
Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

author:Playground Cover
Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?
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Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

In 2016, a shocking news broke out in the entertainment industry: Qin Shupei, the proprietress of Huayi Media, kissed Edison Chen on the street. , an international supermodel who was once famous for her bold "taking off her shoes" catwalk, gave up a privileged life worth 4 billion yuan and threw herself into Edison Chen's arms without hesitation.

Qin Shupei's decision caused an uproar. Is she desperate for love? Or is there something else going on? For a time, speculation was full and public opinion was boiling.

What kind of ups and downs of life story is hidden behind this seemingly simple choice? A legend spanning 20 years is about to be revealed, taking us deep into Qin Shupei's inner world and exploring the truth of her shocking choices.

In 1989, Qin Shupei fell to the ground in a well-off home in Kaifeng, Henan. Growing up in a strict family environment, Qin Shu has cultivated a hard-working character.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

At the age of 15, with a vision for the future, she embarked on a journey to study in the United States.

When he first arrived in a foreign country, in order to reduce the burden on his family, Qin Shupei began to look for part-time opportunities. With her innate superior figure and unique temperament, she stepped into the modeling industry, which is full of opportunities and challenges.

At first, it was just an ordinary job, but it inadvertently opened the door to the fashion world for her.

In 2009, by chance, Qin Shupei got acquainted with the noble person in her career - "Xiao Bingbing". Under his recommendation, Qin Shupei stepped onto the stage of Paris Fashion Week.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

Her face resembling Gong Li and her eyes as deep as Ai Jing quickly attracted the attention of the fashion industry. With his outstanding performance, Qin Shupei won the honor of "Top 10 Models of the Year" in one fell swoop and officially stepped into the ranks of international models.

However, what really made Qin Shupei famous was the catwalk in 2010 that was destined to go down in the history of fashion. As she gracefully stepped onto the runway, the unexpected struck her – her shoes fell off.

In the face of this sudden situation, Qin Shupei showed extraordinary composure and wit. She didn't hesitate to take off her high heels and continued to complete the entire catwalk barefoot.

At this moment, Qin Shupei not only showed excellent professionalism, but also demonstrated his self-confident and calm personal charm. She uses practical actions to explain what is a real supermodel.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

This "take off your shoes" catwalk instantly became the focus of media coverage, making Qin Shupei a new star at home and abroad.

Since then, Qin Shupei's name has resounded in the fashion circle. Her courage and wit have not only earned her respect in the industry, but also made her a role model for countless dream-chasing girls.

This girl from Henan, with her own efforts and talents, wrote the legendary story of an ordinary girl on the international stage.

In 2011, when his career was booming, Qin Shupei decided to return to China for development. At this time, she is already a hot new star in the international fashion circle. At the same time, Zhao Lei, the head of Huayi Media, is actively laying out the modeling industry and looking for new breakthroughs.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

Zhao Lei is a full 20 years older than Qin Shupei, and as a successful businessman, he has long heard of Qin Shupei's talent and potential. On a chance occasion, the two met.

Qin Shupei was attracted by Zhao Lei's intelligence and courage, while Zhao Lei was moved by Qin Shupei's youthful vitality and unique temperament.

Soon, Qin Shupei became the first signed model of Huayi Company. This decision not only brought new vitality to Huayi, but also opened up a new path for Qin Shupei's career.

In their work, the two have more and more intersections, and they have a deeper understanding of each other.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

To everyone's surprise, just a year later, Qin Shupei and Zhao Lei announced their relationship. Although the outside world has a lot of complaints about this "year-old love", the two don't seem to care.

In 2012, 23-year-old Qin Shupei and 43-year-old Zhao Lei entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. Overnight, Qin Shupei transformed from an international supermodel to Huayi's "boss lady".

After marriage, Qin Shupei did not stagnate because of the change of identity. Instead, her career has taken to the next level. After only ten months of marriage, she appeared on Victoria's Secret annual show and became one of China's "four great models" in one fell swoop.

This achievement not only proves Qin Shupei's strength in the modeling industry, but also wins her more attention and opportunities.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

Qin Shupei during this period can be described as the pinnacle of his life. The career is thriving, and the love is sweet and sweet. She often shares her life on social media, showing a happy side.

Fans are envious when they see that she has both career achievements and a happy marriage.

However, the world is unpredictable. Beginning in 2015, keen observers found that the relationship between Qin Shupei and Zhao Lei seemed to have undergone some subtle changes. The two have less interaction in public, and Mr. Qin's social media updates have become less frequent.

Gossip from the outside world began to spread quietly, and this seemingly perfect couple seemed to be facing a crisis in their marriage.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

Just when everyone thought that Qin Shupei would enjoy this hard-won glory and wealth, fate once again played an unexpected joke on her. A storm that can change the trajectory of her life is quietly brewing.

In 2015, a scandal that shocked the entertainment industry exploded in front of the public like a bombshell. The paparazzi took a set of jaw-dropping photos: Huayi's proprietress Qin Shupei actually interacted intimately with the famous singer Edison Chen in public.

