
At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

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At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life
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At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

In 2014, a news that shocked the whole country broke the peace - the famous director Zhang Yimou was fined 7.48 million yuan for overbirth. Behind this astonishing number, a woman named Chen Ting emerged.

This event unveils a legendary love story that spans 30 years. From a 19-year-old young girl to a mother of three, Chen Ting's life trajectory is full of drama.

How did she win Zhang Yimou's affectionate love? And how did he achieve his "counterattack" in this controversial relationship? A story of love, choice, and perseverance unfolds, tugging at the heartstrings of countless people.

In 2000, on the campus of the Dance Department of Beijing Film Academy, 19-year-old Chen Ting and 50-year-old Zhang Yimou met for the first time. At that time, Chen Ting was full of youth and longing for the future; And Zhang Yimou is already a well-known director, standing at the pinnacle of his career.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

No one expected that this seemingly ordinary encounter would become a turning point that changed the fate of the two.

From first acquaintance, falling in love to starting a family, Chen Ting spent 13 years silently accompanying Zhang Yimou. She chose an unusual path: she gave up her studies, did not seek fame, and only wanted to stay together.

During this time, she gave birth to three children for Zhang Yimou, which became a solid backing for his career and life.

Chen Ting's choice may seem incomprehensible to outsiders. She gave up her possible acting career and chose a path full of unknowns and challenges. However, in Chen Ting's heart, this is a worthwhile gamble.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

She bet her youth and future happiness on this relationship, just to be with her beloved.

In the past 13 years, Chen Ting has experienced unimaginable tests. She has to face doubts and criticism from the outside world, endure the torment of being nameless and disadvantaged, and at the same time take care of her lover and young children, who are very different in age.

But she has always maintained a gentle and intellectual attitude, interpreting the true meaning of love in her own way.

When Zhang Yimou's career was thriving, Chen Ting chose to retreat behind the scenes to create a warm and comfortable family environment for him. She is well aware that behind a successful man is a woman who is both strong and knows how to give in.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

In this role, Chen Ting's performance can be described as almost perfect.

Despite facing many challenges, Chen Ting has never given up on self-improvement. She studied hard, paid attention to Zhang Yimou's work, and tried to resonate with him in all aspects.

This spirit of continuous improvement has allowed her to maintain a unique charm throughout this relationship.

Over time, Chen Ting's efforts paid off. Zhang Yimou gradually transferred part of the property to her name to ensure that she and her children had no worries about life. This is not only a recognition of Chen Ting's years of silent dedication, but also Zhang Yimou's solemn commitment to this relationship.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

After 13 years of waiting, Chen Ting interpreted the true meaning of love in her own way. Her story teaches us that sincere feelings require courage, wisdom, and perseverance. In this seemingly unequal relationship, Chen Ting found her own position and achieved a gorgeous turn from a nobody to a world-renowned person.

Her experience is undoubtedly a modern legend of love and self-realization.

To understand Chen Ting's "counterattack" life, we have to go back to Zhang Yimou's emotional journey. Before meeting Chen Ting, the famous director's love life could be described as ups and downs and full of drama.

The first to accompany Zhang Yimou through the difficult years was his ex-wife Xiao Hua. At that time, Zhang Yimou was still an unknown young director, although he was talented, no one appreciated him.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

Xiao Hua came from a wealthy background, but he resolutely chose this poor young man. Regardless of her family's opposition, she followed Zhang Yimou to the countryside to cut the queue and experienced those difficult years together.

In the most difficult period, it was Xiao Hua's support that became the driving force for Zhang Yimou to move forward. She not only took care of Zhang Yimou in life, but also gave him great encouragement in spirit.

When Zhang Yimou had the idea of pursuing further studies, Xiao Hua ran around and won him the opportunity to take the college entrance examination. This deep affection makes Zhang Yimou still have a deep sense of gratitude to Xiao Hua.

However, as Zhang Yimou's career started, he met actor Gong Li. The filming of "Red Sorghum" made the two spark love. Gong Li's appearance was like a bolt of lightning, which not only illuminated Zhang Yimou's life, but also brought a huge turn for his career.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

Gong Li's unique temperament - both feminine domineering and girlish playfulness, coupled with natural charm, deeply attracted Zhang Yimou.

This vigorous relationship made Zhang Yimou and Gong Li the hottest topic in the entertainment industry at that time. The two went hand in hand in their careers and rose to fame. However, the relationship ultimately failed to come to fruition.

Maybe it's because Gong Li is too strong, or maybe the two have never been able to reach a consensus in some aspects. Although he has been in love for many years, Zhang Yimou has never been able to make up his mind to enter the palace of marriage with Gong Li, which makes Gong Li feel disappointed.

After experiencing these emotional twists and turns, Zhang Yimou met Chen Ting. Different from the previous two relationships, Chen Ting brought peace and warmth to Zhang Yimou. She didn't fight or grab, but she firmly grasped Zhang Yimou's heart in her own way.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

Chen Ting's gentleness and loveliness contrasted sharply with Gong Li's strength, allowing Zhang Yimou to find the harbor he had longed for in his heart.

In this emotional trajectory of Zhang Yimou, we seem to be able to glimpse the changes in his heart. From the initial desire for support and understanding, to the pursuit of passion, and finally to the yearning for a peaceful life.

Chen Ting's appearance just met Zhang Yimou's emotional needs at this stage.

