
I have to admit that highly educated people will gradually become the bottom of society!

author:Binzai's daily life

In the past, it was the pride of the whole village that my parents' generation could be admitted to university, but now there are college students everywhere, and they still can't find a job when they go to college. And the threshold for finding a job is getting higher and higher, from the beginning of the undergraduate to the current graduate and doctoral studies, it is not necessarily possible to find a decent job when you come out.

I have to admit that highly educated people will gradually become the bottom of society!

Recently, I saw a video that said: At present, more than 90% of the jobs in society can be fully competent, but the actual situation is that it is difficult for a master's or even a doctor to find a job, let alone a bachelor's degree and junior college student. And people with high education are not willing to bend down to do something that many people are unwilling to do, but people with low education do it, so that the group of people with high education has become the sandwich biscuit of society.


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I have to admit that highly educated people will gradually become the bottom of society!

My son, who is studying at a university abroad, was robbed by a German company in his third year of college this year and went to do an internship, and seven engineers accompanied him to do experiments

I have to admit that highly educated people will gradually become the bottom of society!

I graduated from junior high school with C language programming, single-chip microcomputer design products, PLC programming, no master, all Baidu, I feel that as long as I am willing to learn professional knowledge, I can eat mixed rice [tears]

I have to admit that highly educated people will gradually become the bottom of society!

Nowadays, universities have become industries, and now education has become businesses.

I have to admit that highly educated people will gradually become the bottom of society!

Master's and doctor's degrees have been reduced to the bottom, and people with ordinary bachelor's degree and below, which layer will they go to?

I have to admit that highly educated people will gradually become the bottom of society!

The development of science and technology and civilization should make people more and more relaxed, not more and more volatile.

I have to admit that highly educated people will gradually become the bottom of society!

Stalls and shops, freight transportation, breeding, these industries where ordinary people can participate in making a living have been occupied by capital, is there a way out for ordinary people?

I have to admit that highly educated people will gradually become the bottom of society!

Write at the end

It's a vicious circle of people and our industry is lagging behind! With the current upgrade of AI artificial intelligence, there will be a large number of workers who are unemployed, and our technology is not impossible, but we dare not upgrade, and this will make science and technology unable to develop. The vicious circle continues, the involution of education is also caused by the large population, the demographic dividend has nothing to do with the people, more for the interests of the collective, sometimes think about it, our lives have been controlled.

The so-called internal fatigue is actually an economic crisis. It's just another way of saying [flash of inspiration] [flash of inspiration] [flash of inspiration]

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