
Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

author:Tidal Bean Tournament
Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances
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Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

In 2012, a high-profile wedding was taking place in Beijing. Pu Fang, the woman among the newcomers, is the pearl of the famous actor Pu Cunxin; The man, Han Jinkai, is an ordinary young man from the countryside of Northeast China.

When Pu Cunxin smiled and delivered a set of firefighting equipment to his daughter as a wedding gift, the scene was in an uproar. This seemingly ordinary move has caused an uproar on the Internet.

However, what is unexpected is that Pu Cunxin not only wholeheartedly supports this cross-class marriage, but also quietly subsidizes the newcomer 500,000 yuan as the confidence to start a new life.

What kind of story is hidden behind this? Why would this world-famous actor support his daughter's marriage so much? Will this marriage stand the test of time? Let's uncover this heartwarming family story together.

Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

In 1953, Pu Cunxin was born in Beijing into an artistic family, and his father was a well-known drama actor. However, fate played a cruel joke on this gifted child.

At the age of two, Pu Cunxin unfortunately contracted polio, which seriously affected his mobility.

Pu Cunxin was discriminated against and ridiculed in his childhood, and his peers gave him an ugly nickname - "Pu Cripple". This painful experience left a deep imprint on the young Pu Cunxin's heart, but it also inspired his inner tenacity.

He secretly vowed to prove his worth through his own efforts.

Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

Accompanied by his parents, Pu Cunxin went to many hospitals for treatment. It wasn't until he was ten years old that his physical condition gradually improved. Despite this, this experience did not erase his love for acting, but only strengthened his determination to pursue his dreams.

In 1969, 16-year-old Pu Cunxin came to the Heilongjiang Production and Construction Corps. In this vast black land, he spent the most difficult but unforgettable eight years of his life.

This experience not only exercised his will, but also made him fall in love with the hot land of Northeast China and the simple people here. He affectionately called Heilongjiang his "second hometown", and this emotion also laid the groundwork for him to support his daughter to marry a guy from Northeast China in the future.

In 1977, Pu Cunxin was admitted to the Kongzheng Drama Troupe as he wished, and officially embarked on the road of acting. Despite being limited to a few inconsequential roles at first, he was never discouraged.

Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

He regards every opportunity to take the stage as a valuable experience to hone his acting skills, and tirelessly pursues improvement.

It was in the repertory theatre that Pu Cunxin met his beloved Wanping. At that time, Wan Ping was already a star in the group, while Pu Cunxin was unknown. Faced with the doubts of the people around them, the two resolutely chose to come together, proving the power of sincere feelings with practical actions.

This experience also made Pu Cunxin more convinced that as long as two people truly love each other, there is no obstacle that cannot be crossed.

Pu Cunxin's experience undoubtedly laid the foundation for him to maintain an open-minded attitude when facing his daughter's marriage choice in the future. He is well aware of the ups and downs of life and the value of hard work, so he can look at cross-class love with a more tolerant and understanding attitude.

Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

In the winter of 2007, the 10th China Heilongjiang International Ski Festival was held in full swing. Pu Fang, who is studying in the United States, as a ski enthusiast, made a special trip back to China to participate in this grand event.

She never imagined that an unexpected encounter would completely change the trajectory of her life.

On that day, the enthusiastic Pu Fang was ready to show off his skills on a ten-meter-high snow slope. However, just as she was gliding, she suddenly lost her balance. Seeing that danger was imminent, everyone present held their breath.

At this moment, a figure quickly slid to Pu Fang's side, preventing her possible fall in time.

Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

The hero who came to the rescue in time was Han Jinkai, a professional skier who had served as a coach. The frightened Pu Fang was full of gratitude to Han Jinkai.

In order to appease Pu Fang's emotions, Han Jinkai invited her to dinner. During the banquet, Han Jinkai's humor made Pu Fang laugh, and the two talked happily, and Pu Fang's heart quietly sprouted a trace of goodwill.

However, when Han Jinkai learned Pu Fang's identity, he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive in his heart. As an ordinary young man from the countryside, there is a huge identity gap between him and the daughter of a celebrity like Pu Fang.

But to his surprise, Pu Fang didn't care about these external conditions. What she admires is Han Jinkai's hard-working spirit and kind character.

Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

Despite being thousands of miles apart, the relationship between the two has become deeper and deeper. After graduating, Pu Fang resolutely gave up the lucrative job opportunity in the United States and chose to return to Beijing to meet Han Jinkai.

This decision deeply moved Han Jinkai and strengthened his determination to work hard to give Pu Fang happiness.

When Pu Fang took Han Jinkai to meet his parents, Pu Cunxin's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations. Far from despising Han Jinkai because of his rural background, he became interested in this young man from his "second hometown".

