a life mentor of Siqingerile.

His experience and insight opened the door to a wider world of music.

The year 2000 was a turning point in Siqingerile's musical career. Zang Tianshuo tailor-made the album "New Century" for her. As soon as this album was released, it set off a wave of enthusiasm in the mainland music scene.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

With this album, Siqingerile won all the Best Newcomer Awards of the year, establishing her status as "the first female rock in China". Among them, the song "Mountain Song is Like Spring River Water" is even more popular and highly sung.

The success of Siqingerile was not short-lived. From 2001 to 2004, she appeared on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala for four consecutive years, which can be described as unparalleled.

Her passionate singing voice and full stage performance have won the love of countless audiences. During this period, Siqingerile's career can be said to be in full swing.

However, behind the success lies often an untold story. With the deepening of the cooperation, the relationship between Siqingerile and Zang Tianshuo gradually went beyond simple musical cooperation, and the two fell in love.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

Although this relationship brought Siqingerile a brilliant career, it also laid hidden dangers for her future life.

At this stage, Siqingerile is deeply grateful to Zang Tianshuo. She believes that it was Zang Tianshuo who gave her a stage to show her talent and made her realize her music dream.

However, she may not realize how the relationship will affect her.

Looking back on this experience, we can see the wonder of fate. A chance encounter not only changed Siqingerile's musical career, but also profoundly affected the trajectory of her life.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

This collaboration with Zang Tianshuo is not only the pinnacle of her career, but also a turning point in her life.

The story of Siqingerile teaches us that opportunity always favors those who are prepared. Her years of persistence and accumulation allowed her to seize this opportunity when she met Zang Tianshuo.

At the same time, this experience also reminds us that in the interweaving of career and relationship, we need to keep a clear head in order to go further on the road to success.

The relationship between Siqingerile and Zang Tianshuo is like a rock music with ups and downs, full of passion and bitterness. When they first met, the two seemed to have found each other's soulmates, and music and love were intertwined, composing an intoxicating movement.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

However, the cruelty of reality soon gave Siqingerile a blow to the head.

When Siqingerile learns that Zang Tianshuo cheated on her, not only made another woman pregnant with his child, but also decided to marry the other party, her world collapsed in an instant.

At that moment, she felt that she had not only lost love, but also trust and dignity. Unable to withstand such a blow, Siqingerile chose to flee. She left Beijing without hesitation, trying to escape the heartbreaking relationship.

However, fate seems to be playing a cruel joke on her. When Siqingerile set foot on the land of Beijing again, Zang Tianshuo appeared in front of her again. This time, with an affectionate diary and a room full of her photos, he tries to salvage the relationship.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

In the face of Zang Tianshuo's sincere apology and affectionate confession, Siqingerile's heart was touched again. She chose to forgive Zang Tianshuo and hoped to start over.

What made Siqingerile feel even more desperate was that she found out that Zang Tianshuo had other lovers. Zang Tianshuo's wife, Li Mei, even calmly told her: "You are not his only one, and you will not be the last."

I'm used to it, I'm like his mother, I need to care for him, I need to love him, and whether he's loyal to me or not, that's his business. This fact plunged Sqingerile into deep despair.

In the midst of the pain, Siqingerile even had thoughts of suicide. At that time, when SARS was raging, she deliberately did not wear a mask on the street, hoping to be infected with SARS and end her life.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

However, fate doesn't seem willing to let her go. Later, she also tried to commit suicide by taking a large amount of sleeping pills, but fortunately was found and rescued in time.

After this life-and-death catastrophe, Siqingerile began to reflect on his own life. She realizes that true happiness should not be built on the promises of others, but on your own.

She made up her mind to make a break with Zang Tianshuo and offered to break up. Although Zang Tianshuo showed great reluctance and remorse, Siqingerile's heart had become indestructible.

This emotional experience has caused great damage to Siqingerile. Not only did she lose her child, but she also experienced a low point in her career. However, this experience also made her stronger.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

She began to understand that true happiness and success need to be fought for by her own strength.

Looking back on this relationship, we can see the transformation process of Siqingerile from simplicity to maturity. She experienced the sweetness of love, the pain of betrayal, self-denial, and eventual rebirth.

This experience, although heart-wrenching, has also become a valuable lesson in her life, teaching her how to find herself in the face of adversity and get back on her feet.

After experiencing a storm of feelings, Siqingerile's career fell into a trough for a while. Once beautiful, she is now facing public skepticism and career setbacks.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

However, music has always been her deepest passion, and even in the most difficult moments, she has never given up on the pursuit of music.

As time passed, Siqingerile gradually came out of the haze of feelings. She began to re-examine her life and devote more energy to music creation.

Although her acting career suffered, she persevered in her music creation and used music to heal her soul.

At the same time, the relationship between Siqingerile and Zang Tianshuo gradually eased. On December 19, 2016, Zang Tianshuo shared photos on social media to celebrate Siqingerile's birthday, showing that the relationship between the two has calmed down.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

This kind of reconciliation not only dissolved the estrangement between the two, but also allowed Siqingerile's inner wounds to be healed to a certain extent.

In 2017, Zang Tianshuo unfortunately suffered from cancer. Siqingerile put aside his past grievances and went to visit the hospital in person. In front of the sickbed, Zang Tianshuo said affectionately to Siqingerile: "I was too young back then, I'm really sorry for you."

This belated apology made Siqingerile cry like rain, and it also made her completely let go of the burden in her heart.

This reconciliation not only marks the reconciliation between Siqingerile and the past, but also allows her to rediscover the power of music. She began to work hard to return to the stage, interpreting music in her own way, showing a more mature and deep artistic charm.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

Siqingerile's experience proves that even after experiencing a low point in life, as long as you don't give up your passion, you can always find the strength to start anew. Music has become the best medicine for her to heal herself and reshape her life.

In September 2018, the news of Zang Tianshuo's death came, which brought the story of Siqingerile and Zang Tianshuo to an end. Siqingerile posted a message of condolences on social media: "Brother Zang, I wish you all the best!" "There are complex emotions in the short words.

With Zang Tianshuo's departure, the grievances and hatreds between the two also disappeared with the wind.

Today, Siqingerile who has entered the age of knowing his fate is still single, and there are few romances reported. However, she didn't let that stop her. On the contrary, she returned to the music stage with a more mature and steady attitude.

Siqingerile's love and hatred: Zang Tianshuo said sorry to Siqingerile before he died

In 2019, Siqingerile led the newly formed band to a series of concerts across the country, showing her indelible love for music.

The story of Siqingerile is a legend of growth, predicament, and rebirth. Her experience tells us that no matter what setbacks we encounter, as long as we stick to our dreams, we can always usher in a new chapter.

Today, Siqingerile is continuing her rock legend in her own way.

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