
47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

author:Eddie Literary Society

At the beginning of the new year, CCTV once again demonstrated its strong influence in the field of domestic dramas. As a high-level TV platform, CCTV can attract widespread attention every time it launches a work, and this time is no exception.

In this season of family reunion, CCTV launched the highly anticipated family drama "Fireworks", and at the same time broadcast another hit drama "South to North".

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

As soon as "Fireworks People" was broadcast, it jumped to the top of the platform's ratings with amazing ratings, which aroused the attention of the audience. However, behind the high ratings lies a lot of controversy.

Unlike "South to North", which has received general praise, the reputation of "Fireworks People" is mixed.

The life phenomenon drama in the room focuses on the trivial things of the family during the Spring Festival, which was originally expected to resonate with the audience, but the result touched the nerves of many people. The audience has said that the Spring Festival is supposed to be a happy time for family reunion, but the plot in the play makes people feel anxious and irritable.

Those trivial things, those inadvertently revealed comparison psychology, and those elders' pointing at the careers and feelings of the younger generations all make the audience empathize with and even feel a little uncomfortable.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

One netizen commented:

"I just finished coping with all kinds of problems from my relatives' house, and I have to face these when I go home to watch the drama, which is really irritating."

Another visitor said:

"The plot is too levitating, too far from real life."

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

The release of "Fireworks People" seems to have uncovered Pandora's box and released the anxiety and insecurity that people struggled to hide during the Spring Festival. The play is like a mirror that reveals what many families really look like during the holiday season.

However, the overly realistic presentation failed to resonate as expected, and instead made some viewers feel uncomfortable.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

In the plot of "Fireworks People", the reunion dinner scene of the Meng family is considered to be one of the most controversial plots in the whole play. What was supposed to be a happy dinner table was filled with a suffocating atmosphere.

The family members sit together, on the surface it is a picture of harmony, but in fact, there is an undercurrent, and everyone has their own concerns.

The camera is focused on the dining table, and the conversation at home continues. Everyone pretended to care about others, seemingly polite, but their eyes were full of distrust. These seemingly ordinary conversations often hide unspeakable distress and helplessness.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

"Is the work going well?" The elders asked frequently.

The juniors replied vaguely: "It's okay, that's it." ”

Such a dialogue scene deeply touched many viewers, and one netizen commented: "Watching them eat, I feel like I see the shadow of my own home, which is as real as a painting." "

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

However, this authentic performance has sparked controversy. Some viewers felt that the play excessively amplified the negative emotions in their lives. "Can't you show some warm and harmonious pictures during the Chinese New Year?" One viewer took to social media to express his displeasure.

The Meng family's dining table is like a microcosm, reflecting the life of countless families. Communication between family members becomes difficult, and everyone is careful to maintain the apparent harmony, but it all seems real and poignant.

Those unspoken words, those deliberately avoided topics, and those psychology of secretly competing are all vividly displayed at this dinner table.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

When the reunion dinner is over and the family members are leaving, the relieved expression makes people feel the helplessness and pressure behind the festival, and the reluctant smiles on everyone's faces make people feel worried.

By depicting this scene of family reunion, "The Pyrotechnic Family" subtly demonstrates the complexity of modern family relationships. It reveals the contradictions between the two generations and the barriers to mutual understanding in the context of the rapid development of society, as well as the multiple pressures that contemporary people are under between family and career.

Although this scene has sparked controversy in society, it is undeniable that it has indeed sparked widespread resonance and discussion, making people in this era of information explosion begin to think about how to find a balance between family affection and personal development and repair family relationships.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

The unpleasant reunion dinner of "Fireworks People" makes the audience wake up in reflection, reminding us to re-examine our family relationships and cherish precious reunion moments.

In "Fireworks", Li Yijin followed her boyfriend back to her hometown for the first time for the New Year, which caused widespread heated discussions. This plot vividly shows the fierce collision of traditional customs and modern concepts, and provokes the audience to think deeply about generational differences.

Li Yijin stepped into her boyfriend's house with great expectations, but she didn't expect to be greeted by a series of traditional customs that caught her off guard. As soon as she entered, she was asked to step over the brazier, a strange ritual that confused and uneasy her.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

Immediately afterwards, the persuasion of the elders made her feel at a loss in the face of one toast after another, Li Yijin's smile gradually became stiff, and her heart was full of discomfort and resistance.

"This is our family tradition, and it can't be said if we don't drink it!" The tone of the elders was unquestionable, which made Li Yijin feel a lot of pressure.

Li Yijin was barely coping with those traditional customs when an accident suddenly happened. The old lady in the family fainted inexplicably, and Li Yijin was innocently regarded as the "culprit".

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

Everyone's eyes were focused on her, as if silently asking, "Did you bring the ominous?" Li Yijin was speechless, and could only bow his head and admit his criminal behavior.

This scene provoked a strong reaction from the audience. Some people empathize with Li Yijin's experience and recall the embarrassing experience when he first met his parents. Some people also think that the plot is too exaggerated and criticize: "Are there still so many cumbersome rules? It feels a bit out of touch.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

Li Yijin's experience vividly illustrates the conflict between traditional and modern concepts. Her confused, helpless, and even slightly aggrieved expression expresses the true feelings of many young people when faced with certain outdated customs.

At the same time, this plot also reveals the cultural differences between rural and urban areas, as well as the intergenerational contradictions caused by such differences.

"Pyrotechnics" cleverly reflects the generation gap through Li Yijin's experience, and triggers the audience's thinking about how traditional customs are inherited in modern society. The film asks a profound question: how can we maintain an open and inclusive attitude when respecting tradition, so that people of different backgrounds can live in harmony?

