
Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

author:Tidal Bean Tournament
Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness
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Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

There is an amazing story circulating in Taiwanese entertainment circles: the famous actor Kou Shixun has lived with two women who love him deeply for 36 years. In 1996, 42-year-old Kou Shixun made a decision that shocked others: to bring his new love Xu Lidan home and live under the same roof with his original wife Cui Yaoqi.

This decision not only completely changed the trajectory of the trio's lives, but also triggered a series of jaw-dropping events.

What kind of emotional bond can make two women willingly spend half their lives with the same man? How does Kou Shixun balance career and life in such a complex family relationship? Let's unravel the mystery of this legendary love and explore the ups and downs behind the superficial happiness.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

The story of Kou Shixun and Cui Yaoqi began in the green years of Taichung City, Taiwan. In high school, the introverted Cui Yaoqi silently paid attention to the humorous Kou Shixun.

Although Cui Yaoqi has experienced the transformation of "ugly duckling into swan" at this stage, she still does not dare to confess to the boy she likes. It wasn't until the emotional surge of graduation season that she mustered up the courage to talk to Kou Shixun and ask him about his future plans.

At that time, Kou Shixun firmly stated that he wanted to enter Shih-Hsin University for further study, and this answer became a turning point in Cui Yaoqi's life. She secretly set this university as her goal, hoping to spend college time with her sweetheart.

Fate seems to favor the lovers, who are both admitted to Shih-Hsin University, and on a campus in a foreign land, the two hearts are getting closer and closer.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

In college, Kou Shixun's thoughtfulness and carefulness fascinated Cui Yaoqi. He can not only accurately remember Cui Yaoqi's class schedule, but also carefully plan the date between the two.

Under Kou Shixun's care, Cui Yaoqi felt an unprecedented sense of security and happiness.

After graduation, Cui Yaoqi resolutely followed Kou Shixun to the bustling city to chase her dreams together. Despite the hardships of life, the two worked together to overcome all kinds of difficulties.

Kou Shixun worked at the TV station, while Choi Yaoqi accepted a job as a clerk. Although their material life is not rich, their spiritual world is extremely full.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

In 1982, after eight years of long-distance love, Kou Shixun and Cui Yaoqi finally entered the marriage hall. When he was newly married, Kou Shixun's acting career was on the rise.

In order to fully support her husband, Cui Yaoqi chose to become a full-time wife and gave birth to her son Kou Jiarui in the second year of marriage.

With the success of Kou Shixun in "A Cut of Plums", the family's financial situation has improved significantly. Not forgetting his wife's dedication, he purchased a spacious and comfortable home for his family and carefully planned a luxurious wedding.

Despite his busy schedule, Ko always surprises his wife, and the two often talk late into the night.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

However, as Kou Shixun turned forty and his career entered a new peak, conflicts between husband and wife also quietly breeded. Cui Yaoqi, who was originally expecting her husband to quit the showbiz when he was old, saw Kou Shixun go farther and farther in the role of "master", and her inner anxiety increased day by day.

But in order to maintain family harmony, she chose to endure her grievances.

Although Kou Shixun noticed the change in his wife, he failed to deal with the problems between the two in time. He began to return home less often and communicated less and less with his wife.

Gradually, the once loving husband and wife became inseparable, laying the groundwork for future family crises.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

Kou Shixun's acting career was not all smooth sailing. When he first joined the TV station, he could only engage in trivial tasks such as serving tea and water, cleaning and hygiene. However, with a positive and optimistic attitude and a conscientious and responsible work attitude, Kou Shixun waited for his own opportunity in obscurity.

In 1976, the opportunity finally came. At that time, the drama "Pure Love" required the actor to scandalize half of his face because of the plot, and many actors avoided this "harlequin".

Kou Shixun saw this opportunity and took the role without hesitation. He devoted himself to the performance, did not slack off because of the "ugliness" of the role, and finally won high praise from the audience with his superb acting skills, laying the foundation for future success.

Next, Kou Shixun successively participated in two classic works, "Last Night's Stars" and "A Cut of Plums". In particular, "One Cut Plum", as the first Taiwanese TV series to be introduced to the mainland, its influence can be described as unprecedented.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

Kou Se-hoon's outstanding performance in the drama won him two awards for "Best TV Actor" and "Most Popular Actor", and he became a hot star in one fell swoop.

After entering the year of no confusion, Kou Shixun's career has increased instead of decreasing. His mature and steady temperament has become more and more charming, and many TV series that need the role of "master" have thrown olive branches to him.

Kou Shixun's acting career is booming, his income is considerable, and his fame is increasing day by day.

However, the booming career has also brought hidden worries to the family. Kou Shixun and his wife Cui Yaoqi once agreed to quit the showbiz when he was old and frail and enjoy his old age.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

But the reality is very different from expectations, Kou Shixun not only did not retreat, but went further and further on the road of "master".

This situation puts Kou Shixun in a dilemma between career and family. On the one hand, he loves acting and is unwilling to give up his hard-won success; On the other hand, he was deeply ashamed of his expectations and dedication to his wife.

Under this ambivalence, Kou Shixun began to return home less often, and the communication with his wife became less and less.

The estrangement of the relationship between husband and wife lays the groundwork for future family crises. Kou Shixun lost his spiritual belonging at the peak of his career, and this sense of emptiness led him to unwittingly create the conditions for a storm that could change the fate of three people.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

When Kou Shixun was 40 years old, a woman named Xu Lidan broke into his life, which brought a huge impact to this seemingly peaceful marriage. This turning point not only tested Kou Shixun's marriage, but also pushed him to an unprecedented life choice.

