
The man stayed in the ancient temple overnight, accidentally knocked down the wooden sign, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy to escape

author:Chia Tai Bright Universe 0xN

In the northeast, there is such a thing, our young man in the northeast, Li Ergou, is as fat as he is, just for the legendary Maoshan secret technique, he has a lot of tossing, crossing mountains and mountains, and going all the way south to the south of the Yangtze River. In the south of the Yangtze River, the water is smart, and the scenery is as beautiful as a painting, but Li Ergou only thinks about the Maoshan Mountain in his heart, and he sleeps in the open along the way, and he doesn't feel tired.

That evening, Li Ergou walked to a remote ancient temple. That temple is so dilapidated that it looks like something, but the pair of stone lions in front of the door are still guarding this place majestically. Li Ergou pondered in his heart, it was getting late, so let's get together for the night. He pushed the temple door, squeaked, and a nest of bats flew away. The temple was dark, and a few rays of moonlight leaked through the broken roof and shone on the dusty ground.

Li Ergou lit a torch, and the fire flickered, reflecting several dilapidated statues. He found a clean place, spread his baggage, and was about to rest. Suddenly, he heard something moving, as if something was moving. His heart tightened, and as soon as the torch shone brightly, he saw a wooden sign slip off the offering table and fall to the ground. The wooden sign, which looks like it is very old, is engraved with some complex runes and patterns, and there is a bright red word "forbidden" in the middle. Li Ergou thought to himself, there must be a story in this temple.

The man stayed in the ancient temple overnight, accidentally knocked down the wooden sign, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy to escape

He carefully picked up the wooden sign and was about to put it back in its place. But at this moment, he felt a chill hit him, as if there were a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark. He turned his head sharply, but saw nothing, and the fire jumped there. Suddenly, the wooden sign vibrated violently in his hand, as if something was about to rush out. Li Ergou was so frightened that he let go of his hand, and the wooden sign fell to the ground again, making a crisp sound.

It didn't matter if it had fallen, but it seemed to have touched something, and the entire ancient temple suddenly became eerie and terrifying. A gust of wind blew, all the candles in the temple were extinguished, and the torches flickered and dimmed. Li Ergou felt as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him around him, and the hairs on his body stood up. He was bold enough to light a candle, but at this moment, a low and terrifying voice sounded in his ears: "Trespassing on the forbidden land and disturbing the gods, are you guilty?" ”

Li Ergou was so frightened that he trembled, and hurriedly knelt on the ground, kowtowing like pounding garlic: "The villain is ignorant and has offended the gods, please forgive me!" He kowtowed, and while secretly looking around, he saw that there seemed to be countless figures shaking in the darkness, as if a group of demons and monsters were gathering. Just when Li Ergou was about to despair, he suddenly remembered why he came here - Maoshan Secret Technique. He took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and then said loudly, "I'm here to find the secret art of Maoshan, and I really don't want to offend the gods." If there is anything offended, please ask the gods for guidance, and I will sincerely make amends! ”

The man stayed in the ancient temple overnight, accidentally knocked down the wooden sign, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy to escape

As soon as the voice fell, the yin wind in the temple slowly subsided like a sneeze, and those dangling figures also dispersed like smoke. As soon as Li Ergou raised his head, good guy, a white-clothed Taoist priest appeared in front of him like a trick. This Taoist priest, who is called a fairy wind dao bone, holds a whisk in his hand, and at a glance he knows that he is a master of the Maoshan Taoist sect. The Taoist priest glanced at Li Ergou, smiled slightly, and said, "Although you are not a disciple of our Taoist, but seeing your sincerity, I will show you the way." The secret art of Maoshan is hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, and it can only be obtained by people who are destined. You go up to Maoshan and look for the place called 'Tiangang Disha', where there are the secret books left by our Taoist predecessors. As soon as the words fell, the Taoist priest turned into a white light as if by magic, and disappeared into the air with a whoosh. Li Ergou was stunned for a long time, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He was grateful in his heart, and hurriedly kowtowed a few times in the direction where the Taoist priest disappeared. Since then, Li Ergou has embarked on the road to Maoshan Mountain. After going through nine hundred and eighty-one difficulties, he finally found the place of 'Heaven and Earth', and learned the secret art of Maoshan Mountain. The thrilling experience he had with the ancient temple has also become a precious treasure on his spiritual path. Ladies and gentlemen, what do you say about Li Ergou's luck? But we have to say that it is also thanks to his unwavering heart and indomitable energy. Therefore, we have to be like Li Ergou to do things, with perseverance, perseverance, and sincerity!