This relationship experience also allows us to see the uniqueness of Chen Ting. She is neither as silently giving everything as Xiao Hua nor as radiant as Gong Li. Chen Ting has found a delicate balance between giving Zhang Yimou enough support and understanding while maintaining her independence.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

She knows how to back down when the right time and assert herself at critical moments. This balance may be the key to her success in "counterattacking".

Zhang Yimou's emotional trajectory, from Xiao Hua to Gong Li to Chen Ting, is like a wonderful movie. Every relationship adds a unique color to his life, and Chen Ting's appearance has drawn a successful end to this "movie".

In this process, we have seen the evolution of a mature man's perception of love, and also witnessed how Chen Ting won the victory of this love in her own way.

The year 2000 was a turning point in fate for Zhang Yimou and Chen Ting. This year, Zhang Yimou, who has become famous, is preparing a new work "Happy Times", while 19-year-old Chen Ting is an ordinary student in the dance department of Beijing Film Academy, with a vision for the future.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

In a casting of "Happy Times", Zhang Yimou's eyes were deeply attracted by Chen Ting. Unlike other well-groomed candidates, Chen Ting gives the impression of being fresh, natural, gentle and lovely.

The unique temperament exuded by her body is like a clear spring, which makes Zhang Yimou, who is used to seeing Vanity Fair, feel refreshed.

At first, the communication between the two was limited to work. Zhang Yimou guided Chen Ting with her rigorous work attitude, and Chen Ting responded to the director's expectations with her seriousness and talent.

However, as time goes on, they are surprised to discover that they share many topics in common with each other. Despite the age difference of 31 years, they are surprisingly compatible in thought.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

In the following days, Zhang Yimou gradually discovered another side of Chen Ting. In front of the camera, she is an aura actor; In life, she is a gentle, considerate and empathetic girl.

This contrast deeply attracted Zhang Yimou, and the serious-looking director gradually unloaded his guard.

For Chen Ting, Zhang Yimou is no longer just a formidable director. She saw Zhang Yimou's humility and gentleness under his serious appearance, and felt the unique charm of this mature man.

The affection between the two quietly grew in the day and night.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

This seemingly accidental encounter is like the arrangement of fate. It not only completely changed the trajectory of Chen Ting's life, but also made Zhang Yimou re-examine his attitude towards love and family.

In Chen Ting, Zhang Yimou seems to have found the tranquility and warmth that he has been looking for in his heart.

The set of "Happy Times" became the starting point of their love. This dramatic encounter seems to be the imitation of art by life, or the prophecy of art to life.

It started a love that spanned all ages, and also laid the groundwork for Chen Ting's "counterattack" life.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

When the relationship between Zhang Yimou and Chen Ting gradually warmed up, an unexpected news broke the peace - 19-year-old Chen Ting was pregnant. This sudden news caught both of them off guard and pushed Chen Ting to a crossroads in her life.

Faced with this situation, Zhang Yimou gave Chen Ting two choices: either give up her studies to concentrate on raising the baby, or terminate the pregnancy immediately. This decision is not only about Chen Ting's own future, but will also profoundly affect her relationship with Zhang Yimou.

For a girl who has just turned 19, this is undoubtedly a difficult decision.

After a few days of deliberation, Chen Ting made a decision that shocked many - she chose to give birth to this child. This decision shows her courage and determination.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

She is willing to give everything for love, even in the face of a man who is 31 years older than her, even if she has to face the eyes and criticism of the world.

Chen Ting's choice deeply moved Zhang Yimou. He saw the young girl's loyalty and courage to her feelings. Although Zhang Yimou did not give Chen Ting a marriage letter at that time, his heart was completely conquered by Chen Ting's actions.

Since then, Chen Ting has started a new journey in life. She dropped out of school and went home to concentrate on raising her baby. In the process, she has to face the incomprehension of her family, the doubts of her friends, and the strange eyes of society.

But Chen Ting has always firmly believed in her choice.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

This seemingly difficult choice finally became the first step in Chen Ting's "counterattack" life. She proved her cherishment of this relationship with practical actions, and also laid the foundation for a happy life in the future.

Chen Ting's decision not only changed the trajectory of her own life, but also made Zhang Yimou re-examine his attitude towards love and family.

At this challenging time, Chen Ting has shown maturity and wisdom far beyond her years. Her choice is a belief in love and an affirmation of self-worth.

This decision became one of the most important and correct decisions in her life, opening an extraordinary chapter in her life.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Chen Ting has accompanied Zhang Yimou through more than ten spring and autumn seasons. During this period, she gave birth to three children for Zhang Yimou and silently supported his career development.

In 2011, the two finally entered the marriage hall, drawing a successful end to this 11-year relationship.

However, behind happiness comes a heavy price. In 2014, Zhang Yimou's superlife incident was exposed and he faced a huge fine of 7.48 million yuan. This incident pushed Chen Ting from behind the scenes to the forefront of public opinion.

Faced with doubts and pressure from the outside world, Chen Ting chose to face it calmly. Her calmness and calmness have won the respect of many people.

At the age of 19, he gave up his studies to marry Zhang Yimou, gave birth to 3 babies in 5 years, and counted Chen Ting's counterattack life

After this turmoil, Chen Ting no longer hid her identity, but generously shared her family life on social platforms. From an unknown dance student to the high-profile director's wife, Chen Ting has completed the counterattack in her life in her own way.

Chen Ting's story is not only a romantic love legend, but also an inspirational chapter about courage, perseverance and wisdom. Her experience tells us that as long as there is love in our hearts and we dare to persevere, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

Chen Ting used her life to interpret the true meaning of love, and also gained a happy family.

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