
From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

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From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions
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From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

In the bright galaxy of the Chinese music scene, Na Ying's name once shone like the North Star. Her unique voice is like a sharp sword, conquering the hearts of countless listeners. However, fate has made people, and the former "diva" is now mired in controversy.

from the radiant "Meet 98" on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala to the controversy of eliminating Zhou Shen because of his appearance in "The Voice of China"; From the awkward conversation when he was on the same stage with Song Zuying to accept the award, to his indifferent attitude towards other artists in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves".

Na Ying's image seemed to take a sharp turn overnight. Her straightforward personality was her charm, but she became the culprit of her fall from the altar. What made this big singer the target of public criticism? Let's walk into Na Ying's story and uncover the mystery of her from glory to controversy.

In a quiet village in the northeast, young Yehnaraying began her life's journey. Born into a medical family, Na Ying's childhood was full of playfulness and energy.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

Not only is she good at climbing trees, catching birds, and even roaming around on an old sow. However, in this seemingly ordinary childhood, an extraordinary dream is quietly sprouting.

Whenever there is an opportunity, little Na Ying will stand in front of the TV, imitating the movements and singing voices of the singers on the screen. Her immature voice contains an infinite love for music.

However, her parents did not support her hobby, and they hoped that Na Ying could inherit the family's medical career. However, Na Ying, who is rebellious by nature, has made up her mind to follow her musical dreams.

With her love for music, Na Ying resolutely left her hometown and went to Beijing alone to find her own stage. However, the cruelty of reality is far beyond her imagination.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

When she first arrived in Beijing, Na Ying covered other people's songs in the recording studio every day, barely making ends meet. Despite the hardships of life, her love for music never waned.

During this difficult period, Na Ying's astuteness and intelligence gave her a glimmer of hope. She discovers a striking resemblance to Taiwanese singer Su Rui in tone and size.

With an idea, Na Ying began to dress up carefully and record her own album. This bold decision became a turning point in her music career.

The gears of fate began to turn, and at the "Sunshine Cup" music competition, Na Ying met her Bole - music master Gu Jianfen. Teacher Gu has a discerning eye, and takes Na Ying into his disciple to study music art with Mao Amin and other well-known singers.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

Although Na Ying often disagreed with her teacher because of her straightforward personality during her studies, her talent cannot be denied.

In this way, from the northeast countryside to the Beijing stage, Na Ying finally took the first step to become a superstar in the music world with her courage, talent and persistence. This is the official start of her musical journey.

Under the careful guidance of teacher Gu Jianfen, Na Ying's musical talent is like a bright pearl, gradually showing dazzling light. However, the path to growth has not been easy.

Whenever she was arranged to audition for her senior sister Mao Amin to sing a new song, Na Ying would always feel a trace of dissatisfaction in her heart. Her straightforward personality makes it impossible for her to hide this emotion, and she often expresses her thoughts to Gu-sensei.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

Teacher Gu Jianfen looked at this stubborn and talented student, both helpless and appreciative. In order to give Na Ying a chance to show her talent, she created a folk song full of northwest style - "Mountain Gully".

When Na Ying sang this song for the first time, her unique voice blended perfectly with the song, as if she had found her own stage.

As soon as "Mountain Gully" was launched, it immediately set off a craze across the country. Na Ying's unique voice and profound singing skills made her quickly emerge in the Chinese music scene.

Immediately afterwards, the release of "The Mountains Don't Turn the Water Turn" pushed her to a higher peak. Na Ying's name began to appear frequently on major music charts, and her singing voice resounded all over the country.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

The Spring Festival Gala in 1998 became another milestone in Naying's career. She sang "Meet 98" with her friend Faye Wong, which instantly ignited the atmosphere of the audience.

The tacit cooperation between the two and the beautiful melody made this song popular all over the country overnight. Na Ying stood on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, feeling the eyes of hundreds of millions of audiences, and her heart was excited, she knew that she was finally standing at the peak of the Chinese music scene.

While her music career is thriving, Na Ying has also gained precious friendships. Faye Wong is not only her friend, but also an important partner on her music path. It was the record company introduced by Faye Wong that gave Na Ying's music career wings to take off.

This friendship has become Na Ying's strong backing in the complex entertainment industry.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

In the years that followed, Na Ying launched a series of popular golden songs, such as "The Day Doesn't Understand the Darkness of the Night", "Seeing Flowers in the Fog" and so on. Her singing voice has become a mark of the times, and her name has become a representative of the Chinese music scene.

At the Spring Festival Gala every year, Na Ying's figure has almost become a fixed landscape.

In 2008, the Beijing Olympics brought great glory to China. Na Ying sang the Olympic theme song "Beijing Welcomes You" with Liu Huan, Sun Yanzi and many other singers.

Standing on the solemn Temple of Heaven, Na Ying used her unique voice to present a hymn to the motherland, pushing her career to a new peak.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

In addition to the brilliant achievements in her music career, Na Ying has also served as a judge for music programs such as "The Voice of China" many times. Her straightforward personality and professional reviews have attracted the love of many viewers and fans.

Standing at the top of success, Na Ying's eyes flashed with confidence. Her singing voice has conquered countless listeners, and her personality has won the love of many fans.

What she didn't know, however, was that this confidence and straightforwardness would become the source of her controversy in the future. Na Ying's bright star road is heading towards a new turning point.