The two talked happily, and Pu Cunxin was full of praise for Han Jinkai's personality.

Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

Pu Cunxin's open-minded attitude made Han Jinkai feel warm and inspired. He deeply felt that the famous actor in front of him was not an unattainable superstar, but an approachable elder.

This meeting eliminated Han Jinkai's concerns and cleared the obstacles for their emotional development.

The love story of Pu Fang and Han Jinkai is like a realistic version of a fairy tale. It proves that sincere feelings can cross the class gap, and it also shows the tolerance and open-mindedness of Pu Cunxin's family.

This relationship, which began because of fate, is gradually writing its own beautiful chapter.

Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

In 2012, a high-profile wedding in Beijing was held as scheduled. The bride Pu Fang is the pearl of the famous actor Pu Cunxin, while the groom Han Jinkai is an ordinary young man from the rural areas of Northeast China.

This cross-class marriage has aroused widespread attention and discussion from all walks of life.

In the face of this seemingly disparity in marriage, Pu Cunxin showed an admirable and enlightened attitude. Not only did he not put obstacles in the way of Han Jinkai's background, but he fully supported the union of the young couple.

What's even more unexpected is that Pu Cunxin not only did not ask for a bride price, but also quietly gave his daughter 500,000 yuan as a wedding gift.

Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

In order not to hurt Han Jinkai's self-esteem, Pu Cunxin specially told her daughter to tell her husband this intention tactfully. This move fully reflects Pu Cunxin's delicate mind and respect for his son-in-law.

He knows that sincere feelings are more precious than material conditions, and this fund will provide strong support for young people in their new lives.

On the day of the wedding, Pu Cunxin gave a gift that surprised all the guests: a set of firefighting equipment. This unique congratulatory gift immediately became the focus of the scene and also sparked a heated discussion on the Internet.

In the face of everyone's doubts, Pu Cunxin explained with a smile that this is a beautiful implication that he hopes that the marriage of the two can stay away from the "fire" and be happy forever.

Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

This ingenious gift not only reflects Pu Cunxin's sense of humor, but also shows his ardent expectations for his daughter's marriage. It symbolizes Pu Cunxin's hope that young people can work together to deal with various challenges that may be encountered in the future and jointly maintain this hard-won relationship.

As a person who has come from the past, Pu Cunxin is well aware of the challenges that can be faced in married life. At the wedding, he told Pu Fang earnestly: "Have a broad mind and don't let Han Jinkai be wronged."

This fatherly entrustment moved Pu Fang to tears, and also moved the guests present.

Pu Cunxin's words and deeds not only reflect his deep love for his daughter, but also show his respect and trust for his son-in-law. He used practical actions to explain what true tolerance and understanding are, and laid a solid emotional foundation for this marriage.

Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Pu Fang and Han Jinkai have gone through twelve spring and autumn together. Over the years, they have proved with practical actions how correct Pu Cunxin's support was at the beginning.

After marriage, Han Jinkai knew his father-in-law's expectations and managed this relationship more carefully. He took good care of Pu Fang and let her enjoy meticulous care at home.

Sometimes, Pu Cunxin, who came to visit, was even surprised to find that the treatment her daughter enjoyed in her own home was actually "luxurious".

Pu Fang has also made remarkable achievements in his career. With her own hard work and talent, she successfully founded a media company and her career is thriving. This not only realizes its own value, but also brings more happiness to this small family.

Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

Pu Cunxin, who is now in his prime, has gradually faded out of the spotlight of the entertainment industry, but he has not been idle. He actively participated in various public welfare activities organized by his daughter, conveying positive energy with his actions, showing the family's sense of social responsibility.

The harmony and happiness of this family not only proves that Pu Cunxin's original choice was correct, but also shows the world that sincere feelings can cross the gap between classes.

Their stories have become "inspirational models" in the eyes of many, inspiring couples who are facing similar challenges.

The marriage between Pu Fang and Han Jinkai has interpreted what true love is with twelve years of love. Their story is not only a powerful refutation of the concept of "the right person", but also the best praise for sincere feelings.

Pu Cunxin: Support your daughter to marry a rural husband, send a fire extinguisher at the wedding, and never let your son-in-law have grievances

The story of Pu Cunxin's family reveals the profound meaning of love and marriage for us. Although the concept of "the right match" is deeply rooted, Pu Fang and Han Jinkai's happy life proves that sincere affection and mutual support are the keys to maintaining a marriage.

Pu Cunxin's open-minded attitude and selfless dedication escorted her daughter's marriage. He interprets the greatness of father's love with practical actions, and also shows his support and understanding for love across classes.

The harmony and happiness of this family is the best answer to those who doubt.

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