
Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

author:Tidal Bean Tournament
Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad
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Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

In 1982, the craze of "Shaolin Temple" swept the country, and a grand celebration banquet kicked off in laughter. The young Tong Zirong, as Jet Li's dubbing partner, attended the party with great expectations.

However, fate has arranged an unexpected drama here.

When Jet Li walked into the banquet hall with radiance, Tong Zirong was excited and ready to step forward to greet him. But the moment he stretched out his hand, an accident happened. Jet Li just glanced at him indifferently, then turned to leave, leaving Tong Zirong standing in place awkwardly, his hands hanging in the air.

This seemingly insignificant detail planted a seed of doubt in Tong Zirong's heart. Why is a simple greeting so important? What's the story behind this? Let's follow in the footsteps of Tong Zirong and uncover this long-sealed past.

Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

Tong Zirong's dubbing road began in 1944, in the war-torn era, a teenager who was obsessed with movies quietly grew up. Tong Zirong in high school cherished overseas masterpieces, but his eyes were not only on the stars on the screen, but also deeply attracted by the voices hidden behind the scenes.

The Shanghai Translation Factory has become a sacred place for young children to be proud of themselves. Whenever he is free, he will unconsciously wander at the gate of the factory, looking at the dubbing artists who come and go from afar.

Qiu Yuefeng, Bi Ke and other dubbing masters have become idols in his heart, and their voices linger in Tong Zirong's mind.

With his love for dubbing, Tong Zirong was successfully admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy. While his classmates dreamed of standing in the spotlight, he firmly chose the path behind the scenes.

Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

After graduating in 1966, Tong Zirong experienced a long wait. For five years, he did not give up his dream, and finally entered the Shanghai Film Translation Factory in 1972.

Tong Zirong, who is new to the workplace, is not all smooth sailing. He could only get a job as a voice over extras, and that went on for five whole years. However, Tong Zirong was not discouraged.

He cherishes every opportunity to learn, and uses his free time to observe the work of his predecessors and humbly ask them for tips.

Tong Zirong's persistence and efforts were not in vain. His unique voice gradually attracted attention, and his voice with a hint of aristocratic temperament began to emerge in the industry. From the initial dubbing of the dragon suit, to the exclusive voice that was later designated as the role of the prince and the noble, Tong Zirong climbed the ladder of his career step by step.

Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

These arduous and fulfilling years laid a solid foundation for Tong Zirong's future success. It not only sharpened his skills, but also sharpened his will.

Tong Zirong's story tells us that a true artist not only needs talent, but also perseverance and love. It is this dedication to the dubbing career that made Tong Zirong an admirable dubbing master in the future.

In Tong Zirong's long waiting years, fate arranged a wonderful encounter for him. A woman named Yang Qinghua quietly walked into his life. Yang Qinghua was born wealthy, but he has the same deep love for movies as Tong Zirong.

This shared interest made the two hit it off at first sight and quickly fell in love.

Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

The combination of Tong Zirong and Yang Qinghua is not only the intersection of two hearts, but also the resonance of two souls. Yang Qinghua is not only Tong Zirong's wife, but also the most solid backing on his artistic path.

She understands Tong Zirong's love for voice acting and gives her full support and understanding even in the most difficult moments.

When Tong Zirong finally got his wish and entered the Shanghai Film Translation Studio, he devoted himself to his work. They often leave the house before dawn and don't come home exhausted until late at night.

Even so, Yang Qinghua never complained. She silently took care of her family and created an environment for Tong Zirong to pursue her dreams with peace of mind.

Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

Once, Yang Qinghua was pregnant and in labor, but Tong Zirong couldn't be by his side because he was busy with work. Faced with such a situation, Yang Qinghua not only did not blame, but encouraged her husband to focus on his career.

She knows that every step of Tong Zirong's growth embodies their common dream.

This touching love story shows how Tong Zirong finds a balance between career and family. Yang Qinghua's understanding and support have become a strong driving force for Tong Zirong's continuous progress in his dubbing career.

Their stories tell us that a true partner is not only a partner in life, but also a fellow traveler in dreams. It is this love of mutual support that allows Tong Zirong to show his strength in the dubbing career without worries, and finally become a generation of dubbing masters.

Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

In 1978, Tong Zirong's career ushered in a turning point. The American blockbuster "Future World" crossed the ocean to China, and the Shanghai Film Translation Factory took over this important task.

When dubbing the film, Tong Zirong's unique voice attracted the attention of the leaders. His voice seems to be born with an indescribable aristocratic temperament, full of charm.