As her reputation grew, Na Ying's words and deeds began to be closely watched by the public. Her straightforward and candid personality, once her hallmark, has been the trigger for controversy on some occasions.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

At an awards ceremony, the scene of Na Ying and Song Zuying receiving the award on the same stage has become the focus of heated discussions. When the host respectfully called Song Zuying "Teacher Song", he called Naying by her name.

This subtle difference was noticed by the perceptive Song Zuying. In order to alleviate the awkward atmosphere, Song Zuying humbly said that he was just more senior. However, Na Ying didn't appreciate it, and directly grabbed the microphone and said: "Naturally, I can't compare with Song Zuying, she is our old artist."

Although these words were ostensibly flattering Song Zuying, they revealed a trace of disdain and sarcasm. The scene suddenly fell into an embarrassing silence, but fortunately, Song Zuying's generosity resolved this embarrassing situation.

Another high-profile incident occurred on the program "China's Strongest Voice". At that time, when Zhang Ziyi was interviewed as a mentor, she modestly said that she needed to learn singing from Na Ying.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

However, Na Ying's response was a big surprise. She pointed out mercilessly: "Singing is a very technical job, and Zhang Ziyi is just a 'layman' who can't lead the contestants to win the competition at all."

She even hinted that the director invited Zhang Ziyi to participate in the show, just to increase the visual effects of the show. These remarks made Zhang Ziyi smile awkwardly, but she couldn't hide her hurt in her heart.

However, fate seems to be playing tricks on Na Ying. In the final of "China's Strongest Voice", the final winner was Zeng Yiming, a player from the "Zhang Ziyi Team". When Zeng Yiming stood on the podium and delivered his acceptance speech, he skillfully responded to Na Ying's question, which undoubtedly gave Na Ying a slap in the face.

An even bigger controversy appeared on the stage of "The Voice of China". An energetic teenager, Zhou Shen, with his profound singing skills and unique voice charm, successfully attracted the attention of the three mentors.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

However, what is surprising is that Na Ying eliminated Zhou Shen because he thought he was mediocre. This decision sparked a backlash from the public, questioning Na Ying's professionalism as a mentor.

However, Zhou Shen did not stop there. He made a strong comeback with his outstanding performance, and even appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. At the 2021 Spring Festival Gala, Zhou Shen and the famous singer Zhang Ye sang "China in the Lights" together, winning warm applause from the audience.

This series of events made Na Ying's image begin to deteriorate sharply. Her bluntness is no longer seen as sincerity, but is interpreted as arrogance and rudeness. Although Na Ying said in an interview that she has begun to reflect on her words and deeds, she said frankly: "I have also reflected, but I will never learn to consider problems from the perspective of others, I am just not good at expressing myself."

This sentence is both frank and helpless, reflecting Na Ying's inner contradictions and confusion.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

As she grew older and controversy accumulated, Na Ying gradually faded out of the music field and turned to variety shows. Yet, even on this new stage, her trademark straightforwardness remains.

During the period when she was a judge of "The Voice of China", Na Ying's evaluation often caused heated discussions among the audience. Her comments are sharp and straightforward, and sometimes even overwhelming.

While her professionalism is unquestionable, her way of expressing herself is often controversial. Some viewers thought she was too strict and lacked encouragement for young players; There are also those who appreciate her outspokenness, believing that this is exactly what the show needs.

Later, Na Ying participated in the much-watched reality show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves". In the show, her words and deeds once again became the focus. Facing Zhang Xinyu and Li Fei'er's warm greetings, Na Ying responded coldly: "Who are you?" This scene was captured on camera and sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

Some people think that Na Ying is too arrogant and doesn't know how to respect other artists; Others defended her, arguing that it was just a reflection of her straightforward character.

In addition, Na Ying also stood out for her friend Faye Wong many times in the show, showing obvious hostility towards Cecilia Cheung. Although her words and deeds reflect loyalty to her friends, they also make many viewers feel uncomfortable.

Some criticized her for bringing personal grievances into the public arena and affecting the atmosphere of the show.

These incidents have once again sparked public discussion about Na Ying. Some people appreciate her true temperament and think that it is rare in the hypocritical entertainment industry; Some people also criticized her for her lack of emotional intelligence, arguing that she should learn to control her words and actions in public.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

In the face of these controversies, Na Ying doesn't seem to care. She continues to participate in the show in her own way, showing her unique and straightforward personality. However, it is still unknown whether this persistence will affect her development in the field of variety shows.

Despite the controversy, Na Ying's talent in the field of music is undeniable. In recent years, she has begun to reflect on her words and actions. In an in-depth interview, Na Ying admitted that she was aware of the problem, but it didn't seem easy to change.

There was a hint of confusion and helplessness in her eyes, as if she was looking for a balance between maintaining herself and learning to get along with others.

The public's evaluation of Na Ying is mixed. Some people appreciate her true temperament and think that this is a rare and valuable quality in the entertainment industry; There are also people who hope that she can be more tactful and less controversial unnecessarily.

From "big singer" to "controversial", singer Na Ying paid the price for her actions

However, regardless of praise or disapproval, most people still expect her to contribute more excellent works to the Chinese music scene.

Na Ying stands at the crossroads of her life, how will her future develop? Do you continue to assert yourself, or do you learn to restrain appropriately? This is a question that perhaps only time will tell.

But what is certain is that no matter how Na Ying chooses, her unique personality and musical talent will continue to leave a deep mark on the Chinese music scene.

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