
Beihang soft robot has made a breakthrough! Achieve the flexibility of an octopus's tentacles: the comment section is blown up

author:Forget the Pearl River water


▶︎Recently, according to the news of Quaqua Technology, a video about the major breakthrough of the soft continuum robot developed by Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has aroused heated discussions. In the video screen, you can see that the soft robot developed by Beihang is as flexible as an octopus tentacle, which can achieve the effect of grabbing items, and can also be combined with perception instruments to control the robot with your fingers. In this regard,

Beihang soft robot has made a breakthrough! Achieve the flexibility of an octopus's tentacles: the comment section is blown up

Source: Quaqua Technology

▶︎In fact, the soft robot of Beihang University was reported in the news as early as the end of December last year, and the relevant papers have been published in the famous scientific journals Scinence and Nature, jointly published by Tsinghua University and the National University of Singapore. This technology spans multiple disciplines such as materials science, biology and robotics, and achieves a breakthrough in the perception of soft robots. But it's a different scene in the comment area, let's take a look.

Beihang soft robot has made a breakthrough! Achieve the flexibility of an octopus's tentacles: the comment section is blown up

Source: Robot Lecture Hall

▶︎ Liaoning netizens, what should we reflect on? Seek advice

Beihang soft robot has made a breakthrough! Achieve the flexibility of an octopus's tentacles: the comment section is blown up
Beihang soft robot has made a breakthrough! Achieve the flexibility of an octopus's tentacles: the comment section is blown up

▶︎ Zhejiang netizens, I just said how can foreign countries fall behind? [covers face] [covers face] [covers face]

Beihang soft robot has made a breakthrough! Achieve the flexibility of an octopus's tentacles: the comment section is blown up
Beihang soft robot has made a breakthrough! Achieve the flexibility of an octopus's tentacles: the comment section is blown up

▶︎Yunnan netizens, I feel that it can entangle the big black fish on the bottom of the sea [snickering] [snickering] [snickering]

Beihang soft robot has made a breakthrough! Achieve the flexibility of an octopus's tentacles: the comment section is blown up
Beihang soft robot has made a breakthrough! Achieve the flexibility of an octopus's tentacles: the comment section is blown up


▶︎Judging from the video comment area, some people lament the progress of our country's technological development, and some "different" voices are questioning and doubting, I wonder why these people can't see that our technology is more advanced than foreign countries? It's time to treat the cartilage! What fields do you think Beihang technology can be applied to? Feel free to share your thoughts and feelings in the comment section. #头条创作挑战赛#

Beihang soft robot has made a breakthrough! Achieve the flexibility of an octopus's tentacles: the comment section is blown up

Source: Quaqua Technology

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Beihang soft robot has made a breakthrough! Achieve the flexibility of an octopus's tentacles: the comment section is blown up

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