Since then, whenever there are films with princes or aristocratic characters, Tong Zirong has become the best choice.

What really made Tong Zirong famous was "Zorro" in 1979. In this film, he plays two roles by himself, voicing the main character, Zorro, and the Governor. This was a huge pressure for Tong Zirong, who was challenging for the first time to play two roles at the same time, but he did an excellent job.

Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

His aristocratic voice perfectly illustrates Zorro's heroism and dashing, as well as the authority of the governor and the city. The film caused a sensation as soon as it was released, and Tong Zirong's dubbing won unanimous praise from the audience.

Since then, Tong Zirong's career has been booming. He has participated in an astonishing number of dubbing works, as high as thousands, of which more than 300 have been dubbed as the main character. Foreign classics such as "Black Tulip" and "Princess Sissi", as well as domestic masterpieces such as "Strange Tales from the Book of Heaven" and "Shaolin Temple", have left his voice imprint.

Tong Zirong's voice seems to have magical power, which can give the character a soul and immerse the audience deeply.

Even in middle age, Tong Zirong's charm has not diminished at all. His beautiful voice has conquered countless audiences, especially female audiences. Many people see him as the lover of their dreams, just like those elegant and noble and romantic male protagonists on the screen.

Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

This unique charm has allowed Tong Zirong to win a large number of fans across the country.

After retirement, Tong Zirong still maintains his love for dubbing. In 2010, he voiced Sheriff Woody in "Toy Story 3" and successfully created this deeply rooted character.

In 2015, the 71-year-old Tong Zirong once again showed his strength and contributed his voice to the villain "Chaos" in "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage".

He skillfully integrated the elements of Kunqu opera singing, and vividly interpreted the insidious cunning of the character, once again proving his artistic skills.

Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

Tong Zirong's success is not only due to his unique voice, but also from his persistent pursuit and unremitting efforts in the art of dubbing. He is always striving for perfection and constantly challenging himself to try different types of roles.

Even though he has a reputation as "Prince" in the dubbing industry, he remains humble and believes that there are many better voice artists in the industry than him.

Tong Zirong's story tells us that a true artist not only needs talent, but also perseverance and love. It is this passion for dubbing that has allowed him to continue to break through in his long career, and eventually become an admired dubbing master.

He has written a legend in the Chinese dubbing industry with his own voice, and has also brought an unforgettable screen experience to countless audiences.

Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

In 1989, an unexpected encounter brought Tong Zirong's career to a climax again. World-renowned movie star Alain Delon came to China to inspect the film market, but unexpectedly set the first stop at the Shanghai Translation Factory.

His purpose is clear: to find Tong Zirong, who voiced him in "Zorro".

When Tong Zirong learned the news, he was shocked beyond belief. An international superstar made a special trip to find himself, a behind-the-scenes voice actor? This kind of attention and recognition is something he never imagined.

Accompanied by Tong Zirong, Alain Delong visited the translation factory and became interested in dubbing work in China. However, what is even more surprising is that Alain Delon then invited Tong Zirong to his birthday celebration.

Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

At the celebration, Alain Delon warmly invited Tong Zirong to take the stage to give his voice.

When Tong Zirong spoke in his magnetic voice, Alain Delon was thrilled and stepped forward to give him a warm hug. Tong modestly said that his voice might not match DeLong's role, but Delong firmly denied it.

He even said that all future films launched in China will be dubbed by Tong Zirong.

This experience was precious to Tong Zirong. Compared with Jet Li's coldness before, Alain Delon's enthusiasm and respect deeply moved Tong Zirong. This is not only an affirmation of his talent, but also a respect for the profession of dubbing.

Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

This unexpected encounter made Tong Zirong more determined to love the dubbing career. It also reminds us that true art knows no borders, and that a good voice actor deserves the same respect and appreciation as a star.

The years are like a song, and Tong Zirong's dubbing career is like a long movement, finally coming to an end. Entering his twilight years, although he gradually faded out of the dubbing circle, his love for this career has never diminished.

Looking back, Tong Zirong calmly faced all kinds of imperfections in life, including the episode with Jet Li. The former mustard has turned into a precious memory under the baptism of time.

He knows that it is these ups and downs that have shaped who he is today.

Tong Zirong: I dubbed Jet Li, and when he saw me, he even said a word, and his artistic virtue is really bad

Today's Tong Zirong puts more energy on caring for the health of himself and his wife. He looks at life with an optimistic and open-minded attitude, and often sighs: "Although the journey of life is full of many imperfections, as long as we always remember those beautiful and precious moments, we can always maintain a happy mood and people, so as to obtain satisfaction."

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