In 1996, Kou Shixun's life ushered in a major turning point. At a crew party, he met Xu Lidan, who had won the title of Miss Bodybuilding. Xu Lidan has a cheerful personality and a hot body, and fell in love with the mature and charming Kou Shixun at first sight.

Although she knew that Kou Shixun was married, she still invested in this relationship unreservedly, and frankly admitted that she only cared about Kou Shixun as a person, and did not care about his family background.

Faced with such a passionate pursuit, Kou Shixun was hard to resist. The two began a secret relationship, but the good times did not last long, and this private affair was finally discovered by Cui Yaoqi. The moment she learned of her husband's betrayal, Cui Yaoqi fell into extreme fear and pain.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

She stayed up all night, struggling to figure out how to deal with this marital crisis.

Reason told Cui Yaoqi that she should not forgive her husband easily, but years of emotional accumulation and attachment to the family made it difficult for her to give up this marriage. What's more, since marrying Kou Shixun, Cui Yaoqi has been a full-time wife, and has gradually detached herself from society and lost the ability to make a living independently.

This practical dilemma made her feel helpless in the face of a marital crisis.

Just when Cui Yaoqi thought she was mentally prepared, she saw Kou Shixun and Xu Lidan sitting in the living room early one morning. This scene completely broke her psychological defenses.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

However, what shocked her even more was Kou Shixun's next proposal.

Kou Shixun said affectionately and with a sense of oppression that he hoped that the three of them could be reunited and become a family together. If Cui Yaoqi does not agree to this arrangement, then they can only choose to divorce.

This ridiculous proposal filled Cui Yaoqi's heart with anger and unwillingness.

Faced with this dilemma, Cui Yaoqi fell into a fierce inner struggle. How she wanted to vent her resentment and punish the betrayers severely. However, considering that she had been a stay-at-home wife for many years, had no independent financial resources, and in order to provide a complete home for her children, she finally accepted this arrangement.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

As a condition, she demanded control of the family's finances.

In this way, Kou Shixun's home began a peculiar way of life: the first floor is the living room, the second floor is the original Cui Yaoqi, and the third floor is Xu Lidan's territory.

This unconventional family structure not only put Kou Shixun under unprecedented pressure, but also brought great challenges to the two women and their children.

Kou Se-hoon must carefully maneuver between the two women, trying to balance the two relationships. Cui Yaoqi needs to endure the pain and resentment in her heart and live in the same room with her rival.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

And although Xu Lidan lived in Kou Shixun's house as he wished, he also had to face Cui Yaoqi's hostility and complicated interpersonal relationships at home.

This unusual family arrangement has made the originally harmonious family atmosphere tense and delicate. Everyone is groping for how to get along with each other and how to maintain their status and feelings in this unusual environment.

This decision not only completely changed the trajectory of the lives of the three people, but also brought them endless challenges and tests.

On the surface, this non-traditional family seems to live in harmony, but in reality contradictions and frictions are everywhere. Cui Yaoqi controls the family's financial power, which makes Xu Lidan have to ask her for money often.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

Cui Yaoqi, who is resentful, often uses various excuses to make things difficult for Xu Lidan, which makes Kou Shixun, who is sandwiched between the two, feel pressure, and has to frequently mediate conflicts between the two women.

As Xu Lidan gave birth to a son and a daughter for Kou Shixun, the family conflict intensified. During the holidays, when the whole family gets together, there is always a heated argument, which often ends in an unhappy breakup, leaving only a few children sitting alone at the dinner table.

Kou Jiarui grew up in this environment, full of contradictions and confusion. This deformed family structure has a profound impact on children's mental health.

Faced with the growing contradictions, Kou Shixun had to buy another property and let Xu Lidan move out of his original residence. From then on, he began to travel between two places, going back and forth between different residences every day.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

This way of life made Kou Shixun tired, and he once reluctantly said that he would never find two wives in the next life, because he was too tired.

This non-traditional family model poses a huge challenge for all. Kou Shixun needs to constantly balance between the two families and try to maintain the two relationships.

Cui Yaoqi and Xu Lidan must learn to live in peace with each other and maintain their respective status and dignity under the same roof. Children are trying to find their place in this complex family environment and learn how to deal with such unconventional family relationships.

The continuation of this family model not only tests the wisdom and patience of the three adults, but also profoundly affects the growth of the next generation. Everyone groped their way forward in this "family revolution" with no precedent to follow, trying to find a delicate balance between contradiction and harmony.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

Time flies, and Kou Shixun has now entered the age of sixties. The years have left marks on his face, his sideburns are gray, and his beard is gray, but his two wives are still by his side.

On March 28, 2023, a special family photo caught the public's attention. In this photo, the daughter born to Kou Shixun and his original partner Cui Yaoqi shows a seemingly harmonious family.

In the photo, everyone's faces are filled with happy smiles, and Kou Jiarui has also started a family and added grandchildren to Kou Shixun. Despite his advanced age, Kou Shixun, as a veteran actor, still has an extraordinary temperament, revealing a calm and mature charm in his gestures.

It is worth mentioning that Xu Lidan's children have also gone overseas to study in a foreign country.

Taiwanese actor Kou Shixun: My girlfriend has lived with my original partner for many years, and there are tears behind my happiness

This photo seems to tell that after 36 years of running-in, this non-traditional family has finally found a way to live in harmony. However, under this seemingly happy appearance, there may be hidden bitterness in everyone's heart.

This legendary relationship journey not only tests the wisdom and courage of the three people, but also provides us with a unique perspective to think about love, marriage and family.

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