
The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

author:Books are knocking

Following the exposure of "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" to save himself, the running man made another big move to grab traffic, and netizens no longer bought it

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

Perhaps Yang Ying didn't expect that after she was briefly banned, the first hot search in domestic entertainment turned out to be her relationship with Li Chen, and it quickly dominated the hot search.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members
The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

As we all know, as a member of the original running men's team, the name of this show has not only been changed from "Run Brother" to "Run", but also experienced several personnel changes.

At that time, the running men's group seemed to be really a brother group, but there is no doubt that baby is a group pet, and everyone does their best to take care of this only female MC.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members
The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

Until now, the show has been broadcast for more than ten seasons, and only Li Chen and Zheng Kai are left as early members.

With the addition of various traffic artists, fresh vitality rushed into the running man, and these two old members also had to face the status quo of being marginalized.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

When the new season of the running men's group was broadcast, Li Chen and Zheng Kai basically had no shots, and there was no hot search, and the name seemed to only exist when the audience recalled the early running men's group.

When there were not so many domestic entertainment reality shows, and the running men were born, and the running men's group gradually grew from young variety show newcomers to mature variety show leaders, which can be felt when looking back at the previous shows.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

Therefore, the first generation of running men's teams do not feel like complete colleagues, but family members, relatives who are not related by blood.

This is also when the audience saw Li Chen and Yang Ying's relationship, they commented: When they are together, there is always a feeling of close relatives getting married.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

At the same time, perhaps more and more variety shows of the same type have seized a large number of variety show markets, or maybe today's running man is really not good-looking, and everyone has found that running man is indeed not so popular.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

This is also why when the new season of Running Man was launched, the popularity continued to be sluggish, and at this time, when the entry of "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love" was suddenly exposed, many netizens questioned that this was the marketing of the program team.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members
The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members
The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members
The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members
The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

After all, it is true that many people have noticed the show Running Man again because of this entry.

The new season of Running Man basically relies on Bailu and Fan Chengcheng to maintain the popularity of the show, but the fixed characters will still be aesthetically tired after watching too much, so the program team urgently needs new popularity.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

In the new issue of Running Man, some viewers revealed that the show played a picture of the early running man, which is the origin of Zheng Kai being called the "fart king" at the earliest.

On the program of the "Han Yi" feature, the running men's group was pulled up by the program team to do tasks early in the morning, and when Zheng Kai was angry, he couldn't help but fart in front of everyone.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

For a long time afterward, Zheng Kai thoughtfully put on pants with a fart shape on the back.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

Of course, many viewers have watched this video many times, and this time it was noticed by everyone because the picture of the baby was mosaic.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members
The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members
The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

Some viewers said: Didn't Yang Ying lift the ban? Why does the program team still play mosaic, is there any other thing to do about lifting the ban?

After all, it is rumored on the Internet that "Lovesick Order" starring her has been approved, and although her chances of appearing have decreased a lot after her comeback, she has begun to reopen.

In order to verify whether the baby was blocked, many viewers reopened the player and found the early running man program for verification, only to find that in the early program, all the pictures about the baby are still there, and in the original program of the review screen of the new season of running man, the picture is still there.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

But just the picture of the new episode of the program, the program team gave the baby a mosaic.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

It's hard not to feel that the show did it on purpose, just to get everyone's attention, and then cause discussion, and once again use the popularity of the old members to bring the new season of running men to fire.

Let's just say: Let's not talk about her rights and wrongs in other things, the baby is really miserable in this matter, obviously he is no longer a running man, but every time a running man needs heat, he is taken out by the program team to expose it.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

And this time, netizens no longer bought it.

The popularity of the entry "baby was mosaic" is far less popular than the popularity of "Li Chen and Yang Ying's Love", and the program team has successively used old members for marketing, which has also aroused the disgust of a large number of netizens.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

Some netizens even publicly shouted: Either baby follow Deng Chao and them to Wuha, at least they won't be wronged.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

Of course, some netizens speculated that this may be proof that baby's comeback is hopeless.

That's all I have to say.

The running man who saved himself by exposing "Li Chen and Yang Ying's love affair" once again hit the abacus on the old members

Book Dong Dong Original. End

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