
My best friend actually dated my 60-year-old father-in-law and said that she was true love, but her calculation failed!

author:Storytelling cookies

After learning that my best friend Ye Xin and my father-in-law were dating, my husband and I were dumbfounded.

What made us even more devastating was that in just three months, Ye Xin told us that she was pregnant!

However, it was she who announced her pregnancy herself, which aroused her father-in-law's suspicions.

After learning her true purpose, I only felt disgusted and speechless, but her little plan fell through in the end!

My best friend actually dated my 60-year-old father-in-law and said that she was true love, but her calculation failed!


Last month, Ye Xin said that she had something important to tell us, so we all rushed back to our hometown in advance.

"I've got it, it's been a month, give."

However, when she handed over a blood test report with a little shyness, we were all confused.

"You, what did you say? This, how is this possible? ”

Her husband Wei Jin looked at Ye Xin and her father-in-law with a look of horror and incredulity.

Ye Xin blushed, naturally sat down next to my father-in-law and held his hand, and said to Wei Jin a little nervously and excitedly:

"Wei Jin, I know this may be a little unacceptable, but you are indeed going to have a younger brother or sister."

Hearing this, Wei Jin frowned, stood up a little angrily and said loudly: "Dad, you say, can you give birth to this child?" ”

Seeing that Wei Jin's temper was about to explode, I hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed him.

But this is normal, after all, we are both almost 30 years old, and we are also preparing for pregnancy, if Ye Xin gives birth to a child, wouldn't this generation be very embarrassing.

Hearing this, Ye Xin immediately quit and replied directly:

"Why can't you give birth? That's my baby, don't you think, husband? ”

As she spoke, she also shook her father-in-law's hand back and forth, trying to win his support by being coquettish.

However, my father-in-law's next move surprised all of us!


I saw my father-in-law pull out his hand, push Ye Xin away, and look at her coldly: "Tell me honestly, who is this child?" ”

"What who's! Who else but you? ”

Perhaps he didn't expect the guild to react like this, Ye Xin was taken aback at first, and then frowned and cried:

"I thought that I would get more love when I fell in love with my uncle, but I didn't expect that you men are all the same, and there is no good thing! If you have it, you don't want to be responsible, you know ......"

"You really should have known one thing!"

The father-in-law interrupted Ye Xin's words, squinted his eyes, and said slowly: "Twenty years ago, I had birth control surgery, and it is impossible to have any more children at all. ”

This sentence was like a muffled thunder exploding above our heads in an instant, especially in the suddenly quiet air at this moment, which became even more intense.

Ye Xin stopped the pear blossom rain just now, his mouth was half open, his eyes were a little dull, but he was more at a loss after the lie was exposed.

Seeing that Ye Xin didn't speak, his father-in-law shook his head and asked:

"Tell me straight, whose child is this, and whether you have a purpose for being with me!"

In the second half of the sentence, the father-in-law's tone became a lot heavier, obviously he didn't want to hear the result he didn't want to hear, but the current situation had to make him suspicious.

Facing her father-in-law's fierce eyes, Ye Xin dodged at first, but soon a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth:

"You don't really think I'm going to fall in love with you, an old man who is two rounds older than me, do you? If you didn't have some possessions, you thought I would marry you? Dream on! ”

"Of course the child is my boyfriend's! At your level of being short and small, and less than 2 minutes, I feel sick to think about it. ”


The father-in-law was so angry that his hands were trembling, and he suddenly fell on the sofa with his chest covered.

"Ye Xin, how can you do this? Anyway, my father-in-law is also ......."

Before I could finish speaking, Ye Xin directly interrupted me: "Su Yan, a large part of today's incident is also due to you!" ”

I looked at Ye Xin with some incredulity, what does this have to do with me?

However, when she said all this, I was silent, and I felt even more speechless, it turns out that jealousy can really distort people's views!


Ye Xin and I have known each other since kindergarten, and we are neighbors, so we can be said to be good girlfriends who talk about everything.

Ye Xin's birth was not very good, her parents divorced when she was less than two years old, and later she followed her mother to remarry to our county.

After all, she was not born by herself, and her mother later gave birth to a son, so Ye Xin's stepfather was always lukewarm to her.

"Having food to eat, a place to sleep, and being able to read my books is enough."

This is what Ye Xin said to me most often when I was a child, and it is also her greatest wish.

So from elementary school to high school, Ye Xin has always worked very hard in her studies, she is the class president every year, and her academic performance has always been in the top ten in the year.

In the year of the college entrance examination, Ye Xin's performance was abnormal, and she was only 5 points higher than me in the end.

"It's okay, at least we can still get into the third year with this score, we apply to the same university, maybe we can be roommates?"

