
The scalper is so hungry that she can't straighten her waist, and her life has changed dramatically after marrying a handsome man from the mountains

author:Talk about emotional Xiao Nan

With bursts of birdsong, a ray of sunlight gradually poured into the dilapidated cowshed. Ke Min opened his heavy eyes and looked at the skinny scalper in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh.


This seemingly ingenious ox is now so hungry that he can't straighten his waist, and he is almost out of strength to eat grass. Ke Min stroked its rough fur, his heart full of helplessness and sadness.

"If I hadn't married Shanglaru, how would I have fallen to where I am now?" Ke Min muttered to himself softly.

Thinking back to herself two years ago, she was still a lively and cheerful city girl with a bright future. Although the family is also well-off, Ke Min can still rely on his talent to earn a good income by working outside, and has plans to save a down payment in the future to buy a house of his own.

But at that turning point in the predetermined trajectory of his life, fate gave Ke Min a heavy blow. In a chance encounter, she fell in love at first sight and finally married Shanglaru, a "handsome guy" in the mountains of Yunnan.

Looking back now, Ke Min feels that he was simply carried away by love back then. At that time, Shang Laru did have a good face and could say some touching love words, which quickly captured Ke Min's simple and kind heart.

The scalper is so hungry that she can't straighten her waist, and her life has changed dramatically after marrying a handsome man from the mountains

But after entering the mountain, Ke Min found out that the "handsome guy" she dreamed of turned out to be a straw bale that couldn't even raise a calf. In addition to drinking and gambling all day long, Shenlong saw the beginning and did not see the end, and left all the heavy housework to Ke Min alone.

Since then, Ke Min's life has completely changed 180 degrees. From a single girl in the city to a rural woman, from worry-free food and clothing to heavy housework, from a successful career to not being able to provide even decent clothes and food for the children, Ke Min has gradually fallen into this regrettable situation.

Open Ke Min's video, and you will find that this promising girl has now become a rural woman with a yellow face and thin muscles and rough skin.

Even so, Ke Min would still greet netizens with a smile as usual: "Moga (Yunnan) sisters, today I am here to share my daily life with you again!"

It's not so much about sharing, it's about recording and commenting on her current life situation in her own unique way. Unlike other members of the Bitter Melon Brigade who are always full of resentment and complaints, Ke Min can always keep himself in a state of "calm madness".

The scalper is so hungry that she can't straighten her waist, and her life has changed dramatically after marrying a handsome man from the mountains

While taking care of her children and feeding her livestock, she would hum some cheerful mountain songs to relieve her boredom. When cooking for her family, she can also casually make up some humorous jokes, which makes netizens laugh.

Ke Min's "happiness" seems to come from her unique personality and attitude. No matter how difficult life is, she can always find some happiness in it that cannot be expressed in words. This kind of happiness has made Ke Min an admirable and enviable image of a rural woman in the eyes of netizens.

"How can she maintain such a positive and optimistic attitude in such a difficult environment?" When seeing the various operations in Ke Min's video, many netizens couldn't help but sigh.

Yes, for most people, Ke Min's current life situation is too bitter and unimaginable. As a girl who came from the city to the depths of the mountains, she not only had to take on the housework from morning to night, but also had to take care of her two children and manage to feed the family.

And her husband pulls up, but he still looks like a complete hands-off shopkeeper. Every day, he is either drinking and gambling, or the dragon does not see the end of the head, and he does not fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of a rural man.

"Why did I fall in love with this kind of person in the first place?" Ke Min sometimes laughed at himself in the video, "Now that I think about it, I was so naïve at the beginning." "

The scalper is so hungry that she can't straighten her waist, and her life has changed dramatically after marrying a handsome man from the mountains

This transformation from the city to the mountain is undoubtedly a severe test for Ke Min's life path. In the face of such huge life pressure, many people may find it difficult to support it. But Ke Min can always maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and deal with the difficulties he faces in his own way.

While taking care of her two children, Ke Min is also constantly learning and delving into various housekeeping skills. She will carefully study how to clean up the clutter in the house, and how to make nutritious and delicious meals for the children.

Although Ke Min sometimes seems to be poor at some simple life skills. For example, she always makes all kinds of bizarre mistakes when tutoring her children's homework, or she also makes some small mistakes when cooking. But these are a good reflection of Ke Min's true state, making people feel that she is not deliberately posing, but sharing her life in a real way.

