
In 2020, a locust plague broke out in Pakistan, with hundreds of millions of locusts in one field. Just when the Pakistani staff was anxious to hurry up the prevention and control, the Chinese experts said to wait first

author:Two hammers say drama

In 2020, Pakistan suddenly broke out with a locust plague, with hundreds of millions of locusts in one field. Just when the Pakistani staff was anxious to hurry up the prevention and control, the Chinese experts said to wait first.

The locust is a small thing that looks small, but it is like a killer who secretly harms people at night, and it has the power to destroy the good harvest of mankind. A sudden locust plague, like a black gale, can push a country's grain warehouses to the edge of danger in one fell swoop.

In 2020, Pakistan, an old place, was hit by a locust catastrophe that had never been seen before. Hundreds of billions of locusts pressed down like dark clouds, and with their claws like sickles, they casually destroyed patches of green crops.

In the face of so many locusts, the people of Pakistan are like standing in the middle of a strong wind and rain, and the crops they have worked so hard to grow are suddenly gone. They resisted with all their might, and tried all kinds of ways, but the locusts came like water, and they could not stop them.

Just when the Pakistani people were desperate, a savior came from the east – it was their old friend China. A "Chinese Lanxiang Legion" composed of powerful experts received the task and walked many roads to this place plagued by locust plague.

They are like smart and brave warriors, with the solution to the locust plague, and they must help the people of Pakistan through this great difficulty.

When they arrived at the place, they did not rush to make a move, but watched first like hunters, carefully watching every move of the locusts. They looked at the situation and thought of a way, and finally chose an unexpected solution - waiting.

In such a serious situation, Chinese experts are so calm, and even seem to care, that people wonder: what are they waiting for?

In fact, behind this is a deep understanding of how locusts live. As the old saying goes, "Don't lose the big for the sake of small gains, and don't accidentally cause big trouble." "Experts know that when locusts are alive, there is a small change, and if you can see it, it is a good time to turn danger into opportunity.

Experts carefully studied and found that this is the season for locusts to give birth to small locusts, and they make trouble on the ground, but their eggs are hidden in the soil. If you use pesticides casually at this time, it will be like tickling, which will not be of much use, and you may accidentally damage the crops.

So they waited steadily, and after a month, the little locusts came out of their eggs, and it was a good time to do it. At this time, the small locusts are only two or three years old, small and weak, but they are particularly sensitive to pesticides. With just one use of medicine, you can kill them when they first come out, which is a good and hassle-free solution.

Sure enough, a month later, the experts saw a lot of small locusts coming out of the soil, and they didn't know they were going to be unlucky. In order to ensure success, the experts carefully looked at the fields and made it very clear where the locusts were and where they were going.

Finally, on a sunny morning, local farmers, under the guidance of Chinese experts, began spraying with airplanes. At this time, over the farmland, an airplane flies, spraying medicine that can bring hope and protect the crops.

Hundreds of meters in the sky, the pilot flew the plane like a dance, spraying a new insecticide with good effect and low toxicity on the locust swarm like a fine spring rain. In just one hour, the locusts that turned out to be particularly arrogant will not work.

Then, together with the local villagers, the Chinese experts formed a ground team and killed the remaining locusts like wolf warriors. Thanks to the clever methods of Chinese experts, the local people finally stopped being passive and solved the danger.

This time, the locusts were particularly hard hit, and Pakistan's food was saved from the scourge of locusts. The villages that were almost out of their capacity were now reinvigorated and came out of the food crisis.

In addition to direct assistance, Chinese experts have also taught many advanced control methods and techniques, like planting seeds of hope, to help the Pakistani people restore and strengthen their ability to deal with locusts.

The reason why Chinese experts have been able to fight this locust plague so well is actually because the people of our country have been fighting locusts for thousands of years and have a lot of experience.

In order to protect our homes, we have fought with these "green devils" many times, and with these experiences, we have more ways and more confidence in the face of natural disasters.

In 2020, a locust plague broke out in Pakistan, with hundreds of millions of locusts in one field. Just when the Pakistani staff was anxious to hurry up the prevention and control, the Chinese experts said to wait first
In 2020, a locust plague broke out in Pakistan, with hundreds of millions of locusts in one field. Just when the Pakistani staff was anxious to hurry up the prevention and control, the Chinese experts said to wait first
In 2020, a locust plague broke out in Pakistan, with hundreds of millions of locusts in one field. Just when the Pakistani staff was anxious to hurry up the prevention and control, the Chinese experts said to wait first

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