"Report a fart! Who is going to go to that kind of garbage school with you! ”

Originally, I just wanted to comfort Ye Xin, but I didn't expect to be scolded by her, and I was naturally very unhappy at the moment, but after learning the reason, I was not only relieved, but also a little worried about her.

Because the tuition fee of this third is very expensive, if Ye Xin chooses this third, her stepfather will definitely not agree, but if she studies in a junior college, she feels that she has no future at all, so after thinking about it, she can only choose to repeat her studies for a year.

It's a pity that fate seems to love to joke with her, and she had a stomach trouble before the college entrance examination in the second year, but she took the exam with illness, and her scores were even less ideal, so she could only choose to go to a junior college.


A year later, at a class reunion, we met again.

"Wow, Xinxin, you seem to be a different person, how did you become so beautiful."

Ye Xin in front of her dyed her hair, put on makeup, and learned to dress up, highlighting her convex and backward figure to the fullest.

It was precisely because of that class reunion that Wei Jin, who was also our high school classmate, had contact with us and left contact information for each other.

In fact, at the moment, I could see that Wei Jin was interested in Ye Xin, so in the days to come, I would help him say good things in front of Ye Xin, and try my best to create opportunities for them.

It's a pity that Wei Jin is intentional, but Ye Xin is ruthless.

Once when I asked Ye Xin for dinner, I asked her why she rejected Wei Jin, but Ye Xin smiled and said:

"He didn't even get into college, and he followed his dad to run the construction site, this kind of person is not my standard for choosing a boyfriend at all."

I wanted to refute and fight for Wei Jin again, but Ye Xin denied it again and changed the topic.

Seeing that he had no hope, Wei Jin gradually lost contact with us.

After graduating from university, I went to work in a real estate company, and a business incident made me meet Wei Jin again.

At that time, Wei Jin had already taken over his father's construction site, and he and several relatives became the foreman of the small package and took on many projects.

"Su Yan, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are really getting more and more beautiful."

"Where, where is it, old classmate, you are getting more and more handsome, oh, no, you should be called Mr. Wei now."

After a period of greetings, Wei Jin invited me to dinner together, and we recalled a lot of the past, especially when he laughed at himself for pursuing Ye Xin.

When I said that Ye Xin already had a boyfriend, Wei Jin's eyes were very calm, and there was no hint of unease.

I know that he doesn't care at all, after all, it was just an ignorant first love at that time, and boys naturally want to focus on their careers when they mature.


I don't know if it's because we're getting in touch more and more, and gradually, we've got a good impression of each other.

After a company party, we had a close contact at the hotel, and the next day, Wei Jin bought a bouquet of flowers to formally confess to me, and I nodded shyly.

Two years later, Wei Jin and I entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

However, before the happy life began, Wei Jin's mother was diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer!

As a last resort, I had no choice but to resign and go back to help take care of my mother-in-law, while Wei Jin went to the north alone to undertake new engineering projects.

In order to treat my mother-in-law, Wei Jin sold our wedding house and took out all our savings, so that we could take my mother-in-law to Beijing and Shanghai to visit famous doctors.

During this period, Ye Xin, who learned the news, often took the initiative to contact me, and later she not only often accompanied me back and forth, but also introduced the old Chinese medicine doctor she knew to us.

However, it is a pity that my mother-in-law's illness was discovered too late, and the cancer cells have already spread to the whole body, even if there is enough money to back it up, I can only watch the condition worsen day by day.

After half a year of active treatment, the doctor still gave us a critical illness notice, and in order to fulfill my mother-in-law's last wish, we took her back to her hometown.

The so-called fallen leaves return to the roots, maybe that's what it means, on the third day after returning to her hometown, her mother-in-law left forever.

After handling my mother-in-law's funeral, my father-in-law decided to stay in his hometown, because he was worried that he would be immersed in grief, so Wei Jin asked me to stay with my father-in-law for a while.

"Su Yan, I'll accompany you, it just so happens that my brother is going to go back to his hometown to get married in a few months."


During that time, Ye Xin stayed in her hometown to accompany me, but she was not so much accompanying me as accompanying my father-in-law.

Ye Xin not only told jokes to her father-in-law every day, but also cooked a good dish, and her father-in-law was in a good mood every time he saw her.

Because of Ye Xin's care, sometimes I will take the time to go back to my parents' house for a few days, but I never thought that in just three months, the two of them would actually come together!

I remember that day I had just come back from my parents' house when I heard an indescribable sound coming from my father-in-law's room.

The surprise and embarrassment instantly made me stunned in place, this mother-in-law has only been gone for a long time, why did my father-in-law do this kind of thing with other women?

And who is this woman?

Where did my father-in-law meet?

Just as a series of questions filled my brain, the door was pushed open, and it was Ye Xin who was only wrapped in a bath towel that came out!

"Su Yan!"

"Ye Xin!"

