
Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang are suspicious of receiving the certificate: Generously open or hide fans?

author:Kobayashi said entertainment

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang got the certificate?


The news of Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang receiving the certificate has recently sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Netizens expressed their surprise and blessings. Some people think that this is a sign of the two of them achieving positive results, and wish them happiness. Huang Zitao is 31 years old, and as his boss, it is reasonable for him to choose to get married. Compared with the idol route in the boy group at the beginning, he now has more freedom and autonomy. Marriage is inherently a private matter, and it is their own decision to choose whether to make it public or not. If they are willing to make it public, then fans will naturally send their blessings as well.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang are suspicious of receiving the certificate: Generously open or hide fans?

The effect of marriage on idols

Idol marriages often trigger different reactions from fans. Some fans will be disappointed and feel that their idol is no longer an idol image of "celibacy"; And some fans will understand and support the choice of idols. Huang Zitao has previously said that if he is in love, he will announce it generously, so some fans think that he is unlikely to hide the news of his marriage. If you are really married, choosing to announce it generously will make it easier for fans to accept. Like Luhan, the generous official announcement may bring a more positive reaction rather than leaving fans suspicious and disappointed.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang are suspicious of receiving the certificate: Generously open or hide fans?

From meeting the parents to getting married

Has the relationship between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang developed to the point of meeting their parents? This question sparked a discussion among netizens. Seeing the parents usually means further confirmation and solidification of the relationship, and Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang seem to be a very suitable couple. Netizens think that both of them are straightforward people who don't have too many hearts, but they make people feel that they are a good match. Being generous about their relationship or marital status is not only good for their relationship, but it also makes fans feel comfortable and free from suspicion and uneasiness.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang are suspicious of receiving the certificate: Generously open or hide fans?

Fans' reactions

Regarding the news of Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang receiving the certificate, fans have different reactions. Some fans feel distressed, believing that their idols are hiding important news, feeling lost and dissatisfied. But there are also fans who express their understanding and blessings, believing that idols have their own lives and choices. Most fans hope that idols will be generous about their marital status, so that everyone can celebrate their happiness together instead of feeling left in the dark.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang are suspicious of receiving the certificate: Generously open or hide fans?

Humorous interactions

The comments of netizens also added a lot of interest to this matter. Some netizens ridiculed: "Tao Tao really fulfilled his promise of 'love announcement' this time, but we didn't see it!" Another person said: "Huang Zitao is 31 years old, and he is sorry for his age if he doesn't get married." Such comments filled the whole topic with a lighthearted and humorous atmosphere, and everyone could feel each other's joy and ridicule in the discussion.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang are suspicious of receiving the certificate: Generously open or hide fans?

Controversial summary

Regarding the news that Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang received the certificate, different people have different opinions. Some people believe that it is their private matter and their choice should be respected; And some people feel that as a public figure, they should give an account to their fans. There is no standard answer to the matter of marriage, the key lies in the will and happiness of the parties.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang are suspicious of receiving the certificate: Generously open or hide fans?

Whether they choose to go public or hide it, fans should be happy for them as long as they are happy. After all, idols are also ordinary people who also have their own lives and choices. As for the reactions of netizens, whether they are for or against, they all show everyone's care and love for idols. I hope that Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang can find happiness in their choices, and fans will continue to support them no matter what the future holds.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang are suspicious of receiving the certificate: Generously open or hide fans?

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