With the guidance of the Taoist priest, the beauty in Li Ergou's heart was like picking up a gold ingot, and he was as happy as a flower. He didn't dare to delay, so he immediately packed his bags and went to Maoshan Mountain. Along the way, he suffered a lot of crimes, crossed mountains and mountains, waded across rivers, and the clothes on his body were wet and dry, and he just walked out of a "thousand layers of bottoms". But Li Ergou has an advantage, that is, once he recognizes the matter, the nine cows can't pull it back. He pondered in his heart, we have to learn the secret art of Maoshan Mountain, and when the time comes, we will return to our hometown in the northeast, so that the villagers will not be impressed? When I think about it, I feel even more energetic. After seven hundred and forty-nine days of trekking, Li Ergou finally came to the foot of Maoshan Mountain. When I looked up, the mountain was towering into the clouds, and the clouds and mist were shrouded, and looking at it made people's legs and stomachs turn around. But Li Ergou, without saying a word, rushed up. He said in his heart, we Northeast people are not afraid of anything, just afraid of a cowardice. Along the way, he encountered a number of dangers. There are the beasts of the mountains, and there are the spirits of the mountains. But Li Ergou relied on a ruthless force, as well as a pure Northeast accent, which scared them all away. Finally, in the depths of Maoshan Mountain, he found the place of 'Heaven and Earth'. There, as the Taoist priest said, there is a secret book left by the Taoist predecessors. Li Ergou opened the secret book and looked at it, only to see that it was full of pictures and texts, recording all kinds of magical spells and secrets. He was overjoyed, and quickly sat down on the spot, and began to study it intently. Oh my god, this story of Li Ergou is really exciting! Let's start with his three days and three nights of study. Li Ergou, this kid, when he reads the cheats, it's like falling into a magical pit, and there are as many mysteries and miracles in it as as stars. He followed the method in the secret book and began to cultivate the secret technique of Namao Mountain. At first, he thought it was difficult to reach the heavens, but later, hey, he felt like he had touched the door, and his cultivation became smoother and smoother.

In this way, Li Ergou has been cultivating on Maoshan Mountain for more than a year. His spells are becoming more and more powerful, not only can drive away ghosts and subdue demons, but also call for wind and rain, cure diseases and save people. He became a celebrity in that area, and everyone called him "Li Banxian".

The man stayed in the ancient temple overnight, accidentally knocked down the wooden sign, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy to escape

One day, Li Ergou was homesick and decided to go back to our hometown in the northeast to have a look. He said goodbye to the Taoist priests of Maoshan, packed his bags, and set out on the way home. Along the way, he was in such a mood that he was as excited as something. The thought of being able to see his long-lost hometown and relatives made him happy in his heart.

After a few days of running, Li Ergou finally returned to his hometown in the northeast. As soon as he entered the village, the movement was very loud, and the villagers all gathered around, gossiping, all wanting to see what this legendary "Li Banxian" looked like. Li Ergou was not ambiguous, and showed his hand on the spot. He read the words, and as soon as he pinched the trick in his hand, a flash of fire appeared out of thin air, leaving the villagers dumbfounded. Then he performed a few more small spells that made everyone laugh.

Since then, Li Ergou has become the treasure of our village. Whoever has a headache and brain fever will look for him; Whoever has a demon or a monster will also seek him to exorcise it. He used his spells and medical skills to solve many problems for the villagers. But Li Ergou has an advantage, that is, he does not forget his roots. Although he learned the secret art of Maoshan, he still thinks about the villagers in his heart. He often said: "We Northeast people, we have to be like Northeast people." Learned spells are not for showmanship, but for the benefit of the villagers. ”

The man stayed in the ancient temple overnight, accidentally knocked down the wooden sign, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy to escape

In this way, Li Ergou lived a happy life in our hometown in Northeast China. He used his magic and medical skills to bring endless joy and peace to the villagers. And his experience of cultivating in Maoshan and his adventures with the ancient temple have also become the most valuable wealth in his life.