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

The plot provokes controversy and reflection on how we can balance tradition and modernity in a society that is changing at an increasingly rapid pace, while respecting and maintaining our own cultural background. Li Yijin's experience may be a true portrayal of many young people facing family and marriage.

"Fireworks People" brought together a large number of famous actors, including national first-class actors and senior veteran actors, which was originally a major selling point of the series. However, as the plot progresses, the audience has been hotly discussing the performance of some actors, and even raising doubts, forming a huge gap between expectations and reality.

The first thing that caused controversy was the performance of veteran actor Xu Fan. Although the audience had high hopes for her, her performance in the play was considered to be overforced. Some viewers pointed out that Xu Fan's expression was sometimes overly exaggerated, and at other times it appeared unusually stiff, and the overall performance gave people a feeling of overexertion.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

One viewer commented on social media: "I feel that there are some problems with Xu Fan's expression management, and sometimes it seems unnatural."

Also causing controversy was Ma Sichun's performance. As a representative of the younger generation of actors, her performance in "Scout Heroes" has caused controversy. In "Fireworks People", she seems to have failed to get rid of the shackles of the "silly white sweet" character in the past.

The audience criticized her role in the play Li Yijin for her lack of breakthroughs, and the role's submissive nature also limited her room for play, and some viewers said: "I feel that Ma Sichun's performance is still the same, and there is not much novelty."

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

Due to the huge gap between the performance of the actors and the expectations of the audience, many people were disappointed. A senior drama critic also pointed out: "This drama originally had some excellent actors, but unfortunately, the performance of these actors did not meet the level expected by the audience."

However, in the controversy, the performance of the actors has also been recognized by the audience, such as Li Xiaoran's Aunt Li Yijin, whose acting skills and appearance have been widely praised. Many viewers believe that Li Xiaoran's performance is natural and smooth, which adds a lot to the whole drama.

In general, the controversy caused by the performance of the actors in "Fireworks People" not only reflects the audience's higher expectations for high-quality TV series, but also raises some questions worthy of in-depth consideration for the entire film and television industry.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

In the controversy caused by "Fireworks People", the 47-year-old Li Xiaoran has undoubtedly become the most concerned figure. She played Li Yijin's aunt in the play, and with her superb acting skills and outstanding appearance, she won unanimous praise from the audience and was known as the focus of this drama.

Li Xiaoran's performance is considered to be the most outstanding and stable in the whole play, the image of her aunt is both intelligent and empathetic, her every look and every movement is perfect, making people mistakenly think that she is not acting, but in life.

When she comforted Li Yijin in the play, the kind of heartfelt care and encouragement made people feel the sincere warmth, and her performance was natural and smooth, showing a solid acting skills.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

However, what amazed the audience even more was Li Xiaoran's well-maintained appearance. When she was in the same frame as 35-year-old Ma Sichun, although the two were almost the same age, Li Xiaoran looked younger than Ma Sichun, and sometimes even Li Xiaoran looked younger.

This contrast is not only reflected in the appearance, but also in the overall temperament, Li Xiaoran's image is more eye-catching, both in figure and appearance.

Li Xiaoran's skin condition and body curves are hard to believe that she is nearly 50 years old. No makeup is better than makeup, and her glamorous demeanor is undiminished. When the camera focuses on her face, her three-dimensional facial features and plump collagen all show her charm.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

An audience member praised on social media: "Li Xiaoran's condition is too good, I can't tell my age at all!" "。

Li Xiaoran's maintenance secrets have aroused public doubts. According to the analysis of beauty experts, Li Xiaoran's youthful appearance does not only rely on skin care products, but more importantly, a long-term self-discipline and healthy lifestyle.

Her daily light makeup, refreshing hairstyle, and simple and exquisite workplace clothes all perfectly show her unique temperament and powerful aura.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

In "Fireworks", Li Xiaoran's superb acting skills have added a lot to the series, and brought confidence and hope to many middle-aged women. She used practical actions to tell everyone that women can still maintain elegance and charm when they are over forty.

A senior stylist praised: "Li Xiaoran's natural beauty of bones, coupled with the careful maintenance of the day after tomorrow, makes her a miracle of frozen age."

Li Xiaoran's wonderful performance in "Fireworks" is very important in the overall temperament of her role, which not only reflects her acting skills and beauty, but also amplifies the personality traits of the character.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

The role of the aunt she plays embodies wisdom, empathy and the ability of a working woman, which perfectly conforms to her own image, and the high integration of this role and the actor makes Li Xiaoran stand out in "Fireworks" and become a well-deserved highlight.

Although "Fireworks People" caused a lot of controversy after it was broadcast, it also brought a lot of questions worth thinking about. This TV series tries to resonate with the audience by describing the various troubles and contradictions in life.

However, in the pursuit of authentic performance, there may be certain extreme tendencies.

47-year-old Li Xiaoran and 35-year-old Ma Sichun stood together, and I understood what temperament and bone phase are

Although the show did not achieve exactly the desired results, it did spark deep discussions about family, intergenerational relationships, tradition and modernity. It reminds us that in the process of pursuing career success, we should also understand and cherish family affection; In the face of life pressures, it is even more important to learn to support and understand each other.

The broadcast of "Fireworks People" may be an opportunity for us to re-examine our lives and think about how to find a balance between reality and ideals. Li Xiaoran's elegance and calmness in the play may be the best attitude towards life.

Although this CCTV TV series has not been able to attract fans on a large scale, the discussions and thoughts it has triggered may be the greatest value of this drama.

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