
Resurrection at full health! Guo Allen scored easily in 1V5 + frequently succeeded on the outside, and a strong man with 200 pounds couldn't prevent it

author:Junma Basketball 8

Resurrection at full health! Guo Allen 1V5 easy score + frequent success on the outside, 200 pounds of strong men can't be prevented!

Although Guo Allen only played three games for Liao Basket last season, there was a reason for that, and injuries left him more than he could do. Fortunately, the Liao Basketball Club sent Allen abroad for medical treatment in the middle of the season with far more than expected, and his injury has now fully recovered. From his frequent appearances on the field recently, it is more proof that he has all the conditions for a comeback, because the competitive form has also been maintained very well, and it is not obvious that he has not played for almost a season.

Resurrection at full health! Guo Allen scored easily in 1V5 + frequently succeeded on the outside, and a strong man with 200 pounds couldn't prevent it

Allen is simply playing in the stadium of his good brother Zhai Xiaochuan in Beijing, and it can be seen from the video screen that even if it is 1V5, he can get rid of the defenders one by one and send the ball to the basket, as if he saw the omnipotent Guo Allen before the injury.

Not only is the sharp footwork back, but Allen's outside three-point shot is also more accurate, indicating that Allen has not worked shooting in the past two years. It also shows that Allen is determined to change his style of play and can no longer rely mainly on speed to break through and score as before. After all, Alan is now 31 years old, and he is no longer a tireless young man in his twenties with no injuries.

Resurrection at full health! Guo Allen scored easily in 1V5 + frequently succeeded on the outside, and a strong man with 200 pounds couldn't prevent it

Especially in the past two seasons, he has been plagued by muscle strain, so Allen has to make certain changes to make his shooting more consistent, which can not only save energy, but also protect his legs from repeated strains.

I remember that Gong Luming once gave advice to Allen, hoping that he would practice his mid-range and long-distance shooting, so that he would play more easily and prolong his career life. Because when you are young, you have the advantage of being fast, but as you get older, the speed will slow down, so it will be more difficult to break through and score, so you need to improve your shooting percentage to maintain offensive firepower, so as to prolong your athletic career.

Resurrection at full health! Guo Allen scored easily in 1V5 + frequently succeeded on the outside, and a strong man with 200 pounds couldn't prevent it

Talking back to Allen's dominance on the field, in order to prove that his injury has really recovered, he also deliberately let a strong man weighing 200 pounds defend him one-on-one, but he couldn't prevent it at all, Allen shook off the defender with a back turn and a feint, either scoring by himself or assisting his teammates.

Resurrection at full health! Guo Allen scored easily in 1V5 + frequently succeeded on the outside, and a strong man with 200 pounds couldn't prevent it

is the so-called dimensionality reduction strike, the difference between professional players and amateur basketball enthusiasts is really big. Allen had no effort, but the amateur players tried to feed to no avail, and they were all tired and out of breath.

I believe that seeing Allen, who is resurrected with full blood, everyone's mood should be the same as mine, and I am looking forward to his return as the king in the new season, leading the Liao Basket to continue to charge, and strive to win four consecutive championships!


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