To some extent, Ke Min is using his own unique way to prove his worth and ability. Although her life is difficult now, she has not given up hope, but is constantly improving herself and striving to create a better living environment for her family.

As time passed, Ke Min's videos gradually attracted more attention. Many young people, especially some women who are about to enter the palace of marriage, have been touched by Ke Min's story.

"If I marry a man like Shanglaru, I'm afraid I'll live this kind of life like Ke Min, right?" They couldn't help but sigh.

The scalper is so hungry that she can't straighten her waist, and her life has changed dramatically after marrying a handsome man from the mountains

Some netizens even ridiculed Ke Min's video as a "marriage fear textbook", using her as a mirror that can reflect the various difficulties that women who rashly enter marriage may face. Instead, she's trying to show that even in the face of such a huge life challenge, it's still possible for a woman to work hard to make her family a better place.

Although Ke Min is facing many problems such as her husband's irresponsibility and her family's financial constraints, she still faces it with a positive and optimistic attitude and is not easily defeated by the current predicament. She will keep every daily chore organized and enjoy it, while also maintaining a good emotional state and bringing joy to her family and netizens.

It is this positive spirit contained in a difficult life that makes Ke Min a respectable female image in the eyes of many netizens. She not only makes people feel the tenacity and courage of a rural woman, but also gives people a kind of wisdom and strength to survive.

Ke Min is not so much a victim to be sympathized with, but rather a real and unique individual. Although she suffered an unfair fate, she did not choose to give up, but continued to adjust and grow. It is this positive mindset that makes her bloom with unique value and charm in the face of adversity.

The scalper is so hungry that she can't straighten her waist, and her life has changed dramatically after marrying a handsome man from the mountains

This kind of value and charm is also the fundamental reason why Ke Min has attracted the attention of many netizens. Her story makes people feel that no matter how difficult life is, as long as she maintains the right attitude and fighting spirit, a woman can still create a beautiful life with her own hands.

At the same time, Ke Min's story also provoked some food for thought. As a woman who came from the city to the depths of the mountains, the series of changes she has experienced undoubtedly reflects the many difficulties faced by rural women in marriage and family.

While paying attention to Ke Min's story, many netizens couldn't help but think about deeper issues. For example, the disparity in education between men and women in rural areas and the unequal sharing of family responsibilities are key factors in what happened to people like Ke Min.

It has been pointed out that as a rural male, Shanglaru does lack basic family responsibilities and life skills, which greatly exacerbates Ke Min's life stress. As a woman, Ke Min still has to take on the responsibility of taking care of the family unconditionally even if she faces all kinds of difficulties in life.

This undoubtedly highlights a deep-seated social problem, namely the gender division of labor and roles in rural areas, which are often still stuck in a relatively traditional framework. This not only creates an imbalance of responsibilities between men and women, but also limits women's space and opportunities for personal development.

Some analysts have pointed out that if we want to truly solve the dilemma faced by rural women like Ke Min, the key is to fundamentally change gender norms and role expectations in rural areas. Only by breaking down this stereotype and truly achieving equality between men and women can rural women truly have more autonomy and development opportunities.

The scalper is so hungry that she can't straighten her waist, and her life has changed dramatically after marrying a handsome man from the mountains

In short, Ke Min's story outlines a vivid image of a rural woman, which not only reflects her personal tenacity and optimism, but also reflects a deeper gender issue.

Her experience is not only a difficult "battle for survival", but also a difficult process of "dreaming". But it is in this process that Ke Min shows the wisdom and strength of a woman who survives and develops in the face of adversity.

This undoubtedly brought deep touch and thinking to the majority of netizens. Some people feel that "there is no more real life with ups and downs than this", and some people realize the importance of marriage and family.

I believe that as long as Ke Min can continue to maintain her positive and optimistic character, I believe that one day, she will be able to find her own light on this difficult road of life. At that time, I believe that her story will also become a mirror and guide for more women to pursue a happy life.

The scalper is so hungry that she can't straighten her waist, and her life has changed dramatically after marrying a handsome man from the mountains

Friends, what do you feel and think about Ke Min's story? Feel free to leave a comment below to share and discuss with us!

# "The scalper is so hungry that she can't straighten her waist, and her life has changed dramatically after marrying a handsome man from the mountains

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