
88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

author:Image temperature

On June 21, Wang Tiecheng, a famous performing artist in the mainland, unfortunately passed away due to illness, and his life was fixed at the age of 88.

This well-known actor who is familiar to the people of the whole country by virtue of creating the role of Premier Zhou, Shuangxin of virtue and art, won the double actor of Hundred Flowers and Golden Rooster in 1992, and performed in 1978, when he played Premier Zhou, he was moved by Deng Yingchao's grandmother, she understood Mr. Wang Tiecheng at the time, and said that Enlai came back?

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

On the morning of June 25th, the memorial service of Mr. Wang Tiecheng was held in Beijing, and many good friends and fans, despite the hot weather, came to Babaoshan to say goodbye to the old man forever.

You see, in the East Auditorium, the white couplets are very eye-catching, and the door is full of people seeing them off.

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

Many people dressed in black and with solemn faces lined up under the scorching sun to enter the auditorium to bid farewell to Mr. Wang!

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

This young fan who was inconvenient to move came to the scene and attracted the attention of those present, he was deeply moved by Wang Tiecheng's role in the biographical film "Zhou Enlai", so he came to say goodbye to his idol:

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

Some people are dead, but he is still alive, and everyone sees that the auditorium is full of couplets sent by people:

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

Well-known performing artists Liu Xiaolingtong, Tang Guoqiang, as well as Lu Qi, Pu Cunxin, Liu Jin, Hou Yaohua and others, sent couplets to express their condolences, and the couplets were densely packed and set off by flowers, which was very eye-catching:

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

It can be said that the old artists in the capital have basically sent couplets, which shows the status of Mr. Wang Tiecheng in people's hearts:

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

This is the funeral scene, Mr. Wang Tiecheng was surrounded by flowers, and the wreath of his family was very eye-catching, placed in the center:

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

Mr. Pu Cunxin was interviewed by Beijing TV, he remembered the past with Mr. Wang Tiecheng, and said that Mr. Tiecheng had a deep influence on him, and he kept improving his artistic performance, paying attention to details, and he got a lot of inspiration.

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

The white-haired teacher Ma Weidu also came to the scene, he almost cried, he felt that what moved him most was not only a good performance, but also taking care of a disabled child for decades, and his love for the child reflected the responsibility and responsibility of a great father.

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

He said that the personality of an old man as a father is greater than that of an actor:

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

The well-known actor Mr. Lu Qi also had a solemn face, remembered the past, and talked about the influence of Mr. Wang on himself, he and Mr. Wang are both special actors, and Mr. Wang's research spirit impressed him deeply.

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

Friends and fans at the scene all entered the hall, and people finally paid tribute to Mr. Wang's remains, and a generation of artists came to an end in this way:

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

However, what moved people at the scene was Mr. Wang Tiecheng's 54-year-old son!

This child who has been intellectually disabled since he was a child, his elegy reads: The grace of a loving father, the love is as deep as the sea, and you will care about your son for a lifetime!

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

Teacher Wang Tiecheng has taken care of his son for decades, and he gave his love to this mentally disabled child, but unfortunately, at the age of 88, he is now leaving, leaving behind his 54-year-old son, and the beautiful experience is fixed in the photo:

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

Mr. Wang's son was inconvenient to walk, and he was supported by two people, he knew that this was the last goodbye to his loving father, and he must have been very heartbroken at this time: forgive my son for not taking good care of you, but let you work hard for me all your life!

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

Wang Weiping walked down the steps cautiously, he lowered his head and seemed to be crying, walking tremblingly, which made people feel extremely distressed, and his life may be even more difficult in the future:

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

Thanks to Mr. Wang, for creating the image of the beloved prime minister for us, how many people have been moved to tears by the movie "Zhou Enlai":

88-year-old Wang Tiecheng's funeral scene: Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxin mourn sadly, and their 54-year-old son is distressing

Now that Mr. Wang Tiecheng is gone, I hope his family will take care of him.

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