Later, Li Ergou was old and couldn't walk. He taught the spells and medical skills he had learned over the years to the young people in the village. He told them: "We Northeast people must have backbone and courage. Learned spells are not used to bully others, but to protect themselves and their families. ”

In this way, the story of Li Ergou spread in our hometown in the northeast. People say that he is a good man who is affectionate, righteous, brave and resourceful. And what about his adventures with Maoshan and ancient temples? It has also been passed down by word of mouth and has become a beautiful legend. Li Ergou is not annoyed, he always tells the children about those thrilling past events with a smile. As soon as he opened his mouth, he gushed about the misty scenery of Maoshan Mountain, those strange-looking demons and monsters, and how he relied on a lot of courage and wisdom to clean them up one by one. Of course, he didn't forget to mention the wooden sign that almost killed him, as well as the mysterious white-clothed Taoist priest.

The man stayed in the ancient temple overnight, accidentally knocked down the wooden sign, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy to escape

One day, a foreigner came to the village, saying that he was looking for a master and wanted to learn some spells to protect his family and defend the country. When the villagers heard this, they immediately thought of Li Ergou. The stranger came to Li Ergou's house like that.

As soon as Li Ergou saw a foreigner, he felt that he was not an ordinary person. The foreigner has an extraordinary temperament, and his eyes are full of perseverance and perseverance. He told Li Ergou what he meant, and expressed his willingness to worship him as a teacher and learn the secret art of Namao Mountain. Li Ergou pondered for a while, and felt that this foreigner was a malleable talent, so he agreed to him.

He told the strangers that learning this Maoshan secret technique is not an overnight thing, and it takes great effort and sacrifice. After hearing this, the strangers did not hesitate at all, and expressed their willingness to accept any challenge. So, Li Ergou began to teach him, starting from the most basic spells, and guiding him step by step.

The man stayed in the ancient temple overnight, accidentally knocked down the wooden sign, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy to escape

Strangers study very hard, and practice every day without sleep or food. He made rapid progress, and it didn't take long for him to master some basic spells. Li Ergou saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart. He felt that this stranger was a promising apprentice, so he decided to pass on all his skills to him.

He took the strangers to the north and south, saw all kinds of demons and monsters, and taught him how to deal with these guys. Over the years, the foreigner has become a great Taoist priest. He not only learned the secret art of Maoshan Mountain, but also learned a lot of spells from other sects. He used his own magic and medical skills to help the villagers solve many problems, and won everyone's respect and love.

But just when the strangers were about to leave the Northeast and go to a wider place, Li Ergou suddenly fell ill. He was so sick that even he couldn't do anything about it. When the villagers heard about it, they all came to visit, hoping that he would get better soon. The outsiders also rushed back and stayed by Li Ergou's bedside, praying and casting spells day and night, trying their best to save him.

The man stayed in the ancient temple overnight, accidentally knocked down the wooden sign, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy to escape

But Li Ergou's illness became more and more serious, and he himself knew that the deadline was approaching, so he summoned the strangers and villagers to bid them farewell. He thanked the villagers for their care and trust over the years, and also thanked the outsiders for their companionship and teaching over the years. In the end, he handed over the secret book of Maoshan Secret Art to the strangers, hoping that he could continue to inherit and carry forward this secret art. He also told the stranger a secret: the wooden sign that had saved his life was actually a treasure, and it contained a powerful power to protect the wearer from demons and monsters. Li Ergou, a buddy, handed the old wooden sign to a guy from out of town, and told him to take good care of it. He smacked his lips and said, "This wooden brand has been with me for many years, and I'll hand it over to you today." You've got to use it to protect everyone. The guy from out of town took the wooden sign with tears in his eyes. He bowed to Li Ergou, bent over like something, and said that he must take good care of it, and he had to use it for something. He also said that he would take over Li Ergou's class and continue to help the villagers in the village.

Li Ergou listened, grinned, closed his eyes, and left. When I left, it was as if I was asleep, and it was quite peaceful. The villagers and the fellow from other places were silent and prayed that he would rest in peace there. After that, the guys from other places took over Li Ergou's class and became the new spiritual pillar of the village. He used his own skills to help the villagers solve a bunch of problems, and also passed on the secret skills of Maoshan.

The magic weapon wood brand has always followed him, like a talisman, so that he is not afraid of those demons and monsters. The story of Li Ergou has spread very well in our hometown in the northeast. Everyone said that he was a man with affection, righteousness, courage and knowledge. His story inspires the young people here to dare to pursue their own dreams and beliefs. The wooden sign has also become a mysterious symbol in everyone's hearts, symbolizing the power of courage and wisdom.

The man stayed in the ancient temple overnight, accidentally knocked down the wooden sign, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy to escape

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