At the moment when we looked at each other, my jaw was about to dislocate in surprise, and Ye Xin ran towards the bathroom in a panic.

That night, my father-in-law pulled Ye Xin and me to confess their relationship.

It turned out that because of Ye Xin's company during that time, my father-in-law had completely walked out of the sadness of his mother-in-law's departure.

Later, he found out that he couldn't do without Ye Xin, so he confessed to Ye Xin, but I don't know if it was because he was in love for a long time, Ye Xin actually agreed.

What shocked me even more was that in order to be responsible for Ye Xin, my father-in-law was also ready to get a certificate with her!

The more I thought about it, the more scared I became, after all, Ye Xin was still so young, and marrying an old man in his fifties didn't delay his life?

I didn't dare to hesitate, so I called Wei Jin as soon as possible, and asked him to rush back to his hometown immediately, hoping that he could persuade his father-in-law.

However, it backfired, and our persuasion was not only useless, but also almost made my father-in-law angry, and in desperation, we had no choice but to agree to them.

However, only three months after receiving the certificate, Ye Xin announced that she was pregnant, so there was the opening scene!


"Su Yan, I really hate it! Obviously, you are not as beautiful as me, not as good as me, why is your life better than mine? ”

"Is that why God hates me that much? I changed 5 boyfriends, one is not as good as one, and you chose Wei Jin, who I don't want, but you can live such a comfortable life, why? ”

In the face of Ye Xin's indignant accusations, I was a little confused, but I also recalled some details.

I remember that when I got married, I specially invited Ye Xin to be my bridesmaid.

"Su Yan, Wei Jin is doing well now, it seems that you can become a rich wife, I knew that I would have agreed to him back then."

Although Ye Xin was joking with me at the time, looking back now, her words seemed to be full of unwillingness.

In addition, the way she looked at Wei Jin at that time, always revealed an inexplicable admiration, obviously she was somewhat dissatisfied with my marriage to Wei Jin.

Seeing that I didn't respond, Ye Xin turned her head and looked at her father-in-law with a sneer and said:

"Do you want to know why I married you? Just because of your suite, before I came back, I heard my mother say that this piece is ready to be demolished, not to mention that one set can be divided into millions! ”

"I married you, and I specially asked you to add my name to the property, you didn't even think about this problem, then you can only say that you are stupid, I really think that love can get carried away, hahaha."

After speaking, Ye Xin laughed proudly, while her father-in-law frowned and sighed vigorously.

As for the child in Ye Xin's womb, it was indeed her boyfriend's, but it was an accident, but it happened to be part of her plan.

She plans to break up with her boyfriend after receiving the demolition money, and then ask her boyfriend for a sum of money on the grounds that she is pregnant with the other party's child, and then take the child and go to another city to start over.


"My boyfriend is so bad, he's a dick, what future can I have with him, okay, now that you all know, give me the money in advance, let's get together and disperse!"

Looking at Ye Xin's confident and arrogant appearance, I not only felt disgusting but also funny.

"Ye Xin, your so-called unfairness is more due to your own reasons, who is born with a good life? Wei Jin drank until his stomach bleed for a project, have you ever seen it? I failed the graduate school entrance examination twice, do you know? ”

Ye Xin's face changed slightly, but he still shook his head, saying that he didn't want to hear it, and just wanted us to give money immediately.

"Ye Xin, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed, we have also heard about the demolition, but it's just a plan, the government hasn't implemented it at all, it's really hard to say how long you will wait."

Wei Jin also added to my words: "Yes, the last time I had dinner with a friend from the municipal government, he also said that this plan may have to be changed, maybe it will not be demolished at all." ”


Hearing this, Ye Xin's face became distorted, and then shouted loudly: "Even if it is really not demolished, then your father slept with me, it is a fact, and I must be compensated, at least 300,000!" ”

I looked at her with disdain, and then took out the marriage certificate she had received with her father-in-law:

"Since you are a husband and wife, what's all the fuss about sleeping in, and besides, it's also your own volition, did someone force you?"

"Su Yan! You! ”

Ye Xin jumped to his feet in a hurry, and roared angrily: "He slept with me before I got the certificate, if you don't give me money, I will sue you, and I will post it on the Internet, so that this old man will be ruined!" ”

I was just about to respond, but my father-in-law sighed and stood up:

"I still have 50,000 cash, I should compensate you, if you are not satisfied, you can sue, I am an old man, it doesn't matter if I have face, but you are still young, think about it yourself."

After speaking, his father-in-law motioned for us to drive Ye Xin away, he wanted to be alone.

Ye Xin was unwilling to take the money, and couldn't say anything except scolding some ugly words.

There is nothing wrong with pursuing happiness, but happiness is earned by yourself, and there is no need to compare with others!

Why bother a person who distorts his values because of jealousy, makes such a stupid move, and ends up giving what he hasn't gotten what he wants?


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