
It is rumored that Jackie Chan chose Nicholas Tse as his successor, and Nicholas Tse's response is really sober in the world

author:Never stop

Some of the rumors are really outrageous, and I don't know who concocted those rumors that are impossible to establish at all, as if the brain is in water. Recently, there were rumors that Nicholas Tse was selected by Jackie Chan as his successor, Nicholas Tse smiled, and then he made his position clear in 3 words.

It is rumored that Jackie Chan chose Nicholas Tse as his successor, and Nicholas Tse's response is really sober in the world

To tell the truth, Nicholas Tse and Jackie Chan are not my favorite artists, but I am still willing to come out and say a few words about the rumors that Jackie Chan chose Nicholas Tse as his successor. First of all, we need to understand the concept of succession, what is succession? The so-called successor must be one of the apprentices selected by the master to take over the master's class, which is called the successor. Jackie Chan and Nicholas Tse are neither a serious master-apprentice relationship, Nicholas Tse did not eat at Jackie Chan's feet, and Nicholas Tse and Jackie Chan's acting career is not on the same line, how can there be such a whimsical idea as a successor? So those who create rumors are really in the brain, the whole one is two hundred and five.

It is rumored that Jackie Chan chose Nicholas Tse as his successor, and Nicholas Tse's response is really sober in the world

Regarding the rumors that "Jackie Chan chose Nicholas Tse as his successor", Nicholas Tse first smiled symbolically, and then said lightly: "Impossible." After saying these three words, Nicholas Tse was silent. Nicholas Tse's brief response is really too high-IQ, not only slapping those who can't concoct marginal rumors in the face of their brains, but also showing his attitude towards Jackie Chan.

It is rumored that Jackie Chan chose Nicholas Tse as his successor, and Nicholas Tse's response is really sober in the world

In fact, Nicholas Tse is more mindful of the "melon-eating masses" confusing him with Jackie Chan. The reason why Nicholas Tse firmly believes that it is "impossible" is, in my opinion, mainly for 4 reasons: first, Jackie Chan and Nicholas Tse have never had a master-apprentice relationship, and Nicholas Tse has never relied on Jackie Chan to eat, what class do you take? Second, let's not talk about singing, just in terms of film and television performances, Nicholas Tse and Jackie Chan are completely two people, and there is no overlapping characteristics at all, what class will they take? Third, Jackie Chan's influence in the past 10 years has been declining off a cliff, and his reputation is getting worse and worse. Fourth, the times are different, the current artists hate the saying "successor" the most, once he becomes the "successor", then he will live in the shadow of the "master" for the rest of his life, no artist will be so stupid, and Nicholas Tse is not stupid.

It is rumored that Jackie Chan chose Nicholas Tse as his successor, and Nicholas Tse's response is really sober in the world

If you want to say stupid, in fact, those who concoct "successor rumors" are stupid, concocting this today, concocting that tomorrow, it is meaningless, there is no brain, it is already very face-saving to say that they are stupid.

[Original article, do not plagiarize]

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