In the photo, Qin Shupei sat peacefully on Edison Chen's lap, and the two behaved intimately, and the picture was quite ambiguous.

Immediately after, more powerful photos were exposed. The picture of Qin Shupei and Edison Chen kissing on the street instantly ignited the entire Internet. These photos undoubtedly confirmed the extraordinary speculation about the relationship between the two and caused an uproar.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

Public opinion boiled instantly. Netizens accused Qin Shupei of being a "gold worshipper", thinking that she just found a new reliance after using Zhao Lei. All kinds of ugly comments came overwhelmingly, and Qin Shupei's image plummeted.

In the face of overwhelming doubts, even Edison Chen, who has always been low-key, couldn't hold back and issued a statement on social platforms to try to clarify the facts.

However, just when everyone decided that Qin Shupei was a "third party", things took a dramatic turn. Qin Shupei suddenly stood up and revealed a truth that everyone didn't expect: it turned out that in this marriage, it was Zhao Lei who betrayed first.

Qin Shupei not only disclosed the divorce agreement that the two had already signed, but also exposed the intimate photos of Zhao Lei and a third party. This explosive news instantly subverted the public's perception.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

It turned out that in this turmoil, the real victim was Qin Shupei, who had always been misunderstood.

What's even more infuriating is that the so-called third party not only showed off his relationship with Zhao Lei on social media, but even wore Qin Shupei's clothes to swagger through the market.

This kind of behavior is undoubtedly a great insult to Qin Shupei, and it also allows the public to see the truth of the matter clearly.

As the truth was revealed, the trend of public opinion suddenly reversed. People began to sympathize with the young "former Huayi proprietress lady" and were angry at the unfair treatment she had suffered.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

Qin Shupei's image was washed overnight, and he changed from a "money worshipper" to a strong and brave "victim".

The revelation of this incident not only restored the original face of the matter, but also gave the public a deeper understanding of the complex relationship in the entertainment industry. People began to reflect on their preconceived judgments, and they also became interested in the love life of Qin Shupei and Edison Chen.

From this turmoil, Qin Shupei showed extraordinary courage and wisdom. She did not choose to remain silent, but bravely stood up to defend her reputation. This attitude has won the respect and support of the public, and has also opened a new page in her life.

After experiencing the failure of marriage and the storm of public opinion, Qin Shupei was not defeated. On the contrary, she found sincere love in Edison Chen and opened a new chapter in her life.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

As we all know, Edison Chen was once the "prodigal son of love" in the entertainment industry, and the lace news continued. However, after meeting Qin Shupei, he seemed to be reborn. Whenever there are remarks attacking Qin Shupei on the Internet, Edison Chen always stands up for her as soon as possible to defend her.

His words and deeds showed his cherishing and care for Qin Shupei, subverting the public's inherent impression of him.

In 2017, the relationship between the two came to fruition. At a music festival during the National Day, Edison Chen was radiant on stage, while the camera captured Qin Shupei and her lovely daughter in the audience.

Qin Shupei's face was filled with a happy smile, and at that moment, everyone saw a happy family. This picture seems to be the best response to all the doubts.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

Over the years, the relationship between "Chen Qin" and his wife has always remained stable. Even Edison Chen, the former "Prince of Love", learned to be single-minded after meeting Qin Shupei.

The relationship between the two is as sweet as ever, and there are no scandals, which can be called a model couple in the entertainment industry. Their story has also become a model of love in the hearts of many people.

Last month, Edison Chen once again attended the event with Qin Shupei. The loving interaction between the two once again proves the stability of their relationship. From the focus of controversy at the beginning to today's model of happiness, Qin Shupei has proved that his choice is correct with practical actions.

Qin Shupei's choice allows us to see the power of love. She gave up a privileged life worth 4 billion and chose sincere feelings. This decision may have been questioned by many people at the time, but time has proved that she has found her true happiness.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

Today's Qin Shupei is not only a successful model, but also a happy wife and mother. Her story teaches us that even through setbacks and misunderstandings, as long as we stick to our choices, we will eventually find our own happiness.

From an international supermodel to a controversial "gold worshipper", and then to a happy wife and mother, Qin Shupei uses his own experience to interpret what true love and persistence are.

Qin Shupei's legendary life has staged a wonderful story about courage, wisdom and true love for us. From an international supermodel to a Huayi proprietress to a happy wife and mother, her experience interprets the ups and downs of life.

In the face of the peaks and troughs of his career, the sweetness and betrayal of feelings, and the praise and slander of public opinion, Qin Shupei has always maintained his original intention. She bravely pursued true love, responded wisely to crises, and proved her choice with her actions.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous" and gave up her 4 billion net worth to give birth to a daughter for Edison Chen! What's going on now?

Qin Shupei's story tells us that it is inevitable to encounter setbacks and misunderstandings on the road of life, but as long as you maintain courage and wisdom and stick to your own choices, you will eventually find your own happiness.

Her experience will undoubtedly inspire more people to bravely pursue their dreams and true love.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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